
  • 网络Line Power
  1. 在粗波分情况下光线路功率预算富余,系统灵敏度较好。

    In the case of coarse WDM optical line power budget , the system has a better sensitivity .

  2. 实际电力系统运行过程中,电压、功角、线路功率振荡时有发生。

    In the actual electrical power system movement process , the voltage , the merit angle , the line power vibration sometimes occur .

  3. 相间功率控制器(IPC)是一种控制输电线路功率的装置,是FACTS家族的成员。

    The Interphase Power Controller ( IPC ), a new member of the FACTS family , is a novel device to control the load flow in the transmission system .

  4. 提高10kV配电线路功率因数和输电能力的探讨

    Discussion on Improvement of Power Factor and Transmission Capability of 10 kV Distribution Lines

  5. 直流输电线路功率调制的目标是阻尼区域COI功角和频率间的相互振荡。

    The objective of DC power modulation is to damp the relative swing of angle and frequency of the two areas from COI .

  6. 提出利用快速PQ分解潮流计算方法来进行线路功率损耗、变压器功率损耗和全网功率损耗计算。

    The utilization of rapid PQ-resolved power flow calculating method was adapted to compute the power losses in the lines , the power losses at transformers , and power losses of all networks .

  7. 最后讨论了PWM-FCL对系统稳定、三相负荷不平衡的作用以及它对输电线路功率传送能力的影响,并说明在设置其补偿度时所应该考虑的问题。

    Finally , how the PWM-FCL contributes to the system stability , three-phase load unsymmetry and the transmission capacity is discussed . And how to decide a reasonable compensation rate of the PWM-FCL is also proposed .

  8. 电桥线路功率灵敏度的研究

    Study of the power sensitivity of the electric-bridge circuit

  9. 在抑制低频振荡方面,分别以转速差及线路功率为输入信号进行了对比仿真分析。

    And the speed difference and the power of line as the input signal were simulated .

  10. 基于离散化长线方程的超高压输电线路功率平衡法保护研究

    Studies on protection of extra high voltage transmission line based on discrete long line equation and power balance

  11. 可控串联补偿装置具有阻尼线路功率振荡、提高电力系统暂态稳定性、抑制次同步谐振等多种功能。

    Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensation have multi-functions of damping low-frequency power oscillation , enhancing transient stability of the power system and mitigating sub-synchronous resonance .

  12. 结果表明,线路功率振荡曲线与理论分析结果一致,同时在小扰动稳定分析中引入主导度的分析也具有正确性。

    The results show that the curves of line power oscillation consistent with the results of the theoretical analysis , and analysis of small signal stability with the introduction of the dominant degree also has a degree of correctness .

  13. 通过对方案实施前后的效果进行检测与分析,实测结果表明提高了10千伏线路功率因数(达到0.94以上),改善了电压稳定性。

    Through the implementation of the program before and after the effects of detection and analysis of the measured results show that the 10 kV line to improve the power factor ( 0.94 or more ), improved voltage stability .

  14. 文章阐明了调节原理、可控电抗特性、分析了线路功率调节特性,调节装置电流、电压和所需容量随调节参数的变化规律。

    It proposes the regulating principle , the characteristics of controlled reactance , analyzes the circuit power regulating characteristics , and describes the regularity of the regulating device 's current , voltage and the needed capacity while the parameters varying .

  15. 并在此基础上引入线路功率的模糊约束,提出了双边交易裁减的模糊优化模型,通过极大熵方法实现了模糊优化问题的简便而快速的求解。

    On the basis of this set , the fuzzy constrains of the line flows are introduced and further the fuzzy optimization model for bilateral transaction curtailment is presented . The fuzzy optimization is solved fast and simply using the maximum entropy method .

  16. 灵活交流输电技术(FACTS)的出现为电力系统的灵活运行提供了有效的手段,能够大幅度提高线路的功率传输水平,提高系统的稳定性。

    Flexible AC Transmission System ( FACTS ) provides an effective means which can significantly improve the capacity of power transmission , enhance system stability , and makes the system operate in a more flexible way .

