
  • 网络Transmit;ae signal;squitter;emit a signal
  1. 预编码是一种根据信道情况对发射信号进行预处理,从而提高MIMO系统性能的技术。

    Precoding technology can improve the performance of MIMO system , by adjusting the transmit single according to the channel condition .

  2. 通过分析不同脉冲的波形和频谱,得到了适合作为UWB发射信号的脉冲&调制高斯脉冲。

    By analyzing the waveform and frequency of different impulse , we find that modulated Gaussian pulse is a suitable impulse as UWB transmit signal .

  3. 基于多Agent的岩体声发射信号检测定位系统应用研究

    Research and Application of Rock Acoustic Emission Signals Monitoring and Localization System Based on Multi-Agent Technology

  4. DSP在声发射信号模式识别中的应用研究

    Research on DSP Technology in Pattern Recognition of Acoustic Emission Signals

  5. 用声发射信号和改进的BP神经网络预测磨削表面粗糙度

    Prediction of Grinding Surface Roughness with Acoustic Emission Signal and Modified BP Neural Network

  6. 基于Labwindows/CVI的弹发射信号检测方案

    A Scheme for Shooting Signal Testing base on Lab Windows / CVI

  7. 金属裂纹声发射信号FIR滤波设计的滤波器参数设置方法

    The Filter Parameters Set Method of FIR Filter Design for Metal Crack Acoustic Emission Signal

  8. Gabor小波时频分析在声发射信号处理中的应用

    Application of gabor wavelet time-frequency analysis in signal processing of acoustic emission

  9. 信号采集处理模块采集声发射信号,对其进行调理、AD转换成计算机可以处理的数字信号。

    Signal collection handling modular collection AE signal , optimizing it , the AD Converter changing AE signal to the digital signal .

  10. SAR的距离向分辨率与发射信号的带宽直接相关,通常可以通过提高发射带宽来获得更高的距离分辨率。

    The range resolution of SAR relates with transmitted bandwidth , therefore it is easy to increase the signal bandwidth to form a fine resolution .

  11. 方法采用改进的周期图法、AR模型及小波变换方法,研究自发耳声发射信号的检测算法。

    Method Improved periodogram ( Welch procedure ), AR model and Wavelet transform techniques were used to detect the Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions signal .

  12. 随后又对信号利用FFT变换出信号的频谱图,得出了在不同信号的特征频谱,由此推断声发射信号的峰值频率及特征频率。

    Thirdly , concluded the different feature spectrum , and inferred the peak frequency of AE signals and characteristic frequency using FFT transform .

  13. 最后将Hilbert-huang变换与独立分量分析相结合用于声发射信号的特征提取。

    Finally , combining Hilbert-huang transformation and independent component analyzed acoustic emission signals for characteristic extraction .

  14. 本文中,将该混沌调频信号作为雷达发射信号,结合时域相关技术,得到SAR成像方程。

    In this paper , the chaotic FM signals are chose to be radar transmitted signals , the SAR imaging equation is obtained using time domain correlation technology .

  15. 结果表明:岩石压入硬度与声发射信号的积分RMS有最好的相关关系。

    It is indicated that there is the best correlation between rock indentation hardness and integrated RMS of AE events .

  16. 基于嵌入式DSP为核心的原理样机设计:发射信号的产生设计,回波数据的滤波、采集及信号处理算法在DSP上的实现。

    The design of prototype based on embedded DSP : the generation of transmit signal , the filter echo data , the implementation of sampling and signal processing algorithms on the DSP .

  17. 第一组实验探究塑性成形中的摩擦声发射信号是否存在Kaiser效应。

    One experiment explored whether the Kaiser effect would exist in the friction of the plastic deformation course .

  18. 利用Gabor小波变换方法对断铅声发射信号进行时频分析,通过确定某一频率下某一模态导波到达传感器的时间,较好地实现了声发射源定位。

    By use of Gabor wavelet transform and MAE technologies , the arrived time to sensors of transient AE signals of specific guided mode can be precisely obtained .

