
  • 网络diffusion dialysis
  1. 草浆黑液中碱的扩散渗析回收与处理

    Diffusion Dialysis Recovery of Alkali in Black Liquid from Straw Pulping

  2. 扩散渗析法回收硫酸稀土溶液中硫酸研究

    Study on sulphuric acid recovery from RE sulphate solutions by diffusion dialysis

  3. KS-1型扩散渗析膜的研制及其在处理含稀土酸液中的应用

    Preparation of KS-1 diffusion dialyzing membrane and its application in treatment of acid solution containing rare earth element

  4. 扩散渗析法处理化纤厂酸性废水研究

    Acid wastewater treatment by diffusion dialysis in chemical fiber plant

  5. 特殊钢酸洗废液回收&扩散渗析-石灰石法

    Recovery of spent pickling solution of special steels by diffusion dialysis-limestone method

  6. 扩散渗析法回收不锈钢酸洗废液中硝酸

    Recovery of nitric acid from picking solution of steels by diffusion dialysis

  7. 卷式扩散渗析膜组件的设计和制作及废酸回收性能

    Design , preparation and performance of spiral wound membrane module for diffusion dialysis

  8. 扩散渗析法从铜冶炼废酸中回收硫酸的研究

    Study on Recovering Sulfuric Acid from Copper Smelting Waste Acid By Diffusion Dialysis Method

  9. 采用SO2还原-扩散渗析法处理高铜高砷废水

    Treatment of wastewater containing high concentration of copper and arsenic by sulphur dioxide reduction-diffusion dialysis

  10. 阴离子交换膜扩散渗析技术已被成功地应用于钢铁废酸的回收处理工程。

    Diffusion dialysis using anion exchange membrane has been successfully used in separating waste steel pickle liquor .

  11. 通过初步试验,探讨了用离子交换扩散渗析膜有选择性地回收酸分离铀的机理及影响因素。

    Based on experiments , the diffusion mechanism and influential factor of selective uranium separation and acids recovery with ion exchange diffusion dialysis membranes are introduced .

  12. 初步试验表明,扩散渗析可以用来分离回收其中大部分的硫酸,从而降低溶液的酸度,减少沉淀产品的碱耗。

    Preliminary test indicates that most of sulfuric acid can be separated and recovered by diffusing dialysis process . Consequently , the alkali consumption is reduced in uranium precipitation process .

  13. 对减压膜蒸馏浓缩硫酸稀土溶液和与扩散渗析联合回收低浓度的硫酸做了研究。

    Concentrating RE sulphate solutions by VMD was first experimentally studied in this paper , and in sulphuric acids recovery low concentration from RE sulphate solutions by VMD and DD was also studied .

  14. 研究采用扩散渗析法回收草浆黑液中的氢氧化钠,分别采用了离子交换膜和上海交通大学高分子研究所提供的疏水氟膜、亲水氟膜对草浆黑液进行处理。

    Diffusion dialysis was studied to recycle alkali in black liquid from straw pulping . Three kinds of membranes were used in dealing with black liquid , including ion-exchange membrane as well as hydrophobic fluorine membrane and hydrophilic fluorine membrane provided by Macromolecule Research Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University .