
  1. 校园文化与我校思想政治工作研究

    Campus Culture Vs Ideological and Political Work in Our University

  2. 下岗职工思想政治工作研究

    Research on the Laid-off Workers ' Ideological and Political Work

  3. 当前农村社会发展中的思想政治工作研究

    Study on the Political and Ideological Work of Current Development of Rural Area

  4. 生态城市建设中的思想政治工作研究

    A Research on the Ideological and Political Work in the Building of Eco-city

  5. 我国私营企业思想政治工作研究

    Our Country Private Enterprise Thought Political Work Research

  6. 反腐败视角下的海关思想政治工作研究

    The Study of Ideological and Political Work in China Customs in the View of Anti-Corruption

  7. 论思想政治工作研究的意义、特点和方法

    On the Significance , Characteristics and Methods of the Research in Ideological and Political Work

  8. 社会热点难点问题引导与加强思想政治工作研究

    Study on Hot Spots and Difficult Problems of Society to Guide and Strengthen Ideological and Political Work

  9. 后勤社会化背景下的大学生思想政治工作研究

    A Study of Ideological and Political Work of College Students in the Context of the Socialization of Logistics Reform

  10. 建国初期党的农村思想政治工作研究

    The Research on the Party 's Ideological and Political Work in Rural Areas during the Early Years of the Founding Country

  11. 在以下方面,作出努力:第一,克服对高校学生社团思想政治工作研究的不足。

    In the field of the following , make effort : First , Overcome the deficiency that ideological and political work studies to colleges and universities student corporation .

  12. 如何把握成功学的合理内核,去粗取精、去伪存真,实现两课教学的创新和发展,应是高校思想政治工作研究的重要课题。

    How should we master the " rational and positive factors " in success science and promote the teaching of " Two Subjects " is a very important issue which we should research .

  13. 因此,网络信息技术的研究和运用成为思想政治工作研究领域乃至整个教育改革中一个全新的、亟待解决的课题。

    Thus , study and application of network information technology in ideological and political work and research , even in educational reform as a whole , has become a new subject that requires urgent solution .

  14. 在掌握大量文献和结合自身实践经验的情况下,对互联网与青少年思想政治工作研究这个命题的研究现状,从研究思路和达成共识两个方面做了归纳总结。

    By acquiring plenty of experiences and consulting various materials , the author exhibits the present research of " Internet and Political Ideology Education of the Teenagers " and further summarizes it from the aspect of research methods and common knowledge .

  15. 分析和研究人的情绪、情感有助于从思维模式方面,拓展思想政治工作研究的新领域,丰富思想政治工作研究的内容,为思想政治工作原则提供理论支撑。

    The study of emotions and feelings can help to blaze a new trail in ideological and political work , greatly enrich its content from the perspective of the mode of thinking , and provide theoretical backing for the principle of political and ideological work .

  16. 税务系统基层思想政治工作创新研究

    Tax System of Ideological and Political Work of Grass-roots Innovation Research

  17. 音乐作品的思想政治工作资源研究

    Research of Musical Works ' Ideological and Political Work Resource

  18. 新疆高校少数民族学生思想政治教育工作研究

    Studies on Ideological Political Educational Work of Minority Students in Xinjiang Higher Learning Institutions

  19. 高等学校非编制人员思想政治教育工作研究

    Higher School Non-compilers Ideological and Political Education Research

  20. 高等职业技术院校思想政治工作特色研究

    The Features Research on the Ideological and Political Work of Senior Professional and Technical College

  21. 新世纪西部后发展地区思想政治工作难点研究

    Focus Research into Ideological and Political Work in the West Post developing Area of the New Century

  22. 思想政治工作比较研究界定初探

    Comparative study of ideological work

  23. 开展以音乐为载体的大学生思想政治教育工作研究,为大学生思想政治教育工作方法创新提供了新的途径。

    The study of using musical carriers in college student ideological and political education has provided a new approach to the issue .

  24. 高校思想政治工作的研究,应遵循一定的科学程序和方法:一、选择课题,形成假设;

    Scientific procedures and methods should be followed for the research in ideological and political education in tertiary institutions : 1 . selecting topics and hypothesizing ;

  25. 因此,做好高校思想政治工作必须研究如何为思想政治工作营造良好的舆论氛围问题。

    As a result , in order to do the ideology political work well , we must study how to build a fine public opinions atmosphere for the ideology political work .

  26. 加强对思想政治工作的研究可以推动思想政治工作的开展,可以促进思想政治工作科学化和学科化的发展,可以提高政工干部的专业化水平,实现研究与工作的良性互动。

    Strengthening research in ideological work can push it to develop , can push it scientific and theoretical , can promote the specialization of the political work cadres and it make the research and work react better each other .

  27. 护理专业学生思想政治教育工作模式研究

    Studies on the Ideological and Political Education Mechanism of the Nursing Students

  28. 网络社会思想政治工作保障机制研究

    A Study on Guarantee Mechanism of Ideological and Political Work in Network Society

  29. 新时期民营企业思想政治工作实效性研究

    Research on Ideological and Political Work Effectiveness of Private Enterprises in New Times

  30. 我国高校学生思想政治教育工作模式研究

    A Study on Working-mode of Ideological and Political Education for Chinese College Students