
  • 网络Think and grow rich;Think&grow rich
  1. 这本书的读者中,会有一些相信他们无法通过思考致富。

    Some who read this book , will believe that no one can think and grow rich .

  2. 其中包括拿破仑·希尔(NapoleonHill)的《思考致富》,尼科洛·马基雅维利(NiccoloMachiavelli)的《君主论》,以及孙武写的《孙子兵法》。

    These include Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill , The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and The Art of War by Sun Tzu .

  3. 在你准备将思考致富的哲学应用于你的行动中之前,请做好准备。

    Be prepared , when you begin to put the philosophy of think and grow rich into action .

  4. 拿破仑·希尔《思考致富经》:只要你能想到的,并且相信,终将可以成为现实。

    Napoleon hill " by " think and grow rich : as long as you can think of , and believe that will ultimately become a reality .