
  • 网络Modern Advertising Design
  1. 创新:现代广告设计教育探索

    Innovation : The Exploration of Modern Advertising Design Education

  2. 从传统文化在现代广告设计中的应用来看,当代艺术设计所要求的既不是对传统的无限度重复,同时也不是欧美盛行的重现。

    From the traditional culture in modern advertising design , contemporary art and design is neither required by the traditional repeated indefinitely , while popular in Europe and America are not repeated .

  3. 现代广告设计中,创意是广告作品成败的关键。

    Creativeness is the key to success for modern ads designing .

  4. 论创造性思维的培养和现代广告设计教学

    On the Fostering of Creative Thinking and the Teaching of Modern Ads Designing

  5. 现代广告设计中的传统美学理念

    On Traditional Aesthetic Idea of Modern Advertisement Design

  6. 中国传统文化因素对现代广告设计策划的影响

    China 's Traditional Cultural Factors on Design of Modern Advertising the Impact of Planning

  7. 试析现代广告设计中的消费者逆反心理

    Pay Much More Attention to the Antagonistic Psychology of the Consumer in Modern Advertisement Designing

  8. 现代广告设计理念

    The rational conception of modern advertisment design

  9. 情感化设计是现代广告设计要素的重要内容,也是未来广告设计的发展方向。

    Emotional design is an important element and the future direction of modern advertising creation .

  10. 最后通过对作者作品分析,进一步探索文学修辞手法在现代广告设计中应用的方法。

    Finally , the authors further explore the literary works of analysis of rhetorical devices in advertising design in the modern application of the method .

  11. 同品味高尚,严谨的现代广告设计相比,后现代广告设计如脱开传统枷锁的舞蹈的孩子一样任意挥霍他们的年轻与灵动。

    With sample noble , rigorous modern advertisement design compare , if postmodern advertising designs uncouple to have more wanton to spend freely children equally traditional dance of chains .

  12. 从20世纪下半叶开始至今,现代广告设计受到后现代主义绘画的影响,其设计风格多样化、主题观念化、诉求个性化,并具有强烈的视觉冲击力。

    From the late 20th century , since the start of the modern advertisement design by postmodernism painting , the influence of its various styles , theme conceptualization , appeal , and has strong individualized vision wallop .

  13. 现代广告设计中,运用夸张、比喻、置换、对比、幽默、悬念等表现手法,有助于公众更好地理解广告内容,传播广告信息。

    Modern and designs have seen such means as : exaggeration , imageries , exchange , comparision , humour , and suspense , which , properly used help the audience better understand ads and help information reach farther .

  14. 因此,研究绘画元素与现代广告设计的相关性及必然性所传达的视觉效应就具有了现实意义,且对进一步了解现代平面广告设计现在与未来的发展前景也有着深刻的意义。

    Therefore , studied painting element with the modern advertisement design of relevance and inevitability carries a visual effect has the practical significance , and to further understand the modern plane advertisement design now and future prospect of also has the profound significance .

  15. 论现代广告创意设计的间接表现策略

    On the Indirect Strategy of Expression in the Design of Modern Advertising

  16. 传统美学观对现代广告招贴设计的影响

    Traditional Aesthetics Has Influence on the Modern Advertising Poster

  17. 本文论述了传统美学观在现代广告招贴设计中的体现。

    This thesis describes the embodiment of the traditional aesthetics in the modern advertising poster design .

  18. 超现实主义创造的形式和技法,对现代招贴广告设计具有非常重要的意义。

    Its form and technique are wildly applied in poster design , and plays an important role in modern poster design .

  19. 本文将从绘画与设计相关联的角度论述绘画对现代平面广告设计的影响以及绘画元素在现代平面设计中所传达的视觉效应,并使之能够真正传递现代信息符合现代设计的功用。

    This paper from the painting design-related Angle discusses drawing on modern graphic designing and influence of painting elements in modern graphic design had communicated visual effect , which can truly transfer modern information accords with modern design function .

  20. 前卫现代艺术和广告设计文化的传达

    On Modern Avant-garde Art and Cultural Convey in the AD Design

  21. 现代报纸广告版面设计与受众心理探析

    Analysis Modern Newspaper Advertisement Layout and Audience Psychology

  22. 现代的广告平面设计融入了传统的造型艺术,可以更广泛地取材、更自由地改良;

    Modern advertising graphic design into the traditional model art , can be more widely drawn , the more free refines ;

  23. 传统美学中对美的追求影响着现代招贴广告的设计,反过来,现代广告招贴又影响着传统美学的传承和发展。

    Traditional aesthetics in the pursuit of beauty influence the design modem poster , in turn , modem advertising posters influence heritage and development of traditional aesthetics .

  24. 在现代设计的思潮中,它就如一颗璀璨的明星,照亮了现代广告设计发展的道路。

    In the modern design ideas in it as a shining star , lit up the path of development of modern advertising .