
  1. 最后分析了在有限责任公司股东法定退出的情况下对各相关主体的影响。第二章,两大法系代表国家股东法定退出机制的比较研究。

    Lastly , introduces the influence of the mechanism for the three kinds of related subjects . The second part provides the comparative analysis of the withdrawal mechanism for shareholders in limited liability companies of foreign countries .

  2. 不过,该交易也面临几个较大的障碍,其中包括需要两个国家的股东都批准,以及达到一系列的监管要求。

    Yet the deal faces several major obstacles , including requiring shareholder approval in both countries and a long list of regulatory requirements .

  3. 但是国家作为股东就有其自身的特殊性,其内部无法克服的代理问题也成了诸多问题的根源所在。

    But if the nation with its some specialties becomes the stockholder , its never conquered agent problems will be the fountain of a series of issues .

  4. 股东权的司法保护,是国家对股东的程序性权利的保护和实现,即股东的诉讼提起权。

    The justice protection of stockholder ′ s rights is the protection and realization of the procedural right of stockholders , that is the right of litigating .

  5. 西方国家的股东积极主义实践表明,机构投资者持股有助于解决大股东与中小股东之间的利益冲突。

    In western countries , the shareholders ' positivism practice has shown that the institutional investors are positive to solve the interest conflict between controlling shareholders and monitory shareholders .

  6. 监管部门必须要采取积极地监督和严厉的惩罚措施,以最大限度地保护国家和股东的利益;第四,积极寻找问题的根源。

    Regulators must take active supervision and punishment measures in order to maximize the protection of the state and the interests of the shareholders ; Fourth , actively seek the root of the problem .

  7. 对公司本质认识的差异会推导出对国家与股东、职工等公司内部关系人在公司治理关系上的不同结论。

    The differentiation on the understanding of the essence of company gives birth to varied conclusions on the relations of corporate governance by the state , shareholders , employees , and other corporate insiders .

  8. 股权结构可以分成两层含义:一是股权集中度;二是不同所有制股权的构成,即国家股股东、法人股股东及社会公众股股东等的持股比例。

    Ownership structure can be divided into two meanings : Firstly , stock concentration ; secondly , the composition of different ownership , such as the State shareholders , corporate shareholders and the public shareholders and other stake .

  9. 从本文的经验检验结果来看,第一大股东为国家股股东除在盈利信息披露的及时性方面较差外,在盈利信息的稳健性和透明度方面都好于第一大股东为国有法人股和其他股股东。

    From the empirical conclusions , the companies whose the largest shareholder is state share is better than whose largest shareholder is state legal person shares and other shares in the conservatism and transparency of earning information , except in the disclosure timeliness .

  10. 在第二章中,以比较法的视角,对国外两大法系的典型国家在股东资格认定立法上的特点进行考察,汲取适合我国股东资格认定规则的经验。

    In chapter II , to the perspective of comparative law , on foreign legal systems of the typical countries on shareholders ' of the qualification of the characteristics of the legislation of any shareholder , learn from our experience of the qualification rules .

  11. 本文主要通过比较法学的方法探讨有限责任公司股东压制问题,通过分析不同国家对于股东压制的判定和救济规则,为建构我国股东压制救济规则打下坚实的基础。

    This dissertation mainly focuses on the topic of oppression of shareholders in limited liability company and intends to lay solid foundation for the remedy rules of oppression of shareholders to our country through the comparative analysis of law , especially the judgments and remedy rules of different countries .

  12. 内部人控制问题的实质是企业内部经营者权力过大,通过各种手段危害国家和中小股东。

    The nature of insider control problem is that managers have gained much more power , using various methods to damage interests of country and small shareholders .

  13. 股份公司,尤其是上市公司的不平衡的持股结构加重了这一问题。大股东持有公司很高比例的股份,尤其是国家作为大股东高比例持股时问题更加严重。

    The unbalanced holding structure in joint stock companies , especially in listed companies , in which large shareholders ( or the state ) hold a large percentage of shares makes this even worse .

  14. 本文试图从比较法学的角度分析国外有关国家法律对股东出资形式的规定,从而对中国公司法需要改进的地方提出建议。

    This paper tries to analyze from the perspective of comparative law on foreign investment in the form of national laws the provisions of the shareholders to the Company Law of China to make recommendations for improvement .

  15. 论文进一步分析了中小股东法律保护、债权人法律保护,发现普通法系国家对中小股东与债权人保护比大陆法系国家要做得好一些。

    The thesis put forward minority stock holder 's legal protection , creditor 's legal protection while analysing further , it find by country common law department to in minority stock holder and creditor make good a little wanting than continent law department country protecting .

  16. 为了解决如何限制控股股东滥用控制权的问题,英美等西方国家对控股股东科以诚信义务来保护公司或中小股东的利益。

    In order to solve the problem how to limit the abuse of power by the controlling shareholders , the United Kingdom and the United States as well as other western countries impose the fiduciary duty to the controlling shareholders to protect the company and the minority shareholders ' interest .

  17. 国有独资公司最基本的特点就在于国有独资公司投资主体的单一性,即国家作为单一的股东。

    The fundamental feature of the solely state-owned company is that there is only one investor , which means the state is the only shareholder .

  18. 在一个股东权力薄弱的国家,现在宣称股东投票将从根本上改变企业对高管薪酬的态度,可能为时过早。

    It may be too soon to declare that these votes will radically alter attitudes on executive pay in a country where investor rights are weak .

  19. 公司法人格否认是西方国家为了解决公司股东滥用公司独立人格和股东有限责任而引起的公司问题而创设的一种法律制度,它如今已成为许多国家公司制度的重要组成部分。

    Disregard of corporate personality system is established by western countries to deal with the " company problems " which result from shareholders ' abusing independent corporate personality and limited liability system .

  20. 作为一个判例法国家,并且是股东派生诉讼发源地,以成文法形式规定具有悠久历史传统的股东派生诉讼制度这是非常有意思的事情。

    As a case law country and the birthplace of shareholder derivative litigation , the provisions of statutory formed with a long historical tradition of shareholder derivative claims is a very interesting thing .

  21. 而矛盾的是,在美国上市的亚洲公司中,美国股东享受的少数股东权益保护,还不及亚洲国家上市公司的股东,因为在亚洲,关联交易常常需要股东投票批准。

    And , paradoxically , shareholders in Asian companies quoted in the US may enjoy less minority protection than in Asian countries where a shareholder vote is often required on related party transactions .

  22. 第三,我们发现对于中国的上市公司,其所面临的市场环境均不如发达国家完善,公司股东制度、管理层激励机制、中小股东保护机制等普遍存在问题。

    Third , the paper find that , for the listed companies in China , the markets and the regulations are immature , which leads to all kinds of problems in the shareholder systems , management incentive system and the protection system for small shareholders .

  23. 接下来的内容对具有代表性的大陆法系国家、地区和英美法系国家关于股东大会决议的立法规定进行了考察。

    Subchapter two investigates the legislations of resolution of shareholders ' general meeting in classic continental and Anglo-American legal system countries and area .