
  • 网络shanghai economy
  1. 世博会影响下的上海经济与产业发展

    The Shanghai Economy and Industry Development under the World Expo Influence

  2. 东南亚金融危机对上海经济发展的影响及其对策初探

    Impacts of the Asia Financial Crisis on Shanghai economy and the countermeasure

  3. 中国加入WTO与上海经济发展

    China 's Accession to WTO and Shanghai 's Economic Development

  4. CEPA对上海经济的影响

    The Effect of CEPA on Economic Development in Shanghai

  5. 另外,认为FDI对上海经济增长有推动作用,并分析了上海市吸引FDI的动力机制。

    In addition , we believe that FDI does promote Shanghai 's economic growth , and the research analyzes the mechanism of how shanghai attracts FDI .

  6. 文章运用1978~1999年和2000年第一季度的统计数据,通过对上海经济增长的数量推动机制的剖析,较为全面地论述了上海固定资产投资总量及结构与上海GDP变动的数量决定关系。

    This article systematically discusses the quantitative determining relationships of the amounts and structures of investment in fixed assets and GDP 's growth in Shanghai , by analysing the quantitative promotion mechanism of shanghai economic increase , with statistical datum in 1978-1999 and the first quarter in 2000 .

  7. 土地供给与上海经济发展关系密切。

    The land supply is closely related to Shanghai economic development .

  8. 上海经济增长中的适度流动人口问题探讨

    The Issue of Optimum Floating Population in Shanghai with Economic Growth

  9. 论上海经济、社会与环境的可持续发展

    On Economy , Community and Environmentally Sustainable Development in Shanghai

  10. 上海经济发展与能源对策研究

    The Research on Economic Development and Energy Countermeasures in Shanghai

  11. 嘉兴,地处大上海经济圈。

    Jiaxing is one of the member of Shanghai big economic zone .

  12. 创新驱动:上海经济发展的必由之路

    Innovational dynamic : Shanghai 's only way for developing economy

  13. 把上海经济区规划好、建设好

    Good Planning and Construction Work Needed for Shanghai Economic Zone

  14. 北京与上海经济辐射能力差异探析

    The Difference Analysis of Economic Radiation Between Beijing and Shanghai

  15. 改革以来上海经济增长因素的宏观分析

    Macro Analysis on the Factors Affecting Shanghai 's Economy Growth since Reform

  16. 上海经济发展中的产业结构优化研究

    Research on the Optimization of Industrial Structure in the Economic Development of Shanghai

  17. 上海经济的龙头地位与我国区域性经济带的互动关系

    On the Mutual - Relationship between Shanghai Economy and Regional Economic Belt of China

  18. 大上海经济区与大武汉经济区经济发展模式比较研究

    The Comparison between Economic Development Modes of Big Economic District in Shanghai and Wuhan

  19. 嘉兴融入长三角的突破口、切入点与重要载体&融入大上海经济圈,发展嘉兴经济对策建议之二

    Suggestion on the Development of Jiaxing s Economy

  20. 上海经济的发展给上海造纸工业带来机遇

    The development of Shanghai economy bringing about the chance of Shanghai paper making industry

  21. 上海经济40年的回顾与展望

    A Retrospection of Shanghai 's Economy for the Last 40 Years and Its Future Prospects

  22. 九十年代上海经济体制改革的战略思考

    Considerations About the Strategy for the Structural Reform of Shanghai 's Economy in the 1990s

  23. 遥感技术在上海经济区环境综合治理中的应用效果

    The Effectiveness of Applying Remote Sensing Technique to Comprehensive Harness Plannings in Shanghai Economic Zone

  24. 上海经济蓬勃发展,许多人因此被吸引了过来。

    The economy is on fire and a lot of people are drawn to that .

  25. 进口贸易增加了要素供给影响上海经济。

    Secondly , import increases supply .

  26. 上海经济的发展,刺激了市民队伍的扩大,有钱有闲阶层激增。

    The economic development in Shanghai stimulated the expansion of citizens who accumulated much spare cash .

  27. 随着上海经济的强势发展,酒店业如雨后春笋迸发勃勃生机。

    With the economic development in Shanghai , the hotel industry spring up burst of vitality .

  28. 上海经济型酒店日渐红火

    Economy Hotel in Shanghai

  29. 90年代上海经济发展的目标与对策

    Targets and the Appropriate Measures to be Adopted for the Development of Shanghai 's Economy in the 1990s

  30. 上海经济在总量规模持续快速扩张的同时,目前面临着非常紧迫的结构性调整要求。

    It is urgent to modulate industrial structure of Shanghai simultaneous with its fast expanding of gross economy .