
  1. 评价国内有关中医药防治胆石症文献中随机对照试验(RCT)研究的质量,为临床治疗提供依据。

    This paper assesses the randomized controlled trial ( RCT ) research on the treatment of cholelithiasis by Chinese medicine .

  2. Gevers说,政府和科研支持机构必须同时提高在当地期刊上发表的研究的质量和数量。

    Governments and research-support agencies must boost both the quality and quantity of work published in local journals , says Gevers .

  3. 实施GLP可以提高药品非临床安全性评价研究的质量,减少人为误差,得到可信性高的实验数据,以保障人民用药安全。

    Finally the GLP to be carried out may improve medicine quality in non-security evaluation study , reduce man-made error , obtain experiment data of high reliability and ensure medicine security .

  4. 重庆降水研究的质量控制和质量保证

    Quality control and quality guarantee of rain research in Chongqing area

  5. 水环境容量开发利用研究的质量保证

    The Quality Assurance of the Study on the Exploration of Water Environmental Capacity

  6. 回顾方法:两位评价者评价每一个研究的质量并且独立提取数据。

    Review methods Two reviewers checked the quality of the studies and independently extracted data .

  7. 由于这些研究的质量不佳,所以针灸的有效性仍然不清楚。

    Because of the poor quality of the trials , the effectiveness of acupuncture remains unclear .

  8. 积极提高医学临床研究的质量

    Improve the quanlity of clinical research

  9. 结论提高国内原始研究的质量非常重要。

    Conclusions This review showes that it is important to improve the quality of Chinese original studies .

  10. 临朐胃癌高发现场干预研究的质量控制

    Quality Control for Intervention Trial in High Risk Area with Gastric Cancer in Linqu County , Shandong

  11. 项目参与者认为,英国管理学研究的质量和数量都得到了提高。

    Those involved in the project argue that both the quality and quantity of UK management research have improved .

  12. 一方面,我们对规范研究的质量标准缺乏应有的学术判断;

    On one hand , we do not have the indispensible academic judgment about the standard of normative research ;

  13. 近年来,在评估一篇研究的质量方面,引用统计变得越来越重要。

    In recent years , citation statistics have assumed increasing importance in assessing the quality of a piece of research .

  14. 结论:针灸已经广泛应用于中风病的治疗中,但临床研究的质量需待提高。

    Conclusion : In China , acupuncture and moxibustion are widely applied for stroke . However , the quality of RCT papers needs improving .

  15. 一项研究的质量高低是主观的,用发表的同行评审文章数量等标准作为衡量尺度,不过是把主观判断“外包”给了别人。

    The quality of a piece of research is subjective , and using measures such as the number of peer-reviewed articles published simply outsources the subjective judgment to somebody else .

  16. 医疗保险计划的官员被该研究的质量、医生看护锻炼计划的好处,以及指导生活方式及其他变化的咨询计划所说服。

    Medicare officials were persuaded by the quality of the study , the benefit of a physician-supervised exercise program , and the counseling component to guide lifestyle and other changes .

  17. 目前的证据表明,因为纳入研究的质量较差及研究方法严谨性不够,中医对血液透析患者皮肤瘙痒症的有效性是不充分的。

    The current evidence is insufficient to show that Chinese medicine is an effective treatment for pruritus in hemodialysis patients because of suboptimal quality and lack of methodological rigor of included studies .

  18. 再者,是由于笔者能够比较容易进行问卷调查,得到比较真实和宝贵的一手数据,从而保证整个研究的质量。

    Finally , it is due to the questionnaire , the author can more easily get more real and valuable data , so as to guarantee the quality of the entire study .

  19. 该文研究的质量平衡炮采用不等质量原理,可使质量平衡炮系统总体结构方案获得最优。

    In this paper , The principle of the different quality is adopted to study the balanced gun of quality . The scheme of the total structure for the balanced gun systemof quality is optimized .

  20. 课堂教学的中心任务是向学生传授自然科学知识和社会科学知识,课堂教学质量的高低取决于教师和课堂教学研究的质量高低。

    The central task of classroom teaching lies in imparting knowledge of natural and social sciences to students . The quality of classroom teaching depends on the teacher and the level of classroom teaching research .

  21. 药品临床试验的网络化管理能够有效整合多方资源,优化人力资源配置,有助于提高临床研究的质量,降低研发成本,缩短研发周期,使临床研究过程更加规范、经济、高效。

    The networked management of the drug clinical trial can effectively integrate multiple resources , optimizing allocation of human resources , help to improve the quality of clinical research , reduce development costs , shorten development cycles , make the clinical research process more standardized 、 economic and efficient .

  22. 在新药研发的诸多环节中,通过多中心的临床试验阐释新药的安全性和有效性至关重要,而多中心临床试验数据的质量决定着临床研究的质量,前者又取决于对临床研究数据的管理。

    In many aspects of the drug discovery and development , evidence from multi-center clinical trials is key to the interpretation of the safety and efficacy of new drugs . However , the quality of clinical research is primarily determined by the quality of clinical data generated from these trials .

  23. cDNA基因芯片技术在血管内皮细胞基因变化研究中的质量保证过程

    Analysis of interfered factors about cDNA microarray studying gene expression of human vascular endothelial cells

  24. 目的:获得能用于中药天麻扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)分析及其它分子生物学研究的高质量DNA。

    Objective : TO extract high-quality DNA from Chinese traditional medicine Gastrodia elata for AFLP and other molecular biological analysis .

  25. 中医药治疗黄疸型病毒性肝炎临床研究文献的质量评价

    Quality Evaluation on the Trials of TCM for Icteric Viral Hepatitis

  26. 对双黄连粉针剂治疗急性呼吸道感染研究文献的质量评价

    Evaluation of Studies on Shuang Huanglian Injection for Acute Respiratory Infections

  27. 提示所有纳入研究的报告质量均低。

    All included in the study prompted the report of low quality .

  28. 医学科学研究的全面质量管理与控制

    Integrative Quality Management and Control of Medical Scientific Research

  29. 结果:提高了研究生的质量;

    Result : The quality of the training of graduate students wes improved .

  30. 然而如何有效控制市场研究项目的质量一直是一个难题。

    However , quality control is a large obstacle of good research projects .