
  • 网络transmitter
  1. 为了检测装有发信机的野生动物的位置,用数值解析法对动物位置空间坐标的变换进行了研究。

    In order to detect the position of wildlife on which transmitter is mounted , the space alternate coordinate of position was studied by numerical analysis .

  2. 最后给出了跳频通信发信机、接收机以及干扰机成员的仿真模型,分析了频率偏移对多频连续波干扰性能的影响。

    Finally , simulation models of FH transmitter , receiver and jammer are presented . The influence of frequency excursion on performance of multi-tone continuous wave jamming is analyzed .

  3. 该结果对CDMA基站发信机的设计是非常有用的。

    This result will be useful in the design of transceiver for CDMA communication systems .

  4. DDS技术及其在软件无线电收发信机中的应用

    Application of DDS Technology in Software Radio

  5. 系统控制部分用单片机和现场可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)来实现,完成了数据的高速传输要求,以及单片机和收/发信机部分的通信协议转换。

    The micro-computer and the field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) realize the control part of this T / R signal processor appealing the high speed transfer request , and the transform of communication protocol between MCU and this signal processor .

  6. UHF频段无线通信在现代无线通信中有着广泛的应用,而收发信机作为无线通信的基础设备,对无线通信系统的性能具有决定性的作用。

    UHF radio communication has achieved wide and mature application in modern wireless communication , transceiver which is a base equipment of wireless communication , plays a decisive role in the quality of wireless communication .

  7. 低功率业余无线电收发信机是业余无线电爱好者们急需的低功率通信设备。

    Low power amateur radio transceiver is in urgent need to radio amateur .

  8. 笼中主发信机和备用发信机天线松弛,易短路。

    The antenna of master and slave transmitters slacked and liable to be shortened in current .

  9. 开发了PC机端监控软件,实现了收发信机通信控制、状态监视、数据终端等功能。

    A PC software is developed to implement wireless transceiver communication control , status monitor and data terminal .

  10. 目前,受芯片制造技术的制约,软件无线电收发信机的功能还适合在中频上加以实现。

    Nowadays , SDR transceivers are suited to be realized at intermediate frequency due to the restrictions of chip manufacturing techniques .

  11. 目前,随着技术的高速发展,越来越多的无线电收发信机功能适合采用数字技术设计和实现。

    At present , with the developments of techniques , more and more transceivers are fitted to be implemented with digital techniques .

  12. 由于多址接入准同步方案保证了跳频通信系统发信机间的时延在跳频码的无碰撞区范围内,充分利用了无碰撞区跳频码的特点,因而使得系统的整体误码率性能得到了改善。

    The reason is that the multi-access quasi-synchronization scheme assures the time delay among transmitters to be limited in no hit zone of NHZ code .

  13. 在人工控制应用中,发信机通过将发射机选择信号发送到适当的信道比选模块上来决定使用哪一台发射机进行应答。

    In manually controlled applications , the dispatcher decides which transmitter site to use for reply by issuing a transmit select signal to the proper site voter module .

  14. 最后,基于跳频图案加密方案,设计实现了一种高速跳频保密收发信机。

    And a FH pattern encryption scheme is designed based on this algorithm . Finally , based on this FH pattern encryption scheme , we designed and implemented a high-speed FH confidential transceiver .

  15. 各运营商频率复用度不断增加,网络配置参数设定不当,发信机自身设置问题,直放站自激等,都是移动通信网络射频干扰产生的原因。

    Increasing reuse of frequencies of various operators , improper setting of network configuration parameters , issues of transmitter setting and repeater self-excitation all may cause the problems of mobile communication network with RF interference .

  16. 组成通信系统的基本要素包括发信机,通道以及收信机。

    The elements of a telecommunication system are a transmitter , a medium ( line ) and possibly a channel imposed upon the medium ( see baseband and broadband as well as multiplexing ), and a receiver .

  17. 总结了室内空旷环境下路径损耗的一般规律.仿真结果表明,随收发信机间距离的增加,路径损耗特性明显可以分为3个变化区域,路径损耗指数在2~4内变化。

    The simulation result shows that the path loss can be characterized as 3 zones with different path loss exponent as distance between transmitter and receiver increasing , while the path loss exponent within the scope of 2 to 4 .

  18. 自动发信功率控制(ATPC)是SDH微波系统的一项重要技术,它是微波发信机的输出功率在ATPC的控制范围内自动地跟踪接收电平的变化而变化。

    Automatic transmitting power control ( ATPC ) is a key technology in SDH microwave system , it is that microwave transmitter output power automatically changes in ATPC control range with the change of electrical level .