
fā xiàn wù
  • Discoveries;trove
  1. 调查重新定义基于系统体系结构发现物的UCM构成策略。

    Investigate redefining the UCM componentization strategy based on the system architecture findings .

  2. 新的发现物加深了我们对巨猿的认识。

    The new finds have deepened our knowledge of giant ape .

  3. 我们一组拿出了颇有趣味的发现物。

    Our team came up with some intriguing finds .

  4. 这些来自4000年前的香水及相关发现物目前正在罗马的卡皮托利尼博物馆展出。

    The finds are now on display at the Capitoline Museum in Rome .

  5. 任何有价值的发现物的集合。

    Any collection of valuables that is discovered .

  6. 珍藏物,(贵重的)发现物被发现或找到的一批有价值的东西;地财

    A collection of valuable items discovered or found ; a treasure-trove . price line

  7. 承包商应采取合理的预防措施,防止承包商人员或其他人员移动或损坏任何这类发现物。

    The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent Contractor 's Personnel or other persons from removing or damaging any of these findings .

  8. 新的发现物迅速涌现出来,要想全部弄懂它们就像试图从一根消防水龙带喝水。

    The new finds came so quickly that trying to make sense of them all was like trying to drink from a fire hose .

  9. 这个发现物可以在像我们星系中心的那个超级尺寸黑洞的开端上放射出一些光。

    The discovery may shed some light on the origins of super-sized black holes like the one at the center of our own galaxy .

  10. 发现物涉及到不充分的,纠正措施,用来避免重复的失效,那是关于,9号大曲柄轴,在第一号柴油机。

    Finding involved inadequate corrective actions to prevent repeat failure of the number nine main crank shaft bearing on emergency diesel generator number one .

  11. 发现物包括:精心摆放的遗体,黄金,镀金铜,青铜艺术品,以及精心修饰过的礼仪刀。

    Among the findings are meticulously arranged human remains ; gold , gilt copper , and bronze artifacts ; and the first decorated tumi , or ceremonial knives , ever discovered by archaeologists at a burial site .

  12. 4例于注射胶原酶后6~13个月复查CT,发现突出物缩小80%~90%。

    The CT image showed in 6 to 13 months : The prominence was minified 80 % to 90 % in 4 cases .

  13. 比如一项名为“高级预先防撞”(advancedpre-collision)的功能就能发现障碍物或危险情况,警告司机刹车,并让车减速以防止或减轻撞车。

    The features , such as " advanced pre-collision , " sense an obstacle or hazardous condition , warn the driver to brake and will help slow the car to prevent or mitigate a crash .

  14. 研究了接枝物在不同溶剂中溶解能力,同时比较了它们的热性能,发现接枝物的热分解温度比HPMC和PMMA有所提高,本论文还探讨了反应机理。

    Solution power of graft copolymer in the different solvents was studied . By comparing graft copolymer with HPMC and PMMA , graft copolymer decomposition temperature is higher than that of HPMC and PMMA . Reaction mechanisms were yet elucidated in the article .

  15. 研究了羟乙基纤维素醋酸酯(HECA)与己内酯-环氧丙烷共聚物共混物膜的生物降解过程,发现共混物膜的生物降解性能与其组成密切相关。

    The biodegradation of the blending films of hydroxyethyl cellulose acetate ( HECA ) and co poly ( caprolactone epoxy propane ) was studied . It is found that the biodegradation of the blending films is closely related with the composition of the blends .

  16. 这样有时能发现硬物或肿块,这是肿瘤的信号。

    This can sometimes reveal a hardening or lump that signals a tumor .

  17. 马航失联飞机的搜救人员在海面发现漂浮物。

    Searchers looking for the missing Malaysian jetliner have spotted objects floating in the water .

  18. 如果在指定的图中发现匹配物,那么该匹配物就成为查询结果的一部分。

    If matches are found in the specified graph , they form part of a query solution .

  19. 神召教授的发现为物空相对论理论的星系演化学说间接提供了观测依据。

    God called the discovery of material empty Professor relativity theory , theory of galaxy evolution based on the observation indirectly .

  20. 经过数亿年的进化,免疫系统作为防守前锋,特别精于发现外来物。

    Honed by several hundred million years of evolution , these defensive fronts have become exceptionally good at identifying foreign objects .

  21. 在重组实验中,我们发现重组物都不能形成牙齿,只是发育成一些类骨质的结构。

    However , the recombinants both failed to form tooth in the experience . They usually formed the structure of bone-like tissue .

  22. 整理后,发现织物的防毡缩性能得到提高,对整理前、后的织物进行了物理机械性能和白度测试。

    After the treatment , the anti-shrinkage properties of wool fabric have been improved . Then the mechanical properties of the treated fabric were tested .

  23. 同时,通过对它们的荧光分析,发现配合物的结构与荧光性质之间有着确定的关联。

    In the mean time , by the analysis of their photoluminescent spectrum , we found that properties of compounds are corresponding to their structures .

  24. 长期以来,随机筛选是发现先导物的传统方法,与之相对的理性方法一直在发展之中。

    Random screen has been the traditional method to find leads for long time . Rational method compared to random screen is yet being developed .

  25. 发现有机物能在较宽的电位范围内发生氧化反应,但在该种电极上的电氧化速率较慢。

    It was found that the electrooxidation of organic compounds can take place in a wide potential region , but with a slow reaction rate .

  26. 发现共混物的相容性与正弦脉动流场的频率、振幅呈现一定的响应规律。

    It was found that the blending system ′ s compatibility responded to the sine pulsating flow field ′ s frequency and vibration amplitude with certain regulation .

  27. 在能见度不良时,雷达虽能及时发现海上物标,但对避让操纵尚不能起很有效的作用。

    What radar can do in poor visibility is just find objects at sea in time , but it is not of much use for effective collision avoiding manoeuvring .

  28. 以自然主义的方式考察人工物的双重属性,可以发现人工物的双重属性问题与心灵哲学的心身问题是同一个问题的不同表达形式。

    When reviewing dual natures of artifact , we found that dual natures of artifact are the same as mind-body problem in mind philosophy , just at different forms .

  29. 通过对三类离子液体配合物的研究,发现配合物的通式虽然不相同,但是物理性质和化学性质相似。

    According to the three types of ionic liquids complexes , we found that the compounds have the same chemical property and physical property , but they have different general formula .

  30. 发现标题物与通常的硝胺类爆炸物遵循类似的热解引发反应机理,皆始于N&NO2键的均裂,生成两个自由基。

    It is found that the homolysis of N & NO_2 bond into two radicals is the initial step of titled compound , which is similar to that of usual nitramine explosives .