
  • 网络the New World
  1. 哥伦布是何时发现新大陆的?

    When Columbus discovered the New World ?

  2. 发现新大陆认识新世界&有关成人ADHD的新发现、新认识

    Discover " the New Continent , recognize the New World " & New discovery and recognization about adult ADHD

  3. 其中一个想法是,在中世纪,当大型帆船出发去发现新大陆时,牧师会在每艘船上都放一个圣诞盒。

    One of the thoughts is that during the Middle Ages , when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land , a Christmas box was placed by a priest on each ship .

  4. 别一副哥伦布发现新大陆的样子。

    Don 't appear like Columbus having found the New Continent .

  5. 发现新大陆的航海与资本主义经济之出现同时发生。

    The voyages of discovery synchronized with the emergence of capitalist economy .

  6. 哥伦布发现新大陆的历史作用

    Historic role of Columbus ' " discovery " of the new continent

  7. 我敬佩那些为发现新大陆而外出的探险家们。

    I admire those explorers who ventured forth to explore new lands .

  8. 所有这些都不能改变哥伦布发现新大陆的事实。

    All these cannot change the fact that Columbus discovered the new continent .

  9. 发现新大陆是哥伦布毕生所希望实现的事业。

    The discovery of the new continent was the lifelong enterprise of Conlunbus .

  10. 你觉得自己就是路易斯和克拉克了,像发现新大陆一般。

    You get the feeling you 're Lewis and clark , charting undiscovered territory .

  11. 人们过去把发现新大陆的功劳归之于哥伦布。

    People used to give credit Columbus for the discovery of the New Continent .

  12. 这就是哥伦布发现新大陆航行的海道。

    This sea route is the way Columbus sailed when he discovered the new continent .

  13. 发现新大陆

    Discovery of the New Land

  14. 哥伦布发现新大陆的消息在欧洲激发了人们全球探险的热情。

    The discovery of the new continent by Columbus stimulated the desire for worldwide exploration in Europe .

  15. 不愿意在海上漂泊很久,是不会发现新大陆的。

    One doesn 't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time .

  16. 1492年,哥伦布开始导致他发现新大陆的探险航行。

    In1492 , Columbus set out on the voyage of exploration which led to his discovery of the new world .

  17. 在哥伦布到达美洲之前,很多人就他能否发现新大陆而打赌。

    Before Columbus found America , a lot of people made a bet on whether he would find a new land .

  18. 除非你愿意在很长一段时间内无视海岸,否则你不会发现新大陆。

    You won 't discover new land unless you 're willing to loose sight of the coast for a very long time .

  19. 想发现新大陆,就得做好很长时间看不到岸边的准备。

    In order to discover new lands , one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time .

  20. 最近这次来大理,我没有感受到看到化石和梯田时的那种发现新大陆的惊喜。

    On a recent visit , I didn 't experience the aura of discovery that I 'd felt seeing the fossils and rice terraces .

  21. 虽然他们这次远征的目的表面上是为了发现新大陆,实际上他们关心的是为他们的产品找到新市场。

    Though their long trip this time is to find a new land on the surface , they are intended to find a new market actually .

  22. 哥伦布回到帕罗斯后,他发现新大陆的消息便传遍整个欧洲,而斐迪南德国王和伊莎贝拉王后下昭让他准备第二次出航。

    When Columbus finally reached Palos , the news of his discovery spread rapidly throughout Europe , and Ferdinand and Isabella instructed him to prepare for a second voyage .

  23. 该城在发现新大陆后尤其繁荣,且直到18世纪早期一直是殖民贸易主要港口。

    The city especially prospered after the discovery of the New World and served as the chief port of colonial trade until the early18th century . Population , 672,435 .

  24. 欧洲人发现新大陆后,用西班牙大帆船运回黄金,1849年美国加州淘金热,以及南非和美国阿拉斯加州金矿的开放,这些都带来了世界经济的繁荣。

    Happy days followed the discovery of America and the return of gold in galleons , the prospecting of the Forty-niners , the opening of South African and Alaskan fields .

  25. 至于吸烟据史书记载是哥伦布发现新大陆以后明朝万历年间传入我国的。

    As for smoking , according to historical records , it was introduced into China during the Wanli era of the Ming Dynasty after Columbus had discovered the new continent .

  26. 一年生高粮食作物,颗粒长在巨大的穗上;在美洲种植广泛,种类繁多;在哥伦布发现新大陆前,已经是墨西哥和中、南美洲的主要谷物。

    Tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears : widely cultivated in America in many varieties ; the principal cereal in Mexico and central and South America since pre-Columbian times .

  27. 斯坎蒂纳维亚人也不例外:维京海盗们先于哥伦布500年登陆了这块土地。但最终还是由西班牙皇室资助的寻金之旅让哥伦布发现新大陆的事迹永垂史册。

    But the Scandinavians were also here previously : their Vikings were known to have landed 500 years before Columbus did , yet Columbus gets the credit as the man who discovered America during his Spanish Empire-financed voyage in search of gold .

  28. 人类的运输是这些真菌能够从巴塔哥尼亚高原传播到欧洲的唯一途径。但是,直到15世纪末,人类才发现新大陆(或世界),而欧洲人一直到16世纪才到达巴塔哥尼亚高原。

    Human transport is the only way the fungus could have travelled from Patagonia to Europe , but exploration of the New World did not begin until the end of the 15th century , and Patagonia was not reached until the 16th .

  29. 哥伦布以“发现”新大陆而闻名。

    Columbus is famous for " discovering " the New World .

  30. 哥伦布报告说他发现了新大陆

    Columbus report back that he have discover a new continent