
  • 网络national capital
  1. 无疑,货币是国民资本的一部分;

    Money , no doubt , makes always a part of the national capital ;

  2. 国民资本扩张论

    On the Expansion of National Capital

  3. 国民资本的扩张需要进行法律、金融、国有资本实现形式、管理等多方面的制度创新。

    It is necessary to reform and innovate the system of laws , banking , the effectuation of govmment capital and management so as to realize the expansion of national capital .

  4. 证券市场,作为国民经济资本市场的重要组成部分,对各国的经济发展起着举足轻重的作用。

    Securities market , as an important part of the capital market , it play a decisive role in the economic development of countries .

  5. 比如,美国国民收入流向资本而不是劳动力的比例在增加,尽管速度不是很快。

    For example , the share of US national income accruing to capital rather than labour is increasing , albeit at a modest pace .

  6. 国民性、资本市场与法律的深层结构&民众的好赌性与市场调控法则

    On the Deep Structure of the National Character , Capital Market and Law & the Citizens ' " pro-gambling character " and the Market Coordination Rules

  7. 长期以来政府卫生支出一直被视为一种消费性支出,可以增进社会福利,但降低经济增长率,但作为政府对国民健康人力资本的投资其生产性支出的特点也是显而易见的。

    Government health expenditure has long been considered as a nonproductive expenditure , which can promote the social welfare , but reduce economic growth rate . But as a kind of investment of the national health capital , this expenditure also has an obvious feature of productive expenditure .

  8. 试论南京国民政府时期国家资本股份制企业形成的途径

    On the Route to Forming State Capital Joint Stock Companies during the Nanjing Government Period

  9. 第二部分主要对国民储蓄率与资本市场&股票市场、房地产市场的关系进行理论阐述和实证检验。

    Part Two mainly discusses the relationship between national saving ratio and stock market , the real estate market , theoretically and empirically .

  10. 目前,国有经济在我国整个国民经济中的资本数量最为庞大,产业门类最为齐全,在国民经济中发挥着主导和支配作用。

    And now , the state-owned economy plays the leading and domination role in the whole national economy with the characteristics of huge amount of capital and great varieties of industrial category .

  11. 得出人均国民收入、人力资本、市场结构、规模经济和资本劳动比均对我省产业内贸易产生促进作用,国外直接投资、产业结构对我省产业内贸易有负向作用。

    The result is GDP per capita , human resources , market structure , economies of scale and capital-labor ratio have positive effects on Hunan intra-industry trade , and foreign direct investment and industrial structure have negative effects .