
  • 网络ENGINE;engine assembly;engine assy
  1. 本文将以合资企业DE公司为例,主要产品为汽车发动机总成。

    This paper takes DE , a joint ventures as an example , which mainly produces automotive engine assembly , delivers a new theory in quality management .

  2. 这个框架的强度须能承受发动机总成。

    The frame needs to be strong enough to support the engine assembly .

  3. 基于MATLAB的发动机总成悬置系统设计研究

    The Study of Powertrain Mounting System Design Based on Matlab

  4. 发动机总成质量参数测试装置的研究

    Research on Measuring Equipment for Mass Parameters of a Vehicle Engine

  5. 汽车发动机总成悬置系统分析与稳健优化

    Analysis and Robust Optimization of Automobile Engine Mounting System

  6. 发动机总成各部件和仪表板之间的线路是通过插头和插座来连通的。

    The circuits between the engine-compartment components and the instrument panel are completed through connector plugs and receptacles .

  7. 发动机总成用电机驱动,在油门处设有调速装置,能演示发动机转速高低。

    Engine assembly with motor drive , the accelerator has several control device , can demo engine speed high and low .

  8. 首先建立发动机总成有限元模型,通过模态分析,为发动机的结构修改提供依据。

    First establish finite element model of engine assembly , and provide evidence for the structure modification of engine through mode analysis .

  9. 根据动力总成的测试参数,在ADAMS里面建立了该发动机动力总成悬置系统的六自由度虚拟样机模型。

    A six degree of freedom model of the powertrain mounting system is built in ADAMS based on the test parameters .

  10. 同时分析了汽车发动机动力总成悬置系统设计的理论与方法。

    At the same time , the theory and methods of mount system design are discussed . 2 .

  11. 本文建立了12个自由度的轿车发动机动力总成副车架系统的仿真模型,并校验了模型的准确性。

    In the paper 12 DOF powertrain_ subframe simulation model is set up and verified when it is optimized .

  12. 针对现行的发动机动力总成悬置系统解耦设计方法的不足,提出了一种针对发动机主要激振力(矩)进行解耦设计的改进方法。

    This paper puts forword a improved method to make up the insufficiency of actual decoupling design for motor power assembly mounting system .

  13. 同时,系统地总结了汽车发动机动力总成悬置系统设计的一些设计准则与设计要求以及悬置系统优化设计的原则与理论。

    Aimed at find a solution for these conflicts , this dissertation contains the research of design and optimizing the isolation characteristic of powertrain mounting system .

  14. 建立了发动机动力总成悬置系统多体体动力学分析模型,并将该模型在激振力(力矩)作用下的响应与实际测量的同类结果进行对比,校验模型的正确性。

    Established the multi-body dynamic analysis model of engine mounting system , and check the validity of the established model through comparison of response between the results obtained from the established dynamic model and similar measurement .

  15. 发动机机油滤清器总成螺栓断裂故障分析

    Bolt Fracture Malfunction Analysis of Lubricant Oil Filter Assembly

  16. 汽车发动机活塞连杆总成断裂失效分析

    Analysis on Fracture of Connecting Rod Unit Assembly for Piston of Car Engine

  17. 摩托车发动机曲轴连杆总成动平衡测试系统

    Test System of Dynamic Balancing of Crank - Shaft - Connecting - Rod - Assembly of Motorcycle Engines

  18. 采用直读光谱仪、显微硬度机、光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜等分析手段,对失效的汽车发动机活塞连杆总成断裂原因进行了分析。

    Aemission spectrometer , micro-hardometer , optical microscope and scanning electron microscope were used to analyze the reason of crack on connecting rod unit assembly for piston of car engine .

  19. 通过试验参数的对比表明用流固耦合的仿真分析方法对排气歧管总成的优化分析是可行的。因此,将发动机排气歧管总成作为一个整体系统来研究,是可行的。

    Fluid-structure coupling simulation method by comparison of the test parameters on the optimization of the exhaust manifold assembly analysis is feasible . Therefore , the engine exhaust manifold assembly as a whole system to study is feasible .

  20. 发动机缸盖是发动机总成中最重要的部件之一,因此对加工精度有很高的要求。

    The engine cylinder head is one of the most important components and usually has a high machining accuracy .

  21. 本文以发动机整车NVH匹配为研究对象,针对发动机动力总成悬置系统和车架系统的隔振展开了一系列的研究。

    In this context , this article in order to match the engine vehicle NVH studies , for engine and powertrain mounting system frame of the vibration isolation system to start a series of studies .

  22. 摩托车发动机悬置系统动态仿真及其隔振性能的研究发动机总成悬置系统的仿真优化设计

    Study on Dynamic Simulation and Vibration-isolating of Motorcycle Engine Mounting System ; The Simulation and Optimization of the Power Train Mounts System