
  • 网络The Pursuit of Modernity;Search for Modernity
  1. 本文对中国文化现代化的发展历程做了总体的回顾与评析。作者认为,对现代性的追求构成了中国文化现代转型的基本思想主题;

    The pursuit of modernity is the prime mover in China 's cultural modernization .

  2. 现代性的追求与反省&当代中国哲学的基本面相

    Modernity and Contemporary Chinese Philosophies

  3. 在新时期波澜壮阔的现代化实践中,寻根文学形成了一道独特的风景:在寻根的口号中,融入了对现代性的追求;

    Tracing back the root-seeking literature has come into a new wave that pursuit , recreate and reviving the culture in modern times .

  4. 宫崎骏动画电影对审美现代性的追求离不开其动画语言的暗中支撑。

    The pursuing aesthetic modernity of Hayao Miyazaki 's animations can 't be independent of the support of their animation languages in secret .

  5. 他的和谐,不仅带有中国传统文化色彩,同时也受到了五四启蒙精神的影响,体现了审美现代性的追求。

    With Chinese traditional cultural coloring , and effected by the enlightening of the May 4th movement , his " harmony " embodies the pursuit of aesthetic modernity .

  6. 所以,对现代性的追求或者说现代化,是中国话剧表演艺术形成和发展的根本动力。

    Therefore , the pursuit of contemporaneity or in other words , the modernization is the basic driving force for the birth and development of Chinese drama performing art .

  7. 当然,贾平凹用中国传统的哲学眼光看待现实生活时,也对现实生活进行了批评和质疑,这显然包含作家对审美现代性的追求。

    It is undeniable that when Jia presented the reality in the light of traditional Chinese philosophy , he criticized and questioned the reality , which shows his pursuit of aesthetic modernity .

  8. 自晚清以来的中国知识精英对国家独立,民族解放的政治理想追求都是建立在对中国现代性的追求之上的,是建立在与世界最发达的民族国家的文化认同上的。

    The intellectuals since late-Qing have been seeking the ways of the national independence and liberation . The culture during this period is founded on the basis of identity with the developed countries as well as pursuing the Chinese modernity .

  9. 洛克的知识确实性思想深刻地影响了近现代西方对于确实性的追求。

    His theory on certainty of knowledge influences greatly the research into certainty in modern west .

  10. 在没有本土现代性资源的条件下追求艺术的现代化,必定出现西方现代艺术的拜物教。

    Without the domestic resources of modernity , the pursuit of artistic modernization must lead to the fetishism that appeared in modern western art .

  11. 中国现代文学呈现双重现代性追求:启蒙现代性中的现实主义追求与审美现代性中的小说写意性追求。

    Modern Chinese Literature - pursuing double modernity : pursuing modernity realism of enlightening modernity and pursuing enjoyable novel in aesthetic modernity .

  12. 近现代的思想先驱们一开始就将妇女解放纳入了现代性的追求之中。

    The neoteric thought precursors subsumed female liberation under the pursuit of modernity at the very start .

  13. 现代性和大众化的关系具有一致性:由于有了现代性的追求,才有了社会、政治、经济、文化以及文学的大众化内涵。

    It is proved that the two points have a continuity : on one hand , because of the pursuit to Modernity , the popularity of society , politics , economy and culture have come into being .

  14. 现代商法的商人身份是建立在现代民法具体人格基础上的,其根本原因在于现代民法对妥当性的追求。

    The businessman identity law of modern commercial law is based on the particular personality of modern civil law . The basic cause lies in pursuit for appropriation of modern civil law .