
  1. 为了实现发动机工作状态的随车检测,本文对装有YC6108柴油机的东风载货车的瞬时转速信号进行了随车测量和分析。

    To achieve on broard detecting the states of automotive engines , memurement and analysis of the momentary rotating speed of the YC6108 diesel engine on a Dongfeng truck were carried out .

  2. 沈阳军区某部队与东北大学设备诊断工程中心联合研制便携式柴油发动机工作状态监测仪。

    " Convenient to take " - monitoring and fault diagnosis system for military engines is developed by equipment dynamical engineering center of NEU together with a certain Troop , Shenyang Military Command .

  3. 在航空发动机工作状态下发生叶片鸟撞击时,由于离心载荷的作用,使叶片的局部刚度与整体刚度都得到加强,此时的叶片响应不同于不计算离心载荷时静止叶片的响应。

    The integrative rigidity and the local rigidity of blades are enhanced by their centrifugal loading , so that when a flying bird impacts on the aeroengine blades under their rotating states , the responses of the blades are different from those under the static states .

  4. 结果表明,压气机静叶通道机匣壁面给定点静压信号的相关积分值随着发动机工作状态的不同有规律的发生变化,反映了对应位置的流动分离状况;

    The results of the analysis indicate that correlation-integral values of the static pressure signals at a given point of the compressor stator passage casing-wall surface will undergo regular changes , depending on the engine operating conditions , and reflect the flow separation conditions at corresponding locations .

  5. 固体发动机壳体工作状态塑性流动数值模拟

    Numerical simulation computation of plastic flow of a working solid rocket motor case

  6. 稳态工况下,发动机的工作状态同发动机的转速和转矩有关。

    Steady-state conditions , the work of the state of the engine with the engine speed and torque-related .

  7. 测试探针是航空发动机内部工作状态的重要测试工具,主要用于测试发动机内部振动、气流温度、流速、压强的参数。

    The developments of the aero-engine testing probes are the main tools to test the conditions in the inner turbulent flow .

  8. 动态台架能够模拟汽车在道路行驶时发动机的工作状态,为汽车动力系统性能研究和开发提供了有效的试验手段。

    The dynamic test bed can simulate working mode of the engine fitted in a real vehicle running on real road .

  9. 研究发现发动机的工作状态和健康状态均对尾气静电信号产生重要影响。

    The results presented in this study show that both the engine operating condition and health status have a significant effect on the monitored exhaust gas electrostatic signal .

  10. 在线监测实现对发动机工作技术状态的初步诊断,主要利用数据采集卡供应商提供的驱动函数,以均匀间隔实时采集发动机振动信号并计算其均方根值,最终存储在标准数据库中。

    On-line monitoring realize initial diagnosis to engine working status by driver function of data acquisition card to evenly spaced real-time collection engine vibration signals and calculate the RMS value , and ultimately stored in standard database .

  11. 研究结果表明,对于复合材料纤维缠绕壳体,当发动机处于工作状态时,壳体发生较大变形,使传爆接头传爆界面出现间隙,对其传爆性能有较大影响;

    The results show that big shell distortion makes transmisson detonation interfaces of joint generate gap for composite filament-wound case , which has great effects on performance of the transmission detonation joint during the working course of motor .

  12. 航空发动机压气机叶片工作状态下的自振频率

    The Vibration Frequency of a Rotating Aero-engine Compressor Blade

  13. 对发动机非额定工作状态性能进行了模拟,分析了气路部件性能蜕化下测量参数与部件性能参数间的关系。

    The faults on components are simulated , and the relation between the measurements and the health parameters under gas-path components performance degradation is analyzed . 2 .

  14. 冷却液通过台架的冷却液循环系统实现散热和温度控制,将冷却液温度控制在合适的温度区间,测得发动机在理想工作状态下的各项物理量。

    Coolant achieves the cooling and temperature control through coolant circulating systems . Control the temperature of coolant at the right temperature range . Measure the physical quantity when engine work in the ideal condition .

  15. 即,发动机最佳的工作状态是在静态工况下工作,液压元件(液压泵、液压马达)性能参数的匹配实质是在工作性能、寿命与可靠性、成本之间进行综合平衡。

    Namely , static state is the ideal working state of diesel , the essential of performance parameter matching of hydraulic components is a balance in the pressure , the velocity and the efficiency of them .

  16. 为了使发动机工作在最佳状态,不同的曲轴组件有其独特的不平衡设计参数,制作出的曲轴组件必须符合动平衡设计参数的要求。

    In order to cause the engine to work at the optimum condition , the different crank module has unique unbalanced design variables , so the manufactured crank module must conform to the requirement of dynamic balancing design .

  17. 通过对工作参数优化,达到发动机高比冲的工作状态,并重点分析了推进剂流量对发动机性能的影响。

    High thruster specific impulse can be obtained by means of optimizing working parameters .

  18. 废热量的大小同发动机的负荷和工作状态很有关系。

    The size of waste heat with the engine load and which is closely related to the work of the state .

  19. 为了使发动机处于最佳的工作状态,既不能过热也不能过冷,必须保证其在合适的温度区间内工作。

    To make the engine work in the best condition , neither hot nor cold , must ensure its proper working temperature range .

  20. 发动机废气排放测试数据因受发动机工作状态的影响存在着一定的波动性和偶然性,因此在废气数据的测试中存在较大的误差。

    The engine exhaust emission testing data may have wave properties and contingency , as it is affected by the engine working status . Thus there must be a big discrepancy in the exhaust emission testing data .

  21. 当发动机的转速和转矩一定时,发动机的工作状态便确定。

    When the engine when a certain speed and torque , the engine will determine the working state .

  22. 利用计算机进行数据采集和处理,提高了发动机参数测试精度,可实时监视发动机各个工作状态的性能参数是否正常,提高了发动机故障分析和诊断效率,具有较高的使用价值。

    The computer based automatic data logging and processing system has improved instrumentation accuracy and will monitor the normal engine operation parameters , increase the efficiency of engine analysis and diagnostics with applicable value .

  23. 混合动力城市客车针对实际运行工况采用优化的控制策略,如限制发动机怠速、减小发动机功率、改善发动机的工作状态、采用再生制动,可以明显降低燃油消耗和排放。

    According to the driving cycle developed , hybrid electric city bus control strategy was optimized . Research result indicated that engine consumed less fuel by such means as engine idle speed cycle limited , using small power engine , improving engine 's running state and adopting regenerative brake technic .

  24. 提供的康明斯发动机装机配件可以确保您的康明斯发动机达到最佳的工作状态。

    Provided by Cummins Engine accessories can be installed to ensure that your Cummins engine to achieve the best working condition .

  25. 针对矢量喷管和发动机综合控制系统,本文采用了PID控制算法和基于单神经元自适应控制,有效的减小矢量喷管偏转对发动机工作状态的影响。

    Both the PID control and the single neutral cell based self-adaptive control algorithm are adopted in the integrated control system . These two control methods are satisfied to minimize the effects on engine 's working conditions as the nozzle is deflexed .

  26. 利用商业软件Catia对微型涡喷发动机转子系统进行了3D实体造型,并利用有限元方法对转动部件进行了强度分析,得到了发动机最大工作状态下的应力分布;

    3-D models of the rotor system of a micro-gas turbine engine were built by using the commercial software Catia . The Stress of the rotational parts were analyzed basing on finite element method , and the participation of stress at the max power condition was obtained .