
  • 网络Fulbright Act Fellowships
  1. 根据昨天财经杂志的一篇文章,大约五百到六百亿研究奖金将投入这一计划。

    According to an article yesterday in Caijing , the finance magazine , seed funds for research of Rmb50-60bn would kick off the project .

  2. 研究表明,奖金可能在短期内奏效,但在长期内会产生不良影响。

    Research suggests that prizes may work in the short term but have bad influences in the long term .

  3. 我们现在正在为更多的研究项目筹集奖金。

    We are now trying to raise finance for more research projects .

  4. 不管是平淡乏味的创新,还是数十亿美元的研究项目,奖金本身要起到鼓励作用。

    For both the uninspiring innovation and the billion-dollar research programme , it is the prize money itself that has to do the talking .

  5. 这种产品名叫Ephemeral,是一组化学与生物分子工程学的学生参加一次创业挑战赛的参赛作品,该挑战赛由纽约大学商学院的伯克利创业与创新研究中心主办,奖金20万美元。

    The product is named ' Ephemeral ' , after the team of Chemical and Biomolecular engineering students who took part in the recent $ 200000 Entrepreneurs Challenge held by NYU Stern 's Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation .

  6. 参与这个活动,你将有机会促进自己的职业发展,帮助朋友,深化你的科学研究,或者赢得奖金。

    It 'll be a chance for you to help your career , help your friends , further scientific research , and perhaps win a little cash as well .