
qì chē zhì zào
  • automobile making
汽车制造[qì chē zhì zào]
  1. 本论文的研究对促进A汽车制造公司物流管理的改善具有较好的现实意义。

    The thesis research has fairly good practical or immediate significance to promoting their improvement that automobile making company .

  2. 漆包线广泛应用于航空航天、汽车制造和电子元器件等产品中,充当其内部基础元件的一部分,或者作为元件内外连接的导体介质。

    Enamelled wire has been widely used in the field of aerospace , automobile making and electron components as a part or the conductive medium between each other .

  3. 在自动化汽车制造厂看不到一个工人。

    In an automated car plant there is not a human operative to be seen .

  4. 谈到商业生存,一个年产只有5万辆的汽车制造厂家是毫无成功希望的。

    As regards commercial survival , a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing .

  5. 汽车制造厂三百工人已称病不上班。

    Three hundred men have booked off sick at the car factory .

  6. 每年新车是否可用,取决于汽车制造者是否成功地完成排放物鉴定程序。

    The availability of new passenger cars each year depends on whether car makers successfully complete an emission certification process .

  7. 由于不太确定情况,梅拉特认为一些汽车制造商会等待车辆完全自动化、无需人为操作的那一天。

    Because of the confusion , Merat thinks some car makers will wait until vehicles can be fully automated without operation .

  8. 推动我国汽车制造业高质量发展,必须加强关键核心技术和关键零部件的自主研发,实现技术自立自强,做强做大民族品牌。

    We should strengthen the independent development of core technologies and components manufacturing industry and build strong domestic automobile brands .

  9. 近年来,精益生产(leanproduction)在全世界范围内得到广泛应用,尤其体现在航空、汽车制造领域。

    In recent years , Lean Production popularizes extensively worldwide , especially in the fields of aviation and car manufacturing .

  10. 基于SAP的工厂维护模块在汽车制造业中的应用

    Application of PM Module Based on SAP in Automobile Manufacturing Industry

  11. PDM技术及其在汽车制造业的应用分析

    Analysis on application of the technology of PDM in automobile manufacture

  12. CAPP在汽车制造设备企业应用实践研究

    Implementation of CAPP in Auto Equipment Industry

  13. 企业研发外包的模式、特征及流程探讨&基于X集团汽车制造案例研究

    Analysis on the Modes , Characteristics and Process of Enterprise R D Outsourcing Based on a Case Study of an Automobile Group

  14. 成组技术(GT)在汽车制造业中的应用

    Application of Group Technology ( GT ) in auto industry

  15. 制造执行管理系统(ManufactureExecutionSystem)由于自身承上启下的特殊地位,已逐渐成为推动汽车制造企业信息化过程中不可缺少的部分。

    Manufacture execution system ( MES ), as a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the manufacture , is becoming more and more important in promoting informationize of automobile manufacturing .

  16. 与基体铝合金相比,SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料具有优异的力学性能,在航空航天、军事、电子、汽车制造等方面得到了广泛的应用。

    SiC reinforced aluminum alloy composites are widely used in aerospace , military and civil manufacturing industries due to their enhanced mechanical properties over the corresponding aluminum alloys .

  17. ABM在汽车制造企业的应用研究

    The Research on the Application of Activity Based Cost Management in Manufacturing Company of the Automobile

  18. 丰田(Toyota)和本田(Honda)的生产工序相对简单,较为节约,从而影响深远地颠覆了汽车制造行业的经济环境。

    Toyota ( TM ) and Honda ( HMC ), with their relatively simple and spare manufacturing practices , profoundly upended the economics of automaking .

  19. 本文拟在前人研究FDI对就业效应的基础上,通过理论分析和实证研究,重点探讨中国汽车制造业FDI对就业的影响。

    The thesis , based on previous study of relation of FDI and employment , will focus on the effect of FDI on employment in automobile manufacture industry through theoretical analysis and empirical research .

  20. 本文选取A、B、C、D、E五家处于电子消费品和汽车制造行业的上市公司作为研究对象来考察隐性存货驱动成本IDC(Inventory-DrivenCosts)对企业利润的影响程度。

    In this paper , five listed firms called A , B , C , D and E respectively are selected as the objectives to confirm how their Hidden IDC ( Inventory-Driven Costs ) influence their profitability .

  21. 汽车制造行业对于一个国家国民经济的影响深远,纵观发达国家在汽车工业时代走过的历史,可以发现其GDP与汽车保有量之间有一个明显的正相关性。

    Automobile manufacturing has a far-reaching impact on the national economy , looking through the historical era in automobile industry of the developed countries , there is a positive correlation between GDP and car ownership .

  22. 结合汽车制造企业的实际,提出了供应商选择的指标体系,建立了基于熵权的逼近理想解的排序方法(techniquefororderpreferencebysimilaritytoidealsolution,TOPSIS)的多层次评价模型。

    A system of evaluation indices for supplier selection is put forward based on automobile manufacturing enterprises , and a multi-level model of technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution ( TOPSIS ), based on entropy weight , is constructed .

  23. 成组技术(GT)是先进制造技术(AMT)的一种单项技术,它普遍适用于机械制造行业,特别适用于汽车制造企业。

    Group Technology is one single technology of the advance manufacturing technologies ( AMT ) . It is commonly suitable for mechanical industry , especially for auto industry .

  24. 探讨汽车制造企业设备管理模型,在全员生产性维护(TPM)主导思想指引下,制定完整的设备维修体系,以追求设备寿命周期费用最低。

    The article analyzes the equipment management in automotive manufacturers . Under the guidance of total productive maintenance ( TPM ), integral equipment maintenance system is enacted to pursuit lowest life-cycle-cost of equipments .

  25. 本文以某汽车制造企业总装车间为研究对象,在简单介绍了RFID技术的基础上,提出并构建了基于RFID的生产物流管理信息系统,设计了系统的总体结构以及软件的主要功能模块。

    This paper researches the assembly line of automobile enterprise , introduces the Radio Frequency Identification briefly , puts forward the production logistics management information system based on RFID and designs the whole structure model of the system and main function module of the software .

  26. 电子数据交换(EDI)在汽车制造行业的信息系统应用中尤其是在供应链管理的数据传输中起着越来越重要作用。

    It is a widely accepted point of view that Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) acts a more and more important role in the information system of auto motive industry , specially for the data transferring of supplier chain management .

  27. 构造白车身(BIW)偏差流是提高汽车制造质量的重要手段,当前有着多种方法去构造白车身的偏差流,但效果不是特别满意。

    It is a key way for improving the automobile quality to build the variation stream of body in white ( BIW ) . There are several ways to build it , but these ways are not always effective .

  28. 在研发某大型汽车制造公司的ERP汽车召回查询系统的过程中,对原有的BAAN系统(ERP系统)进行了整合和预处理,进而开发出符合汽车召回要求的可快速响应的查询系统。

    Thus in the process of developing ERP for auto recalling query system used in a big auto manufacture company , the primary BAAN system ( ERP system ) was pretreated and conformed with auto recalling demand , and the query system with fast respondency was developed .

  29. 汽车制造业职业危害与防护措施评价研究

    Assessment on the Occupational Hazards and Prevention Measures in Vehicle Manufacturing

  30. 汽车制造行业清洁生产分析方法及实例分析

    Analytical Method of Cleaner Production of Automobile Manufacturing and Instance Analysis