
  • 网络Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  1. EM和NML几乎就要拿到存放在纽约联储银行的1.05亿美元,然而上诉法院裁定这笔钱不是用于“商业”目的继而享有豁免权。

    EM and NML came close to seizing $ 105m parked with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , but an appeals court ruled that the money was not for " commercial " use and was thus immune .

  2. 根据纽约联储银行的一份报道,从2004年到2014年,学生借款人的人数上升了89%。

    According to a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , between 2004 and 2014 , the number of student borrowers rose by 89 percent .

  3. 近日有不少质疑大学学历的声音,但是纽约联储银行表明大学学历有足够的价值。

    There may quite a few stories lately questing the value of a college degree but the Federal Reserve Bank of New York seem to indicate it worth it .

  4. 纽约联储银行行长威廉·达德利表示,不仅仅是大部分劳动力市场得到改善,经济也必须显示出足够的前冲力,他才会对经济会持续改善有信心。

    Not only most labor market improve , says New York FED chief , William Dudley , the economy must show enough forward momentum to make him confident improvement will continue .

  5. 通过这种方式,纽约联储银行的研究人员揭示了金融业存在的重要意义以及政策制定者需要反思金融生态系统运转(或失灵)机制的原因。

    And by doing that , the NY fed researchers showed why the sector mattered and why policy makers needed to rethink how the financial ecosystem did ( or did not ) work .