
  • 网络Arrested Development
  1. 此外,Netflix将于5月26日开始播出一部七年前从电视上消失的喜剧&《发展受阻》(arresteddevelopment)的15集新剧集。

    On May 26 , Netflix will unveil 15 new episodes of a densely woven comedy that disappeared from network TV seven years ago , ' Arrested Development . '

  2. 新的一季发展受阻会在五月二十六号在Netflix上�

    The brand new season of the " Arrested Development " is been released on May 26 .

  3. 风靡一时的电视系列剧《发展受阻》(ArrestedDevelopment)停机5年后,Netflix公司开始制作其续集。

    Netflix ( NFlx ) is resurrecting the cult favorite TV show arrested development five years after it was canceled .

  4. 赫维茨首度和Netflix合作是为制作艾美奖赢家《发展受阻》的第四季,该季已于去年播出。

    Hurwitz first worked with Netflix on a new season of his Emmy-winning comedy series Arrested Development , which was released last year .

  5. 当家人围坐在一起吃晚饭时,我眼眶湿润地感慨道:“不知道强尼(Johnny)现在在干吗”,接着我就听到了他从家中房间传来的喊声:“我在看《发展受阻》((ArrestedDevelopment)呢。”

    Misty-eyed , when the rest of the family was having dinner , I 'd say , ' I wonder what Johnny 's doing right now , ' and then I 'd hear him call from the family room , ' I 'm watching ' Arrested Development . "

  6. 在实际调研考察资料的基础上,依据城市中心商务区(CBD)和副中心商务区(Sub-CBD)的理论,分析了西安市CBD的现状特点及其未来空间发展受阻的因素;

    On the base of data from field survey and according to the theory of both the urban CBD and Sub-CBD , this paper analyzes the current characteristics of the Xi ′ an CBD and influential factors for its future .

  7. 我国公益信托发展受阻的法律分析

    China public interest trust development suffocating 's legal analysis

  8. 拜托,告诉我你签约参演电影版的《发展受阻》了吧。

    Please tell me you 've signed up for the " Arrested Development " movie .

  9. 总的来说,如果你喜欢《发展受阻》里的威尔?阿奈特,那你也会喜欢这部电影。

    Basically , if you like Will Arnett in Arrested Development , you will like this .

  10. 道德发展受阻;

    Moral development is baffled ;

  11. 我想说一说发展受阻大家都很期�

    and I wanna talk about " arrested Development " which is everybody is so exctied about .

  12. 这些问题直接导致资本市场发展受阻,公司治理和资本运营低效,国有上市公司发展滞缓,其示范效应难于发挥。

    These problems hinder the development of capital market and result in mismanagement and low efficiency of capital .

  13. 在企业生命周期演进过程中由于企业生命不同阶段的边界模糊,导致企业发展受阻问题。

    In this discussion , we know that enterprise development is blocked for indistinct boundary of the enterprise lifecycle .

  14. 但是长期以来,在基层财政严重困难的状况下,我国农村公共物品供给严重不足,基础设施落后,农业生产发展受阻,农民生活受到影响。

    But since long ago , under difficulty of finance , our countryside public goods supplies are seriously insufficient .

  15. 城乡收入的巨大差异,有效需求不足,城镇化和工业化发展受阻。

    The vast difference between the urban and rural income and effective demand is . insufficient , urbanization and industrialization .

  16. 然后我们谈论一下发展受阻和一些其他事情好好我们马上回来

    and then we will talk about " Arrested Development " and other things.sure.all right , we will be back .

  17. 随后,从商业银行、高等学校和贷款学生三个角度分析了其发展受阻的原因。

    Then it analyses the reasons of its slow development in three points : commercial banks , high school and the credit student .

  18. 在那,一些不透明的规则使许多美国企业发展受阻,为中国的本土企业发展相似服务提供了很大的空间。

    There , opaque rules have kept many American firms at bay , leaving the field open for Chinese ones to develop similar services .

  19. 世界经济发展受阻,生活成本居高不下,在这样的背景下没有人指望年轻人能够迅速找到对象并结婚。

    No one expects young people in a tough global economy with a high cost of living to find a mate and get married right away .

  20. 探讨了清代级数论的数学基础,认为其发展受阻系由非分析的传统支配所致。

    By examining the mathematical foundations of Qing times series , this paper considers it far from full developments as was subject to the non analytic tradition .

  21. 现有的模式带来了保险公司竞争力不足、汽车保险产业风险高度集中和汽车保险中介发展受阻等问题。

    In the present model , there are less competition of insurance company , high concentrated risk of automobile insurance industry and restraint in insurance intermediate development .

  22. 如果个体社会技能的某个层面发展受阻,就会产生结构性失衡现象,出现社会技能缺失。

    There is a " construction imbalance " phenomenon , if some aspect of social skill development is hindered , and children 's social skill shortage will present itself .

  23. 这段视频由这对兄弟的爸爸布拉德录制,他曾是美剧《发展受阻》的编剧和制片人,还担任过幽默视频网站大学幽默第一部故事片的写作和导演工作。

    Before doing this video , dad Brad Copeland wrote and produced for Arrested Development and has also been tapped to write and direct College Humor 's first feature movie .

  24. 另外,电子商务发展受阻的一个重要原因就是电子商务的安全问题,这一问题影响了消费者的决策,也极大地改变了企业的整个风险结构。

    In addition , one important reason for the problem is the security of EB , which affects the decision of consumers and changes the risk frame of enterprise as well .

  25. 这段视频由这对兄弟的爸爸布拉德录制,他曾是美剧《发展受阻》的编剧和制片人,还担任过幽默视频网站“大学幽默”第一部故事片的写作和导演工作。

    Before doing this video , dad Brad Copeland wrote and produced for " Arrested Development " and has also been tapped to write and direct College Humor 's first feature movie .

  26. 文中以外资银行在国内发展受阻为引例,再扩展到整个社会各个行业的中国信用消费隐性危机,指出诚信建设的重要性。

    The authors use an example for guiding , expands foreign capitals bank to the recessive crisis in the whole society of China , and points out the importance of sincere construction .

  27. 其中最成功的是黑色家庭喜剧《透明家庭》,由《发展受阻》的男演员杰弗里o塔伯扮演一位变性父亲。该剧在今年荣获两项金球奖(最佳电视剧和最佳男演员)。

    The dark family comedy Transparent , with Arrested Development actor Jeffrey Tambor as a transgender parent , received two Golden Globe awards this year for best TV series and best actor .

  28. 人的本性即第一潜能是善的,破坏性是人的第一潜能发展受阻的结果。

    Human 's natural character , which is also called first potentiality was good-willed , and human 's intention to destroy was only the result of the frustrated development of the first potentiality .

  29. 但数据本身并不能反映出这些疾患造成的痛苦、隔离和生产力丧失,也无法衡量人类潜力开发受阻和国家总体发展受阻的程度。

    But numbers alone do not measure the suffering , the isolation , the lost productivity , the brake on developing human potential , and the brake on development in general for countries .

  30. 通过数据分析,高中生个性化发展受阻与英语教师对新课程理念的理解与执行的偏差存在正相关。

    Through data analysis , there is a correlation on the frustrations in individual development of High School students and the deviation on the English teachers ' understanding and implementation of New Curriculum ideas .