
  1. IP网络性能指标体系的研究

    The study of a framework for IP network performance metrics

  2. 具体性能指标的确定借鉴了成熟的IP网络性能指标体系。

    The indicators is referred the mature performance indicator system of IP network .

  3. 该研究突破了目前IP网络性能指标体系研究的简单性、局限性,对IP网络测试和性能评价具有指导意义。

    This study break through the simplicity and limit for the present IP network performance metrics framework , and it is significant to IP network measurement and performance evaluation .

  4. 网络性能指标是网络测评的基础。

    Network Performance Metrics are the basis of network measurement and evaluation .

  5. 网络性能指标及测量技术

    Index ; Network performance and measuring technique

  6. 时延是网络性能指标中的重要参数,在实际应用中,网络特性的表现大多依赖于某一个方向上的性能,端到端时延的测量与估计就变得尤为重要。

    Delay is an important parameter in network characteristics , whose behavior mostly depends on the performance in one direction .

  7. 网络性能指标监控作为网络质量控制的重要手段之一,其监控效果将直接影响到网络质量的好坏。

    Network performance index monitoring as an important means of quality control and the results will directly affect the network quality .

  8. 测试中的信令事件合成技术用于分析掉话、成功起呼等呼叫事件,已便最终统计出重要的网络性能指标。

    In order to obtain crucial statistical data of network performance , signaling synthesis technology is applied to analyze call event , such as Call Drop and Incall Success .

  9. 在分析现有网络性能指标体系和测量手段的基础上,提出了一种针对网络健康度评估的新方法和一系列新的网络健康度指标。

    On the basis of analyzing current network performance metrics and measuring methods , a new method of network health evaluating is introduced together with several new health metrics .

  10. 交换机统计数据包括非常详细的网络性能指标,在实际的网络优化中交换机统计数据是进行网络优化和检验网络优化成败的最主要的依据。

    The switch Statistic data include much detailed switch information and the information is important to network optimization and check out whether the network optimization is successful or not .

  11. 本文通过对网络性能指标体系的分析,从网络系统优化的角度对网络系统集成过程中的网络设备选型与配置问题进行了研究。

    In this dissertation we discussed device selection and configuration problems confronted in the process of NSI form the angle of network system optimization based on analysis of NP index system .

  12. 拥塞会造成丢包和吞吐量等网络性能指标剧烈下降,严重影响网络资源的利用率。

    Congestion can give rise to a sharp drop in such network performance metrics as packet loss and throughput , which in turn will greatly influence the unilization of network resources .

  13. 基于多参数联合调整的覆盖自优化方法不但能解决解决综合性的覆盖问题,而且对于提高覆盖容量和改善网络性能指标均有重要意义。

    Automated coverage optimization scheme based on combined multi-parameter adjustment can not only solve comprehensive coverage abnormal problem , but also have a great significance for improving coverage capacity performance of network .

  14. 为了获取网络性能指标、采集网络故障信息,人们在网络测量方面开展了大量的研究工作,并设计了多种网络测量方法。

    To estimate network performance metrics and collect fault events , a lot of research work has been carried out in network measurement area , and many measurement techniques have been developed .

  15. 以及对多种分布式系统任务分配的方法指导下实际运行的效果进行了对比,得出网络性能指标指导预测效果法为最佳的任务调度方法。

    And a variety of distributed systems for the distribution of tasks under the guidance of the actual method of operation results were compared , network performance indicators is the best prediction method for the task of scheduling .

  16. 然后以吞吐量这一关键网络性能指标的优化作为切入点,引入网络编码技术,对网络编码技术在接入网中的应用作出分析和探讨。

    Then take the throughput-the key metric for evaluating network performance-as the entry for the optimization of network performance , and then introduced network coding technology by analyzing and exploring the application of network coding technology in the access network .

  17. 结果得出信息到达间隔、通道忙概率、高优先级发送引起的受阻率与网络性能指标吞吐量和通信冲突率之间的关系。

    It analyses the network performance using simulate experiment and shows the relationship of arriving messages interval , the probability of busy channel , the suffocation probability causing high priority information sending with network performance parameter about throughput and the probability of communicate conflict .

  18. 论文在LEACH协议的基础上,提出了比较完整的提高无线传感器网络路由性能指标的方法,论文工作对该方面的应用研究具有重要的指导意义。

    Based on LEACH , the paper proposes some methods on how to improve the performance of wireless sensor network . The work of the paper has directive significance for the study of routing protocol .

  19. 重点介绍了IEEE802.11DCF协议的工作原理和存在的问题,并在此基础上给出一种简单的多信道切换模型,实验证明该模型是有效的,提高了adhoc网络的性能指标。

    Mainly elaborates the problem and principle of the IEEE 802.11 DCF protocol and based on this , the thesis presents a simple multi-channel switch model . The model is proved to be effective to improve the performance of the Ad Hoc network by experiments .

  20. 开排队网络的性能指标灵敏度公式

    ITO formula of a function of Sensitivity Formulas For Performance in Open Queueing Networks

  21. 一种网络性能评价指标制定框架

    A Framework for Network Performance Metrics Definition

  22. 文章指出,衡量干线形局部地区网络性能的指标,除吞吐率和延迟外,应当包括协议的容量,因为它反映了系统应付突发业务量的能力,从而直接反映了系统的稳定程度。

    It is shown that the protocol capacity should be included in the criteria for evaluating the performance of a local network because it is related to the stability of the system .

  23. 本文讨论了评价网络性能的指标,阐述了应用网络仿真方法对网络性能指标进行评价的实验方法和步骤。

    We introduce the parameters of network performance , and discuss the step and rules of applying the network simulation to network performance parameters . We carried out an experiment of network performance evaluation using network simulation .

  24. 基于标准数据的比较实验表明:改进后的两种小波神经网络在性能指标上能得到提高。最后,介绍改进小波神经网络模块在模拟电路故障诊断软件系统中的应用。

    Experiments based on benchmark data indicate that those two kinds of improved WNN get better performance than traditional WNN . Finally , the dissertation discusses the application of improved WNN in analog circuit fault diagnosis software system .

  25. 本论文应用基于排队理论的精确模型方法,构建了多种无线通信网接入模型,通过对模型的解析,得到了无线通信网络的性能指标的表达式。

    Based on the accurate modeling methods in the queueing theory , many kinds of access models in the WCN are established and the expressions of network performance measures are also obtained through analyzing the models in this paper .

  26. 本建议规定了用于描述B-ISDNATM半永久连接可用性的网络性能参数、指标和测量方法。

    This Recommendation defines network performance parameters , objectives and measurement methods for describing B-ISDN ATM semi-permanent connection availability .

  27. 高可用性(HA)是企业网络系统Qos性能指标的基本保障,ORACLERAC10g作为新一代网格数据库Oracle10g的典型应用,是数据库HA特征的最佳实践。

    The high availability is a basic guarantee of Qos performance of network . So the Oracle RAC 10g system is the best implementation of high availability , as a typical application of Oracle 10g in new grid database .

  28. 实验发现,txt在文件的大小、实现代码量、模板解释时间性能上较XML略占优势,而XML在模板的可读性、可维护性及网络性能方面的指标显著优于txt文件。

    By comparison , txt takes slightly advantage on file size , implementation code numbers and the explaining performance on time , while template description base on XML has remarkable predominance on clarity , readability , expandability and collaboration for internet .

  29. 能量有效性是无线传感器网络的主要性能指标。

    The main capability of Wireless sensor networks is energy efficient .

  30. 状态相关闭排队网络中的性能指标灵敏度公式

    Sensitivity Formulas of Performance in Closed State Dependent Queueing Networks