  19. 主要探讨了利用GPS提供高精度的外时间基准,建立和保持发射信号的绝对时间,即可实现绝对时间的自由同步,以此来提高罗兰C系统本身的同步精度,进一步增强和完善系统的导航性能。

    The paper mainly discusses the freedom of synchronization of absolute time , found and keep absolute time of signaled , by using GPS high precision time basis . To improve precision synchronization of Loran C system and consummate the navigation capability .

  20. 在该算法中,接收机首先在整个信号空间中搜索满足一定约束条件的信号矢量并将这些信号矢量构成一个子集,然后利用ML准则在该子集中选取合适的矢量作为发射信号的最终估计值。

    With a certain constraint , the receiver searches through the full signal space and obtains a subset . Then the final decision is made by selecting the proper signal vector from the subset with ML principle .

  21. 但是,OFDM不仅对于同步误差和信道估计误差非常敏感,而且还伴随发射信号高峰平比(PAPR)的缺点。

    However , OFDM is sensitive to synchronization error and channel estimation error and it has the weakness of the high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio ( PAPR ) of the transmitted signal .

  22. LR算法将等效信道矩阵转换为一个良态矩阵,在转换域内LR能够提供一个很好的发射信号估计。

    LR can transform the system model into an equivalent one with better condition . LR algorithm provides a good initial estimation of the transmitted signals .

  23. 算法通过对OFDM系统的子载波进行分组,并自适应地选择各组子载波的调制样式,使发射信号的PAPR得到抑制。

    The algorithm firstly makes a grouping to the subcarriers , and chooses the modulation type adaptively by the PAPR of OFDM signal so that the transmitted OFDM signal has smallest PAPR .

  24. 最主要的区别在于MIMO雷达在接收时需用一组匹配滤波器从回波信号中分离出由各个正交发射信号引起的回波成分,以便在接收端进行等效的发射波束形成。

    The main difference is that a set of matched filters are needed for MIMO radar to abstract the echo waves caused by each orthogonally signals and to form equivalent transmit beam at the receiving end .

  25. MIMO技术在不增加系统带宽和发射信号功率的前提下大幅度提高了系统的信道容量和数据传输速率,在无线频带资源紧张、信息传输量巨大的通信系统中具有很大的优势。

    MIMO technology became popular because MIMO system significantly enhances spectrum utilization without increasing the system bandwidth and because transmit signal power under the premise of the system greatly increased channel capacity and data transfer rates .

  26. 当冲激SAR的发射信号是某一类冲激信号时,根据冲激SAR成像的特点,推导出BP算法的方位分辨率与成像积累角、信号中心频率的关系。

    The relation between BP 's azimuth resolution and azimuth angle as well as signal 's center frequency is discovered when the radar 's transmitted signal is one kind of impulse signal based on the characteristic of the impulse SAR imaging .

  27. SPCC钢的单向拉伸过程中的声发射信号幅度分布范围要大于摩擦过程的幅度分布范围。

    The amplitude range of SPCC steel during uniaxial tension is greater than the process of dynamic friction .

  28. 针对星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)发射信号和回波信号的特点,距离维和方位维信号处理的弱点,提出了箔条干扰星载SAR成像的方法。

    Basing on the analysis of the characteristics of emitted signal and echo signal , aiming at the weakness of signal processing in range dimension and azimuth dimension of space-born Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ), a chaff interference SAR imaging method is presented .

  29. 研究结果表明,EME值随着加载时间的增加而增强,声发射信号也呈现同样的规律;

    The research results show that : the intensities and pulse of EME and AE will increase with the increasing of loading time or stress and the enhancement of deformation and fracture ;

  30. 根据DRM系统发射信号的特点,设计了一种信道估计算法,兼顾了复杂程度和均衡精度,并且对载波频偏不敏感。

    Considering both complexity and precision , a method of channel estimation is designed in this paper , which makes use of gain references that are grid distributed in time-frequency domain and is insensitive to carrier frequency offset .