
  • 网络War of the Ancients
  1. 我们可没有忘记上古之战,以及谁是它的幕后推手。

    We have not forgotten the War of the Ancients or the minds behind it .

  2. 军团没有忘记塞纳留斯在上古之战中表现出来的勇猛和力量,他们一定要击败他。

    The Legion had not forgotten the valor and might that Cenarius displayed during the War of the Ancients , and they were determined to see him defeated .

  3. 按时间顺序排列的话,官方剧情中第一次提到地精是在小说《上古之战》三部曲中,这表明地精很久以前就已经存在了。

    The first reference to goblins in official lore , chronologically , is in the War of the Ancients trilogy of novels , which indicates that the goblins have been around for quite some time .