
  • 网络Binary segmentation;Binary Split
  1. 我们设计了一个新的精细抠图界面(PaintMatting),使用户对于高分辨率的图像能够轻松而快速地完成从二元分割到图像编辑操作(如背景替换、色调调整)的衔接工作。

    We design a new user interface for image matting ( Paint Matting ), enabling the user to conveniently and quickly make the transition from binary segmentation to detailed image editing ( cut-and-paste , color adjustments , etc. ) .

  2. 中国劳动力市场的二元分割及其就业效应

    China 's Labor Market : Dual-Division and Its Employment Effect

  3. 双重二元分割:单位制变革中的城市劳动力市场

    Dual Binary Form : The Urban Labor Market in Unit System Transformation

  4. 劳动力市场二元分割与大学毕业生就业难

    Dual Segmentation of Labor Market and the Difficulties in Employment of University Graduates

  5. 城市劳动力市场二元分割与外来农业户籍劳动者社会保障权益缺失

    Two-layer Segmentation of City Labor Market and the Loss of Social Security Right of Rural-urban Migrants

  6. 劳动力市场二元分割;

    Intersected dualistic labor market ;

  7. 所以我们渐渐在生活里制造了二元分割,我们因此变成了伪君子。

    So we gradually create in our lives a duality , and therefore we become such hypocrites .

  8. 从二元分割到一体化:中国医疗保障制度改革的路径依赖分析

    From Binary Partition to Integration : The Path Dependency Analysis on System Reform of China 's Medical Security

  9. 城乡二元分割的社会保障政策与特定的历史事件催生了中国独特的救助管理制度,然而其实践却问题重重。

    Urban-rural dual-division policies of social security and the specific historical incidents have induced the unique succour administration system in China .

  10. 而当前江西尚未破除的城乡二元分割体制,仍阻碍着城乡统一劳动力市场的形成。

    And the existent dual division of the rural-urban system still obstructs the rural-urban uniform of labor market in Jiangxi province .

  11. 本文以劳动力市场二元分割理论为基础,从三个方面对大学毕业生就业难问题进行分析。

    The article bases on the theory of dual segmentation of labor market , analyzing the difficulties in employment of graduates from three aspects .

  12. 然而,城乡二元分割对农村地区发展的束缚是多方面的,不仅存在于经济方面,还涉及政治、文化等领域。因此,仅从经济学方面研究解决此问题是不够的。

    Urban-rural dual system of constraints for the development of rural areas , if only from the theory of economics to explain this problem is not enough .

  13. 重点分析了现阶段城乡二元分割的现状,用定量分析方法界定了城乡之间的分割现状。

    It puts emphasis on analyzing the status quo of urban and rural dualistic division structure , and defines this kind of division by using quantitative analysis .

  14. 三是推动农村城市化进程,打破城乡二元分割的局面,解决农村剩余劳动力就业问题。

    The third is to promote the process of urbanization , breaking down the dual split situation , address the problem of employment for rural surplus labour .

  15. 改革开放以来,城乡二元分割的社会现实造成了农村和城市的贫富差距逐步加大。

    Since reform and opening-up , the urban and rural binary segmentation caused rural and urban social reality of the gap between rich and poor is gradually increasing .

  16. 不仅如此,大量研究还指出,二元分割的城镇劳动力市场中存在的就业歧视是导致两者收入差距的重要原因。

    Moreover , numerous studies also pointed out that the binary segmentation of urban labor market discrimination in employment is an important reason leading to the income gap between the two .

  17. 在城乡二元分割的经济社会体制下形成的无偿、均分的宅基地使用制度已经越来越不能适应农村工业化、城镇化发展的需要,也越来越不能符合土地资源优化配置的要求。

    The system of rural homestead formed in the binary system can not adapt to rural industrialization and urbanization development needs , and can not meet the requirements of optimal allocation of land resources .

  18. 城乡劳动力市场二元分割制约了成都市的科学发展,与成都市建设世界现代田园城市的战略目标还有很大的距离。

    Dual Labor Market in urban and rural areas restricts the scientific development of Chengdu , and Chengdu building " world of modern garden city ," the strategic goal there is a great distance .

  19. 第六,通过城乡二元分割的公共服务体系、服务观念落后等六个方面的原因分析,提出完善湖北省农村生产经营公共服务供给的相应对策建议。

    Sixth , analyze the public services system under the binary segmentation of rural and urban , and backwardness in service concept and offer corresponding suggestions to optimize the public services of rural production and operation of Hubei .

  20. 城乡二元分割的现状与医疗卫生系统过度市场化导致我国卫生资源在城乡间配置失衡,农村居民在医疗服务可得性方面严重不足。

    The status about urban-rural division and the health system over the market lead to allocation imbalance of health resource between rural and urban areas , rural residents are at a serious shortage in terms of medical service availability .

  21. 最后,针对我国现行城乡养老保险制度的二元分割结构和现存问题,结合国际经验,提出切合国情的相关改革建议,包括完善法律体制、改革户籍制度、拓宽基金投资渠道、加强监管并行等。

    Finally , combined with international experience , it puts forward some reform proposals relating to present situation , which comprises improving the legal system , reforming the household registration system , expanding channels of fund investments and strengthening supervision .

  22. 现阶段,中国城乡关系有了很大改善,城乡二元分割的状态正被逐渐打破,但是城市和农村的总体发展仍然是不协调的。

    At this stage , the relationship between urban and rural areas of China has been improved greatly . The cut and apart situation in urban and rural areas has been broken gradually , but the overall development in urban and rural areas remains incogruous .

  23. 之所以对农村劳动力转移问题如此重视,是因为中国自改革开放以来,其城市化、工业化、现代化进程已不可逆转,城乡二元分割的格局必然要被城乡一体化发展所代替。

    Reasons for attaching so much on this problem is that since the reform the process of urbanization , industrialization and modernization had became irreversible . And the pattern of the dual urban-rural is bound to be replaced by the integrated development of urban and rural .

  24. 而就业问题形成的原因很多,如劳动力市场的二元分割、区域经济发展不平衡、高教质量下降、毕业生就业观念陈旧等。

    There are many reasons resulting in problem of employment , for example , dual segmentation of labor market , the imbalance in area of economy development , the decline of quality of higher education , the dated conception of employment of graduates , and so on .

  25. 为此,应该从平均民权的理念出发,改革传统的城乡二元分割体制,建立公民保障网络,特别是为农村提供基本的保障体系。

    Therefore , according to the conception of equal citizen rights , the dual system of divorce of cities and rural areas should be reformed , and citizen security network should be established , among which it has special significance that basic security system is provided for rural areas .

  26. 社会因素主要是传统的差序格局的人际关系模式和二元制度分割所造成的利益区割以及制度惯性的影响。

    Social factors includes mainly the influence of traditional interpersonal relationships mode and interests district cutting by institution arrange .

  27. 这一方面导致了农村建设用地市场发展的滞后,城乡建设用地市场二元化分割,集体土地所有权与国有土地所有权不平等等问题。

    This aspect has led to the delayed development of construction land market in rural areas and the division between urban and rural land market and the inequality between collective ownership and state ownership and so on .

  28. 二元劳动力市场分割理论视野下的文科知识失业分析

    An analysis of Liberal Arts Educated Unemployment under Dual-labor Market Segmentation Theory

  29. 市管县体制在实际运作过程中加剧了城乡二元社会的分割。

    The real implementation of the system of administrating the county by the city has intensified the separation between the dual structured society of urban and rural areas .

  30. 二元制劳动力市场分割理论在中国的验证

    A Test of the Dual Labor Market Theory for China