
  • Automobile modification;【医】car adaptations
  1. 本文通过试验研究LPG汽油两用燃料发动机动力性与排放性能随空燃比的变化规律,分析化油器式汽车改装为燃气汽车所带来的技术问题,对进一步发展LPG汽油两用燃料汽车技术提出具体建议

    Fuel engine when Air ? Fuel ratio is changing The technique problems caused by refitting the vehicle with carburetor and some suggestions to develop LPG / petrol dual ? fuel technology are put forward

  2. 介绍了液化石油气(LPG)汽车改装技术及发展状况,分析了其性能特点和排放效果,提出了加快我国LPG电控喷射技术发展的必要性。

    Remoulding technology of liquefied petroleum gas vehicle and its development are introduced . Its performance features and emission effects are analyzed . The necessity of speeding up the development of our electronic control LPG injection technology is pointed out .

  3. 三是开辟专业化的汽车改装市场;

    The third , Open up the specialized automobile repacking market .

  4. 长春汽车改装车有限公司混凝土搅拌车项目可行性分析

    Changchun Automobile Vehicle Co. , Ltd. Concrete Mixer Project Feasibility Analysis

  5. 某汽车改装厂迁建项目职业病危害预评价

    Pre-Evaluation of Occupational Hazards in Construction Project of Modified Car Factory

  6. 液化石油气汽车改装及加气站建设

    Rebuilding of LPG Vehicle and Construction of Gas Filling Station

  7. 柴油/压缩天燃气双燃料汽车改装技术

    Technology of Being Converted into Diesel / CNG Dual-fuel Automobile

  8. 怪车:汽车改装无极限

    Strange vehicle : no limits to refit vehicles

  9. 某汽车改装厂职业病危害及关键点控制措施

    Occupational Hazards and Control Measures of The Key Points in An Automobile Remodeling Factory

  10. 介绍了利用遥控玩具汽车改装演示物理实验的教学经验。

    This article introduces the teaching experience of refitting telecontrol toy automobile to demonstrate physics experiment .

  11. 对汽车改装有个要领,首先是在必须保证安全性的前提下改装。

    For car modification have a main point , first is must ensure security in the premise of modification .

  12. 江阴市汽车改装厂座落于太湖畔江阴市,水陆空交通便利。

    Jiangyin automobile refit factory is located at Taihu Lake bank & Jiangyin City , with convenient sea , road and air transportation .

  13. 探讨了汽车改装的定义、分类、常见形式,改装的安全性问题、国家的政策法规、车身改装分类和对性能的影响。

    Discusses the definition , classification , modified car modified common form , security issues , policies and regulations , the modified classification and the effect on performance . 3 .

  14. 一名移居美国印第安纳州的英国男子斯蒂文不惜花费25000美元高价用两年时间将自己的汽车改装成了一只拉风的大香蕉,赚足路人眼球。

    A British expat has spent $ 25000 turning a car into a giant banana which can be driven.It took the 54-year-old two years and $ 25000 to realise his vision .

  15. 调研了国内外相关参考文献,国内汽车改装市场正处于起步和快速发展的阶段,是一个快速发展的产业,需要国家政策引导、科研参与指导和良性健康发展。

    Research on the domestic and foreign related references , the domestic automobile market is in its infancy and rapid development stage , is a rapid development of the industry , need the guidance of national policy , scientific research in guidance and healthy development . 2 .

  16. 这部汽车必须改装以通过政府检验。

    The car will have to be modify to pass the government test .

  17. 介绍一种比较经济的汽车发动机改装系统。

    A reconstruction system for an economic auto electrified engine was introduced in the paper .

  18. 天然气汽车的改装与使用

    Refit and application of natural gas vehicles

  19. 汽车经改装后还可以将纯植物油(以及烹调废油)作为燃料。

    Cars can be converted to run on pure vegetable oil ( and waste cooking oil ) .

  20. 本系统还可用于汽车个性化改装行业、车队巡展等领域,具有较高的商业价值。

    In addition , the system is of great business value , which can be used in various fields such as auto modification , motor show , etc.

  21. 以城市公交中巴客车作为纯电动汽车的改装对象,简要介绍了纯电动试验样车的基本结构、完成了控制系统配套所需电气控制线路的设计。

    Based on the design scheme to reassemble a city transit bus to a test PEV , the structure of PEV is briefly introduced , and the electric circuit of control system is implemented .

  22. 这辆只有9个座位的厢式汽车被改装成校车,上午9点40分,当车祸发生时,它正在甘肃省庆阳市正宁县榆林子镇行驶。

    The van , which contained nine seats and had been converted into a school bus of sorts , was traveling in Yulinzi township in Qingyang city , Gansu province , at9:40 am , when the crash occurred .

  23. 现代汽车车身常见改装内容与方法。

    Modern automobile bodywork common modification content and method .

  24. 生物质燃料汽车的发动机改装技术与设计

    Engine Conversion Technology and Design of Biomass Fuel Automobile

  25. 不像谷歌新制造的汽车那样,改装的雷克萨斯也允许人类驾驶。

    Unlike its new cars , the retrofitted Lexuses also allow for human driving .

  26. 顺带说下,在那个年代所有这些在普通的汽车底盘上改装的装甲汽车都有这样的缺陷。

    Incidentally , all foreign armored cars of those years built on the chassis of commercial vehicles suffered from the same illnesses .

  27. 专用汽车遥控行车系统改装研究

    A Study on Retrofit of Travelling System for Remote Drive of Specialized Vehicles

  28. 现在嵌入护照的身份芯片能够轻易地针对汽车挡风玻璃进行改装。

    The identity chips now embedded in passports could readily be adapted for car windscreens .

  29. 加速赛车为加速汽车赛特制或改装的汽车开小汽车(公共汽车、拖拉机、卡车)

    An automobile specially built or modified for drag racing . Drive a car ( a bus , a tractor , a truck )

  30. 我们专业于汽车配件,汽车改装,汽车音响,汽车外观。

    We specializes in researching , design , manufacturing , servicing , and sales on car accessories , motor sport , audio , etc.