
  • 网络Automotive batteries;car battery;automobile battery;An automobile storage battery;CRV.ISA
  1. 引燃器利用汽车蓄电池打火。

    The lighter works off the car battery .

  2. 别用汽车蓄电池供电:这些许很方便,但是用汽车蓄电池给你的iPod,手机,笔记本电脑或其他东西充电会大大增加燃料消耗。

    Don 't charge electricals off car battery : It might be convenient , but charging your iPod / mobile / laptop / whatever off the car battery greatly increases fuel consumption .

  3. 基于DSP的电动汽车蓄电池管理系统

    Battery Management System of EV Based on DSP

  4. 基于CAN总线的混合动力/电动汽车蓄电池ECU的研制

    The Development of Storage Battery ECU on Hybrid-power or Electric Vehicle Base on CAN Bus

  5. 车载逆变电源(又叫电源转换器)可以把汽车蓄电池的12V/24V直流电转变成大多数电器所需要的220V交流电。

    Inverter power supplies applied in cars transform from 12V / 24V of storage battery DC into 220V AC.

  6. 试制了管式正极起动型(QG型)汽车蓄电池,正极板用内径4.9mm的细玻璃纤维管制成。

    The QG type lead acid starter battery with tubular positive plates which is made from 4 . 9mm fiberglass sheaths has been tested and the technology aspects are proposed .

  7. 往汽车蓄电池里加满蒸馏水

    Top up a car battery , ie by adding distilled water

  8. 混合动力汽车蓄电池剩余容量预测研究

    Research on the Estimating Residual Capacity of Lead-Acid Battery in HEV

  9. 电动汽车蓄电池性能仿真与试验

    Performance Simulation and Test of Battery System of Electrical Vehicle

  10. 汽车蓄电池坏了,应该更换。

    The car battery is defective and should be replaced .

  11. 低锑多元合金在汽车蓄电池中的应用

    Application of Low Stibium Alloys in Storage Battery for Automobiles

  12. 电动汽车蓄电池剩余电量预测方法的研究

    The Research of Estimate Method of Residual Capacity on Battery for Electric Vehicle

  13. 汽车蓄电池的免维护化及全面推广

    On complete popularization of maintenance - free automotive batteries

  14. 人们用汽车蓄电池为手机充电。

    Car batteries are tapped to charge mobile phones .

  15. 电动汽车蓄电池建模仿真

    Modelling and Simulation of Storage Battery on Electric Vehicles

  16. 免维护汽车蓄电池发臭原因的分析

    Analysis of stink formed in maintenance-free automotive batteries

  17. 汽车蓄电池极板的固化

    Studies on the plate curing of automotive batteries

  18. 电动汽车蓄电池的充电方法和充电设备

    Charging equipment and method of electric vehicle battery

  19. 汽车蓄电池的生产方式

    An overview on methods of automotive battery production

  20. 建立纯电动汽车蓄电池置换站的思考

    Thinking about pure electric vehicle battery exchange stations

  21. 混合动力汽车蓄电池的快速充电方法

    Quick Charge Method of Hybrid Vehicle 's Battery

  22. 可以直接插入点烟器中,或者连接汽车蓄电池即可使用。

    Insert directly into cigarette lighter , or linking auto accumulator can be used .

  23. 汽车蓄电池充电器的防故障保护

    Protecting Automotive Battery Chargers from Fault Failures

  24. 展望新一代汽车蓄电池

    A new generation of automobile storage battery

  25. 电动汽车蓄电池充放电电流数字式检测方法

    Digital measuring method to charge and discharge currents of a battery set in an EV

  26. 电动汽车蓄电池组电池管理及其状态检

    Study on Operating Battery Management System and Status Measurement of Batteries in an Electric Vehicle

  27. 现代汽车蓄电池技术特性的发展

    Technical Characteristics of Modern Automotive Storage Battery

  28. 汽车蓄电池继电器及其应用

    Auto Battery Relay and its Application

  29. 电动汽车蓄电池充放电装置控制系统设计铅酸蓄电池慢脉冲快速充电研究的突破

    The breakthrough of research on the slow pulse fast charge method of lead acid storage battery

  30. 汽车蓄电池的常见故障浅析

    Malfunction diagnosis on automobile accumulators