
  • 网络expansion project
  1. 文章研究结果认为:KP公司肝复乐胶囊生产基地扩建项目是可行的。

    This paper studies concluded that : KP company " GanFuLe Capsule " production base expansion project is feasible .

  2. 本文叙述韦尔瓦冶炼厂扩建项目(HEP)的技术状况及发展、投产情况,韦尔瓦冶炼厂以前和现在的生产情况。

    This paper describes the Huelva Expansion Project ( HEP ), its technical aspects and development , commissioning , and previous and current operational experience at the Huelva Plant .

  3. 今年思嘉伯集团还与中国电力工程有限公司(ChinaNationalElectricEngineering)组建财团,共同承担西伯利亚Loznica天然气发电厂的2.3亿欧元升级扩建项目。

    This year Scarborough also formed a consortium with state-owned China National Electric Engineering for the EURO230m upgrade and extension of the Loznica gas-fired power station in Serbia .

  4. 1994年,大西洋铜业公司在其铜熔炼厂开始了新的扩建项目&增加闪速炉和PS转炉的处理能力,精矿熔炼能力达到100万t/a;

    In 1994 , Atlantic Copper began a new expansion project in its copper Smelting , increasing the intensity of the Flash Furnace and PS converters processes , to reach a smelting capacity of some one million tonnes per year of concentrates .

  5. 由于运营方法国电力集团(EDF)和潜在的中国投资者的角力,位于英格兰西南部的造价245亿英镑的欣克利角(HinkleyPoint)核电站扩建项目的投资被搁置。

    Investment in the £ 24.5bn Hinkley point nuclear expansion project in southwest England , run by France 's EDF , has been held up because of wrangling between the energy group and potential Chinese investors .

  6. 在乳品企业改建、扩建项目中,在自控方面采用PC+PLC构成简易、低成本的集散控制(DCS)是一种行之有效的方法,一是提高企业自动化管理水平;

    In the project of reconstruction and enlargement of dairy industry , it is an effective method to apply PC + PLC to auto-control field , thus forming a simple and low-cost DCS . Firstly , it could improve the level of auto-management in enterprises ;

  7. 鲁南矿业公司在2003年4系列扩建项目中,为寻求高效率的细粒分级设备,考察了Derrick高频细筛,经过半年多的不断探索与调整,现已应用于现场生产中,取得了理想的筛分效果。

    Line in 2003 , Lunan Mining Co. made investigation on Derrick high frequency fine screen . Through over a half year 's exploration and regulation , the equipment has now been used in the production and achieved ideal screening effect .

  8. 珠江三角洲东岸蛇口(shekou)和赤湾(chiwan)的大型集装箱码头扩建项目,以及同一地区巨型大铲湾(dachanbay)新港口的建设,带来了新的威胁。

    The new threat results from major container port expansion programmes at Shekou and Chiwan on the East Bank of the Pearl River Delta in Shenzhen and construction of a huge new port at Da Chan Bay in the same region .

  9. 其中一次,商务部长警告电信公司sprint不要与华为达成一项大额设备交易;今年,美国商务部禁止华为参与一个公共安全应急通信网的扩建项目。

    In one case , the commerce secretary warned sprint , the telecommunications company , not to enter into a big equipment deal with Huawei , and this year , the commerce department barred Huawei from getting involved in the build-out of a public safety emergency communications network .

  10. 改、扩建项目经济评价中的几个问题

    Several questions occurred in economic evaluation for renovation and expansion projects

  11. 某冷库改扩建项目职业病危害预评价

    Pre-assessment on occupational hazards in construction project of a cold storage

  12. 目前,新建矿井的井巷设计绝大多数都由专业设计部门承担,但多数生产矿井的延伸扩建项目的井巷工程,则往往需要生产单位自行设计。

    At present , the mine tunnel designs of newly constructed .

  13. 简化改扩建项目经济评价盈利能力分析的探讨

    Discussion on Simplifying the Economic Assessment of Renovation and Expansion Project

  14. 热电厂3锅炉扩建项目方案

    No.3 Boiler Expanded Project Scheme of Heat and Power Plant

  15. 老厂扩建项目的进度控制管理

    Schedule Control Management of Expansion Project for Old Power Plant

  16. 改扩建项目中的沉没成本

    The Settling of Sunk Costs in the Project of Renovation and Expansion

  17. 改扩建项目财务评价中现金流量的研究

    Study of Cash Flow in Finance Appraisal of Reconstruction and Expansion Projects

  18. 热电企业扩建项目进度管理研究

    Study of Scheduling Management of the Expand Projects of the Thermoelectricity Plants

  19. 广州石化炼油改扩建项目进度计划与控制

    The Construction Schedule and Control of the Sinopec Guangzhou Refinery Revamp Project

  20. 改扩建项目后评估方法与应用研究

    Study on Method and Application of Post Evaluation in Renovation and Extension Projects

  21. 改扩建项目可行性研究的竞争力分析

    Competitive ability analysis for feasibility study of expansion project

  22. 改扩建项目财务评价的简化处理

    On Simplifying Financial Evaluation of Renovation and Expansion Project

  23. 某蓄电池公司极板车间扩建项目职业病危害预评价

    Pre-Evaluation of Occupational Hazards in Enlarged Project of Plate Workshop of Battery Company

  24. 高速公路改扩建项目的桥梁加宽设计

    On bridge widening design in expressway reconstruction project

  25. 天然气管道改扩建项目经济评价问题初探

    Economic Evaluation of Natural Gas Pipeline Upgrade Projects

  26. 考虑环保因素的电源扩建项目分析及应用研究

    Analysis and Application of Extensive Construction of Power Station under Considering the Environmental Factors

  27. 公司正在尽力集资以为扩建项目提供资金。

    The company is trying to raise the capital to fund its expansion programme .

  28. 路的对面,这家公司正在进行一项10万平方米的扩建项目。

    Across the road , the company is undertaking a 100,000 sq m expansion project .

  29. 与传统的评价经济效果的决策方法相比,基于价值工程的决策方法能够更加全面、客观地评价改扩建项目的实施方案。

    The decision method based on value engineering can evaluate various programs generally and objectively .

  30. 上述系统的改进项目/项目/改及扩建项目。

    Improvement projects / new project / modification / addition on the system mentioned above .