
  • 网络boudinage
  1. 模拟结果表明,流变性质是地质构造中形成石香肠构造的主要因素。

    The result indicates that the rheological property controlled the boudinage formation process in geological structure .

  2. 在狼山群第三岩组中发育韧性剪切带、棱岩、层掩卧褶铍及石香肠构造。

    The ductile shear zone , mylonite , layer parallel lying fold and boudinage come out extensively in the third group of Langshan .

  3. 本区构造置换主要表现为:在紧闭同斜褶皱发育的持续变形过程中形成S1≈S0,并伴有钩状褶皱、石香肠构造和各类型线理的生成。

    The main feature of transposition , S 1 ≈ S 0 , was considered to be developed by progressive deformation during formation of the tight to isoclinal folds . The hook shaped folds , boudinages and lineations of many types were structures accompanying tectonic transposition .

  4. 基于透射电镜的香肠构造流变计研究

    Research on rheology gauge in pinch-and-swell structure by TEM

  5. 如同膨缩型香肠构造一样,鱼嘴石香肠构造是存在岩石流变性差异的能干层与基质在纯剪切作用机制下形成的构造形迹。

    Like pinchandswell structure , Fishhead boudin is another kind of structure resulting from the difference between layer and matrix taking advantage of pure shear mechanism .

  6. 断裂带内运动学标志,如不对称香肠构造、不对称褶皱和次级脆性和韧性断裂,都指示了上盘向南的正滑移剪切方式。

    The kinematic indicators such as asymmetric boudinage structure , asymmetric folds and minor brittle and ductile faults within the fault zone all indicate a hanging wall-south normal-slip sense of shear .