
  • 【物】extended source
  1. 文中研究了离散无记忆二进信源的n阶扩展源的霍夫曼码平均冗余量问题,对WojciechSzpankowski提出的精确渐近结果给出了一种新的证明方法。

    The average redundancy problems on Huffman block codes in a discrete memoryless binary source generating a sequence of length n is studied and a new prove method of a precise asymptotic result is given .

  2. 给出一种红外积分辐射计(BIIR)标定和测量扩展源的新方法,并对影响BIIR测量精度的主要因素进行了测试和分析。

    A new approach to the calibration and measurement of extended sources was introduced in the infrared integrating radiometer BIIR .

  3. 地球作为扩展源的杂光计算

    Calculation of Stray Radiation from the Earth as an Extended Source

  4. 热成象系统对扩展源目标的视距估算

    Visual Range Prediction for the Extended Source Target in Thermal Imaging Systems

  5. 提出了基于形式概念分析的查询词扩展源的产生方法。

    Propose a method for forming Query Expansion Source based on Formal Concept Analysis .

  6. 对于不可用的那些,是否应扩展源应用程序?

    For those that are not available , should the source applications be extended ?

  7. 从月面扩展源探测与实时计算大气倾斜量的研究

    Research on Detecting and Computing Atmospheric Tip-tilt Real Time from the Extended Source of Lunar Surface

  8. 基于光电成像系统最小可分辨对比度的扩展源目标作用距离模型

    A Model to Predict Range Performance of Imaging System for Extended Target Based on Mininum Resolvable Contrast

  9. 城市空间扩展源于动力因素的促进,并产生相应的社会经济影响。

    The expansion of urban space is leaded by the promotion of the driving factors and in the same time some socio-economic impacts are produced .

  10. 花一点时间来研究以上演示、看看扩展源代码,获取对扩展和插件的复杂程度的一个正确了解。

    Take some time to explore the demos above and look at the extension source code to get an appreciation for how complex an Ext JS extension or plug-in can be .

  11. 在将大气波前倾斜量的实时补偿引入激光测月过程中的理论基础上本论文的目的是研究从低对比度扩展源实时探测与计算大气波前倾斜量的方法。

    The goal of this thesis is to study the best algorithm for computing the atmospheric Tip-Tilt real time from low contrast and extended source based on the theory that introduces the real-time compensation for atmospheric Tip-Tilt in LLR .

  12. 将扫描探测系统视为对比度探测系统,考虑到信号处理系统的影响,推导了探测器噪声限下扫描探测系统对扩展源的噪声等效温差和对点源目标的作用距离方程;

    Taking Scanning Detection Systems ( SDS ) as detection systems of contrast , under detector noise limited circumstances , and considering the effects of signal processors , the NETD for extended sources and the range equation for point source targets of SDS were derived .

  13. 对理想点目标而言,当实际弥散像点面积超过探测器单元面积时,仍应按点目标计算入射能量而不应混同于扩展源。

    For ideal point target , when the area of the expanded image spot is greater than the area of the detector element , we must count the incident energy according to point target condition , and can 't serve it as an expanded source .

  14. 特别介绍了在月球激光测距中利用月面反射器近旁的月面扩展源探测与计算大气倾斜量,进而对测月的激光束实施大气倾斜量实时改正这样一个全新的概念。

    A new idea is introduced especially that uses a small area near the retroreflector array on the moon surface as an extended source to detect and calculate the wavefront tilt , and then carry on the real-time tilt compensation for the laser beam on the LLR .

  15. 为解决对目标红外隐身效果以及红外成像导引头探测性能进行评估的问题,推导了计算目标空间频率的迭代方法,得到了红外成像导引头对扩展源目标的发现和识别概率。

    To evaluate the infrared camouflage effect of the target and the detection capability of imaging infrared seekers , an iterative algorithm to calculate the target spatial frequency is deduced , from which the detection and identification probabilities of imaging infrared seekers to extended source target can be derived .

  16. 对查询词扩展源中的词与领域本体中的概念进行匹配计算,确定领域本体中的匹配概念和匹配属性,进而以匹配概念和匹配属性为核心建立子领域本体。

    Match the terms of the Query Expansion Source and the concepts of the Domian Ontology . Make sure the matching concepts and the matching attributes in the Domain Ontology . Based on the existing Domain Ontology , build a Sub-Domain Ontology centering on the matching concepts and matching attributes .

  17. 高能原初电子谱和扩展X源

    High energy primary electron spectrum and diffusion X-ray source

  18. 我们关于实现WS-Addressing扩展的源文件和本文一起提供,您可以通过点击本文顶部或底部的Code图标来下载。

    Our extensions to WS-Addressing are presented in the source files provided with this paper , which you can download by clicking on the Code icon at the top or bottom of this paper .

  19. 您可以根据需要随便使用和扩展这些源代码。

    Feel free to use and extend the source as necessary .

  20. 扩展声源的空间傅立叶分析

    Spatial Fourier Analysis on Acoustical Extended Sources

  21. 气态制冷剂喷射能有效扩展空气源热泵的使用范围,提高其低温适用性。

    The use range and applicability of the air source heat pump can be enhanced by using scroll compressors with gas refrigerant injection in it .

  22. 本文提出了一种新的组播路由协议方案,旨在充分利用现有的单播网络,简单有效地扩展单源点组播应用范围,以及提高单源点组播的效率。

    This thesis brought forward a new scheme of multicast routing protocol , aiming at widely using single-source multicast on current Internet and making it more effective .

  23. 特别是在本层邻块数据无法获取的情况下,利用基本层解码重构数据作为扩展预测源,使得帧内预测的预测精度明显提高。

    Especially , at the case of that the enhancement layer data is not available , base layer reconstructed data is used as predictor instead for intra prediction , which extends the implementation of intra coding under this special situation .

  24. 扩展的数据源支持Web服务或API调用等成为映射的源或目标。

    Extended data source enable things like Web services or API calls to be sources or targets of a mapping .

  25. 最近,在开发方面最让人感兴趣的事情是引入了两款免费的、可扩展的开放源代码IDE:Netbeans和Eclipse。

    The most interesting new development has been the introduction of two free , extensible open source IDEs : Netbeans and Eclipse .

  26. MCS-51扩展外部中断源的新方法

    New Approaches to External Interruption Source Extension

  27. 可移植、可扩展、开放源代码的框架并不是个新思想(您会想起Emacs),但是由于它成熟、健壮和优雅的设计,Eclipse带来了全新的动力。

    A portable , extensible , open source framework isn 't a new idea , but because of its mature , robust , and elegant design , Eclipse brings a whole new dynamic into play .

  28. 8259A可扩展外部中断源的数目,又有多种中断管理方式。

    The number of the external interrupt sources can be expanded in 8259A . It also has multiple interrupt management modes .

  29. 基于扇出源的同步时序电路故障并行故障模拟器结合了扩展的扇出源故障模拟方法和临界路径追踪算法。

    It combines the extended fanout source fault simulation method and the critical path tracing algorithm .

  30. 还可以选择扩展的数据源,其中将显示应用程序、方法和参数等资产。

    It is also possible to select extended data sources , which represent assets such as applications , methods , and parameters .