
  • 网络Linear polymer
  1. 树枝形聚合物/线性聚合物共混的研究进展

    Development of dendritic polymers / linear polymers blends

  2. 线性聚合物或本体橡胶共混后的粒子尺寸在很大程度上依赖加工条件。

    The dispersed phase particle sizes of linear polymers and bulk rubbers lie with the processing condition to a great extent .

  3. MonteCarlo方法模拟的线性聚合物无规降解行为

    Modeling random degradation reaction of linear polymer by Monte Carlo way

  4. 同时将星形支化聚合物及相应的线性聚合物进行了对比,并提出了支化剂DVB在星形支化丁基橡胶正离子反应过程中的反应机理。

    The performances of star-branched butyl polymer were analysed , in comparison with line-shaped butyl polymers . The mechanism was proposed .

  5. 探索了等离子体引发AM-DMC水溶液聚合的机理:AM与水溶液中H+结合形成的HAM自由基起引发作用,进而与AM或DMC单体进行反应,生成线性聚合物。

    The polymerization mechanism was also studied , which showed that free radical HAM · formed by combination AM with H ~ + was effective in initiation of copolymerization .

  6. 线性聚合物链三级相互作用蒙特卡洛方法

    Monte Carlo Method of Third-Order Interaction for Linear Polymer Chains

  7. 侧链含有反应基团的线性聚合物。

    Linear polymer contain reactive groups in their side chains .

  8. 线性聚合物链的m级相互作用近似

    Grade . mth-Order Interaction Approximation for Linear Polymer Chains

  9. 成膜时,增加线性聚合物的比例,吸液率下降。

    Increasing the linear copolymer content in membrane induce the liquid uptake decrease .

  10. 目前,碳纳米管/线性聚合物复合体系的研究已成为新兴的极富前景的前沿研究领域。

    At present , the researchs of carbon nanotubes ( CNTs ) / linear polymer system have become the foreground advancing research field .

  11. 结果表明,交联结构聚合物分子内部渗透压提高,星形聚合物表现出了比线性聚合物更强的质子缓冲能力。

    The results indicated that the star polymers exhibited a stronger buffering ability than their linear precursors due to the increased inner osmotic pressure .

  12. 相较类似的线性聚合物而言,超支化聚合物在拓扑结构上与树枝状大分子更为相似,只是其支化度相对来说要低一些。

    As compared to their linear analogous , hyperbranched polymers have drawn much attention due to their similar topology structures and properties comparing with dendrimers .

  13. 导出了线性聚合物链m级相互作用近似统计权重矩阵的递推公式,它满足构象统计的矩阵代数法所要求的连接条件。

    The recurrence formula , which satisfies the necessary linking condition of the matrix algebra method for conformation statistics , of the statistical weight matrices of the mth-order interaction approximation for linear polymer chains is derived .

  14. 对PBS为基础的线性脂肪族聚合物和PBS/PET共混物降解机理进行了进一步的探讨。

    From the above , mechanism of degradation of PBS-based linear aliphatic polymers and PBS / PET blends was discussed .

  15. 荧光共轭聚合物(FluorescentConjugatedPolymers,FCPs)是近年来倍受关注的一类具有π-π共轭电子结构的线性高分子聚合物,其独特的光电性能使得它们在荧光传感方面得到了广泛的应用。

    Fluorescent Conjugated Polymers ( FCPs ) are one of π - conjugated linear polymers . They have gained more attention in recent years , and have been widely applied in fluorescent sensing fields because of their unique properties .

  16. 聚膦腈是主链上以磷氮原子单双键交替排列,磷原子上连接有两个取代基的一类线性无机聚合物。

    Polyphosphazenes was linear polymers containing an inorganic backbone formed by alternating phosphorus and nitrogen atoms , each phosphorus bearing two side substituents .

  17. 本文选用了一线性阳离子高分子聚合物,聚(4-乙烯基-N-乙基)吡啶季铵盐作为探针,利用共振光散射光谱法分别建立了测定蛋白质和DNA的新方法,并将该探针用于杂交检测中。

    This thesis choose a positive charged polymer , quaternized poly ( 4-vinyl-N-ethyl ) pyridinium ( PVP-C2H5Br ) as a probe , using resonance light scattering technique , established new determination methods of protein and DNA , and use this polymer into the determination of DNA hybridization .

  18. 线性和非线性聚合物的相分离

    Linear and non linear phase decomposition in polymers

  19. 聚合物的分子量随着单体的转化率线性增加,聚合物的分子量分布较窄,并且聚合反应是对单体浓度的一级动力学过程。

    The molecular weight of poly ( CTFE-alt-CMS ) increases linearly with the monomer conversion . Molecular weight distribution remains narrow during the polymerization , and the polymerization is a first-order reaction with respect to the monomer .

  20. 聚苯胺(PAn)类和聚对苯撑乙烯(PPV)类材料都为线性共轭高分子有机聚合物。

    Polyaniline ( PAn ) and Poly-phenylene vinylene ( PPV ) are organic polymers with π ^ - conjugated structure .