
  • 网络Extended File System
  1. 这个文件系统有严重的性能问题,因此出现了另一个针对Linux的文件系统,即扩展文件系统。

    This file system had some significant performance issues , so another file system was created specifically for Linux called the extended file system .

  2. 第三扩展文件系统(thirdextendedfilesystem,ext3fs)是最流行的日志文件系统,是由ext2文件系统演化而来。

    The third extended file system ( ext3fs ) is the most popular journaling file system and is the evolution of the popular ext2 file system .

  3. 用更多的LUN扩展文件系统。

    Extend the file system with additional LUNs .

  4. 第4扩展文件系统(Thefourthextendedfilesystem)的名字ext4是由ext4dev改变而来的,这意味着它已经足够稳定,可以常规使用。

    The fourth extended file system ( ext4 ) file system was renamed from ext4dev to ext4 , which means that it 's stable enough for regular use .

  5. 同样,如果输入type和一个空格,然后按Tab,fish会显示内置函数的列表,这些函数扩展文件系统上可用的实用程序。

    Similarly , if you type type , a space , and then click Tab , fish displays a list of built-ins and functions that extend which utilities are available to you on the file system .

  6. 针对Linux的扩展文件系统有着漫长而丰富的历史&从1992年首次引入ext1到2008年引入ext4。

    The extended file system obviously has a long and rich history within Linux & from the first introduction to ext in1992 to ext4 in2008 .

  7. 令人惊讶的是,ext4之前的扩展文件系统的时间戳都是以秒为单位的。

    Amazingly , timestamps in the extended file system arena prior to ext4 were seconds based .

  8. 第3个扩展文件系统(ext3)是Linux文件系统的重大改进,尽管它在性能方面逊色于某些竞争对手。

    The third extended file system ( ext3 ) was a major advance in Linux file systems , even though its performance was less than some of its competitors .

  9. 第三扩展文件系统(ext3fs)

    Third extended file system ( ext3fs )

  10. Ext4源自第3扩展文件系统(ext3),并具有更好的性能、特性和可靠性。

    Ext4 is the successor to the standard third extended file system ( ext3 ) available today , but with better performance , features , and reliability .

  11. 如何使用LVM的hot-add特性扩展文件系统,从而满足存储需求的增长。

    How to extend the file system to keep up with growing storage demands using the hot-add feature of the LVM .

  12. 第4扩展文件系统

    The fourth extended file system

  13. 其默认的日志记录方法为预定,且支持以在线调整大小的方式扩展文件系统。

    The default method for journaling is ordered and supports online resizing to grow the file system .

  14. 这个下一代扩展文件系统提供更好的伸缩性、可靠性和许多新功能。

    This next generation of the extended file system provides improved scalability , reliability , and considerable new functionality .

  15. 因此在操作系统上必须扩展文件系统模块,使之支持图像信息的存储,方便应用与开发。另外还要考虑硬件对交互界面的支持问题。

    Therefore , the file system module should be extended on operating system . We should also consider supporting issue on the hardware interface .

  16. 论述了如何创建文件系统,以及在实际工作中又是怎样扩展文件系统的,并总结了维护经验。

    The paper studies how to create file systems and how to expand them , meanwhile , summerizes the experience of file maintenance about HP minicomputer .

  17. 传统的大数据环境包括一个分析程序、一个数据存储、一个可扩展文件系统、一个工作流管理器、一个分布式排序和散列解决方案以及一个数据流编程框架。

    A traditional big data environment includes an analytical program , a data store , a scalable file system , a workflow manager , a distributed sorting and hashing solution , and a data flow programming framework .

  18. ZFS将逻辑卷管理器的概念与功能丰富的和可大规模扩展的文件系统结合起来。

    ZFS combines the concepts of a logical volume manager with a very feature rich and massively scalable file system .

  19. 但是,可以轻松地扩展根文件系统。

    But you can easily extend the root file system .

  20. 对于可扩展的文件系统、最大性能、与企业存储服务的集成以及需要访问原生块级存储的应用程序而言,块存储通常是必需的。

    Block storage is often necessary for expandable file systems , maximum performance , and integration with enterprise storage services as well as applications that require access to raw block-level storage .

  21. Google文件系统是一个典型的、可扩展的集群文件系统,适用于大型的、分布式的、对大量数据进行访问的应用。

    The Google File System is a scalable cluster file system for large distributed data-intensive applications .

  22. 文中介绍了在和欣嵌入式操作系统上,利用CAR构件运行环境,构建支持可动态替换、动态扩展的嵌入式文件系统。

    In this paper , we propose a dynamic file system featured by dynamic replacing and upgrade based on CAR component technology in elastos .

  23. SELinux的一个问题在于,它需要一个支持扩展属性的文件系统;而AppArmor对文件系统没有任何要求。

    One issue with SELinux is that it requires a file system that can support extended attributes ; but AppArmor is file-system agnostic .

  24. 必须先把它们添加到LVM中,然后才能扩展实际的Linux文件系统。

    You have to add them to LVM before you can increase the actual Linux file system .

  25. 创建一个标准第三方可扩展(ext3)文件系统。

    Create a standard third extended ( ext3 ) file system .

  26. HANDY:一种具有动态扩展性的集群文件系统

    HANDY : a Cluster File System with Dynamic Scalability

  27. 可扩展的单一映象文件系统

    Scalable Single - image File System

  28. 在扩展LV之后,不要忘记扩展文件系统(这样才能实际使用增加的空间)。

    After extending the LV , don 't forget to also extend the filesystem ( so you can actually use the extra space ) .

  29. 因此,本文旨在研究如何通过负载平衡提高系统资源的利用率从而达到提高存储系统的可扩展性的目的,具体包括设计可扩展的文件系统结构,研究文件系统负载平衡策略。

    Therefore , the thesis aims to study how to improve the scalability of storage system through load balancing to obtain the high effectivity of system resource , including designing the scalable file system architecture and studying the load balancing strategy .