
  • 网络Spread foundation;spread footings
  1. 漕河渡槽下部结构在招标图阶段和施工图阶段先后两次将15个槽墩由原初设的桩基承台型式改为扩大基础型式。

    Cao River flume infrastructure , in the stage of tender invitation blueprint and construction blueprint , 15 pier shafts had been changed primary design pile bench into spread foundation .

  2. 这样的战略接下来还会鼓励类似Turkcell这样的大企业随着信心的增强进一步扩大基础设施建设。

    Such tactics then encourage major players such as turkcell to pursue additional infrastructure as confidence grows .

  3. 措施将包括削减税收扩大基础设施建设。

    The package will include tax cuts and extra infrastructure spending .

  4. 无支护式明挖扩大基础深基坑开挖施工技术

    Technique for Deep Pit Construction with No-supported Dig

  5. 采用扩大基础,基础的平面尺寸通过收敛性计算得以确定。

    The plane size of the enlarged foundation is ascertained with the convergence calculation .

  6. 耳墙式桥台扩大基础优化设计

    The Optimization Design of Wall-eared Abutment Foundation

  7. 桥墩扩大基础优化设计

    The OPtimization Design of Pier Foundation

  8. 设有扩大基础的台背回填基底应力有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of Basis Stress of the Backfilling Approach Embankment Equipped With Expanded Foundation

  9. 历次金融危机的经验教训表明,有必要保持或扩大基础设施投资规模。

    Lessons of previous financial crises point to the need to maintain or expand investments in infrastructure .

  10. 西部红层软岩地区某桥梁扩大基础有限元分析

    Finite element method analysis of a bridge extended foundation in red stratum soft rock region of western China

  11. 但许多官员认为,恢复增长的最快方法是扩大基础设施投资。

    But many officials think the fastest way to revive growth is by even higher investment in infrastructure .

  12. 川渝红层软岩水平互层对桥梁扩大基础承载力影响有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on the Influence of Horizontal Interbedding of Red-soft-mudstone Layer on the Load-Bearing Capacity of Bridge Spread Foundation

  13. 积极财政政策一方面通过调整支出政策,扩大基础设施和技术改造投资;

    At one hand , active fiscal policy expands the investment of infrastructure and technological reform through regulating expenditure policy ;

  14. 建筑深基坑支护方案的技术经济比选无支护式明挖扩大基础深基坑开挖施工技术

    Technical and Economical Comparison of Proposals for Deep Foundation Pit Excavation Support Technique for Deep Pit Construction with No-supported Dig

  15. 例如,英国需要在税收和公共关税的支撑下,扩大基础设施和教育投资。

    The UK , for example , needs increased infrastructure and education investments , backed by taxes and public tariffs .

  16. 漂石河床扩大基础桥墩局部冲刷深度的人工神经网络解

    The artificial neural network method used to calculate the depth of local scour of the expending base piers in the boulder riverbed

  17. 此外,通过扩大基础设施开支,亚洲将收获巨大的长期效益,因为这一环节多年来投入不足,而且城市人口正在快速增长。

    Furthermore , Asia will reap great long-term benefits from additional infrastructure spending , because of years of under-spending and a booming urban population .

  18. 当投资者认为政府将扩大基础设施投资时,他们就购买一家国有大型建筑公司的股票。

    They buy shares in one of the country 's big construction companies when they think the government is about to increase infrastructure spending .

  19. 政府扩大基础设施项目支出,也是农村消费增长的原因之一,它降低了企业分销自己产品的难度。

    Other reasons for growth in rural consumption include an increase in public expenditure on infrastructure projects , making it easier for companies to distribute their products .

  20. 中国国务院还表示,在中国经济增长速度连续第五个季度下滑后,国务院计划扩大基础设施支出。

    The Chinese State Council also said it was planning increases in infrastructure spending after the growth rate of the economy fell for the fifth quarter in a row .

  21. 因此,从基础埋置深度的确定和基础的验算内容两方面分析明挖扩大基础的设计与计算,具有重要的实践意义。

    Therefore , it is meaningful in practice that designs and calculates for open-cut foundation from two aspects which are bury length determining and checking computation contents of foundation .

  22. 在经历经济危机之后,政府一般都要依靠扩大基础设施投入带动就业,改善投资环境等,最终促进经济增长。

    Usually in the aftermath of an economic crisis , the government generally promotes employment and improve investment environment by expanding investment in infrastructure , so as to ultimately promote economic growth .

  23. 桥梁水下基础施工防水方法较多,当施工钻孔桩或扩大基础时,可以不用钢板桩围堰,而代之以轻便得多的钢套箱。

    During constructing the bored plies or enlarging the foundations , the lighter and more convenient steel jacket box may be used instead of using the steel sheet pile as the cofferdam .

  24. 基础设施的发展仅靠政府资本的力量是远远不够的,扩大基础领域的投资必须与加快基础设施投融资体制改革同步进行。

    Only the governmental capital can hardly meet the development of infrastructure . The increase of the infrastructure investment must be paced with the speed-up of the reform on infrastructure investment and fund-raising system .

  25. 另外,在软土地段,这类箱涵设计常采用的钢筋混凝土扩大基础,是不尽合理的,该文结合工程实例进行了论证。

    Moreover , it is not the reasonable design to build up reinfored concrete expanding basis about the box culvert in the soft roadbed . An engineering example is presented to demonstrate the idea .

  26. 信贷增长可以是件好事,尤其对新兴经济体而言:信贷增长使政府得以扩大基础设施建设,企业得以建造厂房,家庭得以购买房产及耐用品,从而加速整体经济发展。

    Credit growth can be a boon , especially in the emerging world : It speeds development by allowing governments to build infrastructure , companies to construct factories and families to buy homes and durable goods .

  27. 结果表明,本轮通胀主要是通过国际资本流入及汇率波动导致我国外汇储备资产增多进而被动扩大基础货币投放量,形成对我国整体价格水平的影响。

    The results show that the current round of inflation is mainly through international capital flows and exchange rate fluctuations resulted in an increase in our foreign currency reserve assets thus broadening the base money supply passive form impact on the overall price level in China .

  28. 浙江省仙居水电站拱坝左岸坝头山体较雄厚,且软弱夹层出露的高程较高,故采用扩大基础的推力墩结构。

    For the arch dam of Xianju Hydropower Station in Zhejiang Province , the mountain body of the abutment on the left bank is quite thick with the emergence of weak intercalated layers at higher elevation ; therefore , the thrust pier with enlarged base is adopted .

  29. 与此同时,我们应该认识到,推迟基础设施的维护和更换是一种假节约。我们应当利用10年期利率低于3%、建筑业失业率逼近20%之机扩大基础设施投资。

    At the same time we should recognise that it is a false economy to defer infrastructure maintenance and replacement , and take advantage of a moment when 10 year interest rates are below 3 per cent and construction unemployment approaches 20 per cent to expand infrastructure investment .

  30. 淡马锡(temasek)首席执行官何晶(hoching)周三表示,这家新加坡国立投资公司正在考虑扩大股东基础,并将首次寻求来自机构及公众投资者的外部资本,开展合资项目。

    Temasek , the Singapore state investment company , is considering expanding its stakeholder base and for the first time seeking outside capital from institutions and the public for joint investment projects , its chief executive said on Wednesday .