
  • 网络linear functional
  1. Fuzzy线性泛函的连续性与Hahn-Banach定理的Fuzzy推广

    Continuity of fuzzy linear functional and fuzzy generalization of Hahn-Banach theorem

  2. 在具有可列基的Banach空间的基上取确定值的有界线性泛函存在的充要条件

    Necessary and sufficient condition in which bounded linear functional exists enjoying definite value at basis on Banach space enjoying countable base

  3. 线性泛函意义下的n阶行列式定义

    Definition of n-rank determinant in a sense of linear functional

  4. 再生核H0~1[a,b]空间中线性泛函的最佳逼近

    Best Approaching of Linear Functional in Reproducing Kernel H_0 ~ 1 [ a , b ] Space

  5. W2~m空间中样条插值算子与线性泛函的最佳逼近

    Spline interpolating operators and the best approximation of linear functionals in w_2 ~ m spaces

  6. 连续线性泛函的核是Chebyshev的特征

    Characterizations for the kernel of a Continuous Linear Functional to Be Chebyshev

  7. 由于使用了硬的线性泛函约束,SF响应总可以控制在允许的误差范围之内。

    Because of the hard constraints , the response of the spatial filters can be controlled in the allowable errors .

  8. 在一定条件下,凸集A的元素x是A的严有效点的充分必要条件是有正线性泛函f(x)在A上取得最小值。

    On the certain condition , the element x of the convex set A is the strictly efficient point if and only if a positive linear functional which can obtain a minimal value on A exists .

  9. 二重序列空间是一类重要的Banach序列空间,而这类空间的连续线性泛函的表示还没有完全清楚。

    Double sequence space is a kind of important Banach sequence space , but the expression of this kind of spaces ' continuous linear functional is not completely clear .

  10. 线性泛函Riesz表现定理之一种形式及拟转移函数的半群算子、无穷小算子

    A Form of Riesz Representation of Linear Functionals And The Semi-groups , Infinitesimal Operators of the Markov Pseudo-transition Functions

  11. 线性泛函的广义Sard逼近

    Extended SARD approximation of linear functional

  12. 基本思想是使用线性泛函不等式约束在感兴趣的空域范围内保证SF响应的平坦性,同时使输出噪声功率最小化。

    The method is to minimize the array noise power subject to the linear functional inequality constraints , which ensure the flat response of the spatial filters in the interest of spatial sector .

  13. 首先,建立了Banach空间中两个元素的Birkhoff正交性和线性泛函的关系,然后以线性泛函为主要工具,讨论了Birkhoff正交性和Banach空间结构的关系。

    First , we give the relation of Birkhoff orthogonality and functionals in Banach space , then use functionals as a tool to investigate the relations of Birkhoff orthogonality and underling Banach space .

  14. 本文首次在多项式空间上引入了一种线性泛函,从而定义了一种函数值Padé-型逼近(FPTA),并将它应用于求解第二类Fredholm积分方程。

    The function-valued Pad é - type approximant is defined by using introducing a function-valued linear functional on polynomial space , then it is applied to solve the second kind of Fredholm integral equations .

  15. 本文主要是针对多元正交多项式的公共零点和再生核,以及单位球面Sd-1上正交多项式的一些研究工作。主要工作如下:(1)考虑Gauss-型线性泛函下多元正交多项式的公共零点。

    This dissertation is to discuss mainly the common zeros and the reproducing kernels of multivariate orthogonal polynomials , and the orthogonal polynomials on the unit sphere Sd-1 . ( 1 ) We consider the common zeros of multivariate orthogonal polynomials under the Gauss-type case .

  16. 线性泛函序列的收敛和相应的特征超平面序列的收敛

    On Convergence of Linear Functionals and Convergence of Corresponding Characteristic Hyperplanes

  17. 线性泛函在正定二次型下的范数

    Norm of a Linear Functional for a Positive Definite Quadratic Form

  18. C&型概率内积空间的线性泛函与线性算子理论

    On the theory of linear operators of probabilistic inner product C-space

  19. 关于端单调线性泛函的扩张和存在性

    On the extension and existence of extremal monotonic linear functionals

  20. H~(1/2)空间上的有界线性泛函

    Bounded linear functionals on h ~ ( 1 / 2 ) space

  21. 线性泛函微分方程解的渐近表示

    Asymptotic Representation of Solutions of Linear Functional Differential Equations

  22. n-赋范空间与有界n-线性泛函

    N normed space and bounded n - linear functional

  23. 不定度规空间上的线性泛函表示

    The Indication of Linear Function In the Uncertainty Space

  24. 用线性泛函表达两个凸集距离的一些公式

    Some formulae on the distance of two convex sets represented by linear functionals

  25. 它可以推广到Gauss-型线性泛函的多元情形。

    It can also be extended to the multivariate case under the Gauss-type condition .

  26. 拓扑代数的谱与乘法线性泛函

    The spectrum and multiplicative functions on topological algebras

  27. 概率赋范空间连续线性泛函延拓定理的一个证明

    A proof of extension theorem of continuous liner functional on the probabilistic normed space

  28. 线性泛函微分方程的扰动定理

    Perturbation Theorems for Linear Functional Differential Equations

  29. 关于线性泛函一个扩张定理的证明

    On the extensional theorem of linear fuctional

  30. 线性泛函微分方程关于部分变元稳定性的充要条件

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Linear Functional Differential Equations with Respect to Its Partial Variables