
xiàn zhuànɡ ɡòu zào
  • linear structure
  1. 月海盆地因其与月表大部分线状构造有着明显的共生关系,分析其玄武岩喷发历史和构造作用,对于了解月球演化有着重要的意义。

    Also , mare basins have a obvious symbiotic relationship with most lunar linear structure , the analysis of eruption history and tectonism of them has very important geological significance in understanding the lunar evolution .

  2. 石香肠构造是一种传统的线状构造,由于其在区域构造应力场方面的研究意义及其所包含的流变学信息和控矿意义等一直吸引着研究者的关注。

    The boudinage is a traditional linear structure . Because of its studying significance in regional stress field and the rheological information as well as ore-controlling significance , It attracts much attention of the researchers .

  3. 求旋转面、线状构造产状和枢纽断层产状数学模型及计算机程序

    Mathematical Models and their Computer Programs of Determing Attitudes of Rotatory Planes , Linear Structures and Hinge Faults

  4. 俄罗斯地质学者把中亚褶皱区划分为两类构造区:镶嵌构造区和线状构造区。

    Russian geologists divided the Central Asian fold region into two kinds of tectonic provinces : mosaic and linear .

  5. 线状和面状构造的旋转在地质数据处理和构造解析中的应用

    Application of the Rotation of Linear and Planar Structures to Processing of Geological Data and Structural Explanation

  6. 这套岩系金、银丰度高,形成紧密的线状褶皱,断裂构造极为发育。

    This rock suite , with a high abundance of Au-Ag , formed a tight linear fold , in which fractures were well developed .

  7. 利用卫星重力异常研究中国西部岩石圈构造,发现中国西部壳内存在规律、清晰的平行线状排列盆山构造。

    The 3D lithospheric structure of western China studied by using satellite gravity anomalies revealed that in the crust of western China there exist regular , distinct , parallel , linear basin-range structures .

  8. 而其他中生代高压&超高压岩石以带状和穹窿状分布,在桐柏和西大别地区占据中生代造山带的主体部分,构成可以对比的线状和穹窿状构造单元。

    Whereas the other Mesozoic HP-UHP rocks occurred in belt-shaped and dome-shaped occupy the major part of the Mesozoic orogenic belt in Tongbai and western Dabie areas , forming the line and dome structural units that can be correlated each other .