
  1. 我坚信,要恢复保守主义运动的持续性和吸引力的最好办法,在于现代保守主义者回到它的根处:对政府行为的怀疑主义。

    I believe that the best way to restore the consistency and attractiveness of the conservative movement is for modern conservatism to return to its roots of skepticism toward governmental actions .

  2. 传统与现代:保守主义的历史演变与特征

    Tradition and Modern Times : Historical Changes and Characteristics of Conservatism

  3. 里根摒弃了所有这些思想现代美国保守主义至今仍在承受由此产生的后果。

    Reagan debased all these ideas and modern American conservatism is still suffering the consequences .

  4. 文章首先简要分析了保守在东西语境中的差异,并对中国近现代文化保守主义的发展作了历史考察。

    I simply analyze the difference of " conservatism " in the western and eastern circumstances , and then make an observation and study of the Chinese modern cultural conservatism .

  5. 摆脱了欧洲的殖民统治,美国人信奉个人主义和经济自由观念,并对中央集权深感怀疑。特别地,现代的保守主义更等同于税收的减免。

    Escaping European serfdom , Americans mixed their latent distrust of centralized power with a sense of individual and economic freedom , which modern conservatism , especially , equates with tax relief .

  6. 第一章通过对中国近现代文化保守主义思潮的历史考察,概括总结中国近现代文化保守主义的本质和特征;

    In chapter 1 , through the historical inspection on the Chinese near modern cultural conservatism ideological trend , the author summarizes the essence and characteristics of the Chinese near modern cultural conservatism .

  7. 本文试图将他置于中国近现代文化保守主义、现代化、后殖民语境中,运用分析、比较、归纳的方法,对其文化观进行较为详尽,深入的探讨和研究,以期还原其历史真实。

    In this thesis I intend to put him in the circumstances such as Chinese modern cultural conservatism , modernization , post-colonization and use analytical , comparative , synthetical methods , make an intensive and profound study on his cultural ideology .

  8. 马一浮是中国近现代文化保守主义思潮中重要的代表人物,关于其学术思想的归属,尤其是他究竟是否属于现代新儒家的问题,当前学术界存在争议。

    Ma Yifu is an important representative in the Chinese near modern cultural conservatism ideological trend About his academic thought 's ownership , particularly whether he does belong to the " modern new - Confucianism ", the current academic circle has the dispute .

  9. 继之而起的是后来逐渐成为现代中国文化保守主义思潮之主流的新儒家。

    The contemporary Neo-Confucianism was the mainstream of Chinese culture conservatism .

  10. 围绕它形成的学衡派是近现代中国文化保守主义的翘楚。

    The School of XueHeng , centering on it , played an outstanding role in the culture conservatism in the modem and contemporary China .

  11. 现代中国的文化保守主义也正是在现代化逐渐遍及全世界的宏观背景下兴起的。

    The magnificent background of wide spread modernization produced contemporary Chinese culture conservatism .