  17. 预防电网稳定破坏及提高线路输送功率的GCP型功率测量控制装置

    GCP Power Measuring and Control Equipment for Preventing the Loos of Power System Stability and Raising the Capacity of Transmission Power

  18. 运行实例表明,该装置可有效提高10kV线路的功率因数,并降低线损。

    The practical example shows the equipment can increase factor and lower line loss for 10 kV power line effectively .

  19. 第一部分采用电流预测的dq轴解耦控制策略结合电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术来调节线路有功功率及无功功率。

    Two control strategies are applied to design UPFC . Electric current forecasting d-q axis decouple control and voltage-space-vector PWM control technique are employed to regulate active power flow and reactive power flow .

  20. 从振荡能量函数角度分析了UPFC安装线路的功率振荡特性,提出了以降低振荡能量为控制目标的阻尼控制策略。

    The characteristics of power oscillation of UPFC installed line are analyzed from the point of view of oscillation energy function , and a damping control strategy aiming at oscillation energy descending is developed .

  21. 在分析UPFC直流侧电容电压传统控制方式的基础上,提出了直流侧电容电压弱控制策略的概念,并分析了直流侧电容容量、直流侧电压等级和线路传输功率之间的关系。

    Based on analyzing the control strategy on dc-link capacitor voltage of unified power flow controller ( UPFC ), it proposed the soft control strategy on dc-link capacitor voltage and analyzed the relationship between capacitance , dc voltage and power transmitted on the line .

  22. 低压配电线路分相功率因数自动补偿

    Automatic Capacitance Compensation of Split Phase Power Factor in Low-Voltage Distribution System

  23. 该算法以电压和线路损耗功率交替迭代进行。

    In computing process , the voltages of nodes and the losses power of lines were iterated by turns .

  24. 在潮流跟踪的过程中,考虑线路充电功率的影响,并对环流进行检验处理。

    During the process of tracing , the effect of line charging power is considered , and circumfluence is detected and settled .

  25. 研究结果表明大规模的风电接入可能会使电网出现线路传输功率越限、短路容量增加及电力系统稳定性发生变化等问题。

    The simulation results show that the large-scale wind power integration may cause overload of transmission lines , increase of short-circuit capacity and change of power system transient stability .

  26. 该模型直接解析表达了发电机出力与负荷功率间的解析关系,且可给出发电机对线路的功率分配关系。

    Based on the lemmas the distribution factor matrix ( DFM ) is derived so that the analytical model of power transfer between generators , lines and loads can be built .

  27. 同时,电力交易以利润最大化为导向,电网将不可避免地出现输电费用较低的线路传输功率较大,发电成本较低的机组出力较大,导致输电阻塞的发生。

    Because transactions are oriented to maximize profits , it is inevitable that low-priced lines bear much more power flow , low-cost generators make much more output , which cause the transmission congestions .

  28. 山东烟台-威海电网的实例仿真结果表明:径向基函数网络能够准确估计暂态稳定极限,包括关键线路极限功率和发电厂出力极限;

    Simulation results of a real power system show that radial basis function networks are precise in estimation of transient stability limits including power transfer limits on critical lines and power generation limits of related power plants .

  29. 在利用仿真结果确定线路传输功率极限时,保守的负荷模型总是用来预留线路传输的安全裕量,以确保系统的安全。

    In China when transmitting power limit of transmission lines is decided by simulation results , to ensure the security of power system the conservative load models are always used to give over the security margin of transmission lines in advance .

  30. 特高压系统故障暂态的这些特点都会影响传统保护的正确动作,且由于特高压线路输送功率大,快速切除故障,维持电力系统的安全稳定运行是一个非常重要的问题。

    This featrues may lead to the failure of traditional protection . More over , because of the large transmission power of UHV system , it is becoming quite important to clear the fault quickly , in order to maintain the security steady of UHV system .