
  • 网络the capsicum;chili pepper;line pepper
  1. 不同铁、硼、锰水平线辣椒与TMV相互关系研究

    Study on the Relationship of Line Pepper and TMV under Different Iron , Boron and Manganese Supplementation

  2. 不同供铁水平下接种TMV对线辣椒部分生化特性及生长的影响

    Effects of TMV Infection on Line Pepper Biochemical Characteristics and Growth Status under Different Iron Nutrition Levels

  3. 太空诱变后循化线辣椒M1代生理指标的变化EMS诱变玉米花粉突变体生理生化特性研究

    Effect of Space Mutation on Physiological Characteristics of M1 Generation of Xunhua Line Pepper

  4. CP基因转化的线辣椒抗卡那霉素和抗CMV特性的遗传

    Inheritance of kanamycin-resistance and CMV-resistance in transgenic chili pepper expressing CMV-CP and TMV-CP genes

  5. 转基因线辣椒原生质体作为研究试材接种CMV,测定病毒含量结果表明:CMV病毒的增殖在转基因线辣椒原生质体内受到明显抑制。

    The results showed that protoplasts from transgenic chili pepper can also inhibit the virus proliferation .

  6. 线辣椒/玉米套作群体PRA捕获效率高于单作种植的线辣椒、玉米。

    Compared to monoculture capsicum and maize , there was a bigger PRA interception efficient in capsicum / maize relay intercropping system .

  7. 转CP基因线辣椒对CMV和CMV-RNA的抗病性比较

    Comparison of resistance to CMV particle and to cmv-rna in transgenic chili pepper expressing CMV and TMV coat proteins

  8. 线辣椒/玉米套作使群体LAI≥3的日数分别比单作线辣椒、单作玉米提高1.13倍和19.32%。

    The number of day , which LAI of capsicum / maize relay intercropping system exceeded 3 , increased by 1.33 times as compared with monoculture capsicum ; increased by 19.32 % as compared with monoculture maize .

  9. 中国线辣椒产业发展的思路与对策

    The Developing Strategy and Countermeasure of Line Pepper Industry in China

  10. 有机肥黑珍珠对线辣椒的施用效果及环境效应

    Applied Effect and Environment Effect of Organic fertilizer Black Pearl on Capsicum

  11. 转基因抗病毒线辣椒果实品质分析

    Analysis of Fruit Quality in Transgenic Chilli Pepper ONLINE Capsicum

  12. 陕西线辣椒病毒病病原检测简报

    Diagnosis of Viruses in Chili Pepper in Shanxi Province

  13. 病毒病对线辣椒果实品质和生理指标的影响

    Effect of Virus on the Fruit Quality and Physiological Indexes of Chili Pepper

  14. 克服线辣椒连作障碍的施肥方案研究

    Effects of fertilization on continuous cropping obstacle in pepper

  15. 循化线辣椒栽培密度对农艺性状和产量的影响

    Effect of Culture Density on Agriculture Characters and Yield of Liner Chilli in Xunhua

  16. 黄瓜花叶病毒和烟草花叶病毒在双抗转基因线辣椒内的增殖

    Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Tobacco Mosaic Virus Proliferation in Transgenic Chili Peppers and its Protoplast

  17. 线辣椒和春小麦种植成本与效益的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Cost of Production and Efficient in Hot Pepper and Spring Wheat

  18. 陕西线辣椒贮藏期害虫及其防治

    Insect Pests in Storage Period and Its Control of Dried Hot Peppers in Shaanxi Province

  19. 线辣椒叶面喷施沼液的效应

    Effect of Spraying Biogas Slurry on Capsicum

  20. 太空诱变对循化线辣椒M1代植物学及孢粉学性状的影响

    Effects of Satellite Carry Treatment on Botany and Palynology Traits of SP1 Xunhua Line Pepper

  21. 线辣椒/玉米套作有利于提高线辣椒的日平均光能利用率。

    In this relay intercropping system , diurnal average photo use efficiency of capsicum was enhanced .

  22. 连作大豆植株化感作用的模拟研究克服线辣椒连作障碍的施肥方案研究

    Simulations of allelopathy in continuous cropping of soybean . Effects of fertilization on continuous cropping obstacle in pepper

  23. 这一结果揭示了转基因线辣椒具有抑制病毒增殖的抗病性。

    This results demonstrated that the resistance characteristic of transgenic chili pepper was to reduce virus proliferation in plants .

  24. 施氮肥降低了玉米相对线辣椒的氮、磷营养的竞争比率。

    N , P nutrition competition ratio of relay-intercropped maize relative to relay-intercropped capsicum decreased after application of N fertilizer .

  25. 与单作线辣椒相比,套作线辣椒的根系形态指标有弱化趋势。套作提高了线辣椒的根冠比。

    Morphological configuration characteristic of relay-intercropped capsicum took on weak current and root top ratio increasing as compare with monoculture capsicum .

  26. 以有机肥黑珍珠为研究对象,线辣椒为指示作物,研究有机肥对线辣椒的施用效果及其环境效应。

    Applied effect and environment effect of organic fertilizer black pearl on capsicum were studied by using capsicum as indicating crop .

  27. 结果表明,有机肥黑珍珠和农民习惯施肥比较起来,可以明显促进线辣椒的营养生长和生殖生长;

    The obtained result showed that compareed with farmer custom fertilizer , organic fertilizer black pearl could promote vegetative growth and reproductive growth obviously .

  28. 玉米线辣椒套作对线辣椒根际、非根际土壤微生物、酶活性和土壤养分的影响

    Effect of the capsicum and maize intercropping on soil microbe number , soil enzyme activity and soil nutrient content at the capsicum rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere zones

  29. 套作线辣椒地上部干物质积累速率与单作线辣椒相比,前者的速率绝对值大于后者;但其相对速率较低;套作玉米的干物质积累速率远大于单作玉米。

    Shoot dry matter accumulation rate of relay-intercropped capsicum had bigger absolute value of rate , and smaller relation rate as compared with that of monoculture capsicum .

  30. 结果表明:套作栽培的线辣椒根际、非根际土壤微生物数量、酶活性均高于单作栽培。

    The results showed that : soil microbe number and soil enzyme activity of intercropped capsicum rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere zones is higher than that of the monoculture capsicum .