
  • 网络ANTENNA;Car Antenna
  1. 之后对汽车天线的抗干扰设计进行了研究,将车内设备的布局到天线和缆线的设计方法都进行了详细的研究和分析。

    After the study , the anti-jamming design of the car antenna equipment layout of the car to have carried out a detailed study and analysis of the design of the antenna and cable .

  2. 本实用新型汽车天线涉及的是一种带有出水孔的汽车天线。

    The utility model relates to an antenna for a car , relating to an antenna with a water outlet hole for a car .

  3. 有个恶意破坏者再次来折断,我的汽车天线。

    Some vandal 's gone and snapped off my car aerial again .

  4. 分析了带嵌件的汽车天线基座盖塑料零件的工艺特点,介绍了适合该塑件注射成型模具的特殊结构设计,并说明了该模具的工作过程。

    The technology character of plastic parts on pedestal cover of insetting motorcar antenna with wedge is analyzed . The injection mold of special - structure design suited to this plastic moulding is introduced , and the working process of this mold is stated as well .

  5. 哪个爱胡闹人的人摆弄我汽车上的天线了!

    Some joker 's been playing around with my car aerial !

  6. 哪个爱胡闹的人摆弄我汽车上的天线了!

    Eg. Some joker 's been playing around with my car aerial !