
  • 网络network television;National network television
  1. 该公司还在努力推动建设新的发布渠道:已于本周宣布,将与中国网络电视台(ChinaNetworkTelevision)成立一家合资企业,创建一条网游视频渠道。

    The company is also working on new distribution channels , announcing this week a joint venture with China Network Television to establish an online game video channel .

  2. 通过调查问卷笔者发现省级网络电视台的定位具有非常明显的地域化特征。

    Through the questionnaire I found that the positioning of provincial network television had regional characteristics were very obvious .

  3. 展出方是今日中国网络电视台。

    The exhibition was set up by China Today Net Television .

  4. 九华互联:打造企业网络电视台

    99View : Building Enterprise Net TV Station

  5. 网络电视台的构建

    Construction of IPTV System NETWORK Network Data

  6. 据中国网络电视台报道,5月4日,骑友遇到这只流浪的小母狗,并给它取名“小萨”。

    On May 4th , the cyclists came across the stray dog and nicknamed it Xiao Sa .

  7. 建立网络电视台抢占网络视频制高点&对网络电视台技术方案的探讨

    Building A Network-based Television Station to Seize the Top of Network Video Building Programs for Network-based Television Station

  8. [中央电视台、中国网络电视台记者]最近这一段时间,乌克兰一直是国际关注的焦点。

    China Central Television : The issue of Ukraine has been the focus of international attention in recent weeks .

  9. 它的出现,标志着网络电视台这一融互联网和电视特色于一体的新形态媒介的诞生。

    Its appearance marked the birth of the new medium –" Network TV " with both internet and TV features .

  10. 优酷和土豆有点像网络电视台,向用户提供专业制作的影视内容。

    Youku and Tudou are a bit like online television stations , providing users with professionally produced film and television content .

  11. 在节目上,中国的网站看起来更像是网络电视台,或者数码视频播放器的替代品。

    In the way they present programs , the Chinese sites seem more like online television stations or a replacement for digital video recorders .

  12. 网络电视台是三网融合的产物,是电视媒体传播渠道的延伸,同时也是网络媒体展现形式的拓展。

    Web TV is a product of Tri-Network Convergence , an extension of television media channels , as well as an expansion of online media .

  13. 集团下设国际大众传播杂志社、大众传播通讯社、大众网络电视台、大众传播网、大众艺术团、大众传播学院等。

    Group under international mass communication magazine , mass communication network television news agency , Volkswagen , mass communication nets , Volkswagen group , mass communication institute , etc.

  14. 本文以与中国某网络电视台合作的项目为基础,该项目将实现对海量的视频数据进行搜索,为网络电视台提供视频下载及网页视频信息提取的利器。

    The project will realize to search for the mass of video data , provide an extraction tool for the network television video to download and web video information extraction .

  15. 央视建设国家网络电视台的一个重要目标是“抢占网络视频制高点”,发挥国家电视台的主流价值观传播职能。

    CCTV building a national network television as an important goal is to " seize the commanding point in network video ," state television to play the mainstream values of the spread functions .

  16. 如果说传统电视台是媒介把关人控制的大众传播,而网络电视台则是一种强调个体需求的个性化传播,在网络电视平台的建设中,个性化定制服务是目前的一个新趋势。

    Traditional television is a medium that is gatekeeper controlled , while the Web TV emphasizes more on personalized communication . Customization has become a new trend in the development of Web TV .

  17. 另一方面,随着新媒体技术的演进和三网融合的大潮,广电系统也以“网络电视台”为主力军,进驻了网络视频领域。

    On the other hand , with the evolution of new-media technology and triple-play , the broadcast media is becoming a principal force of " Internet TV Station " and officially entered online video field .

  18. 在4月2日至4月4日期间,中国网络电视台iPanda熊猫频道在春天这个特别的“造熊季”,播出了四川雅安碧峰峡大熊猫保护基地的一对熊猫罕见的交配画面。

    Between April 2 and 4 , China Network Television ( CNTV ) ' s iPanda Channel broadcast the pair 's rare procreation attempts at the Bifengxia Panda Reserve , Sichuan Province during their spring special , " Season of Making Bears . "

  19. 笔者在第四章从省级网络电视台的区域定位和服务内容定位出发,以受众需求为基础,通过节目设置以推动省级网络电视台的创新和发展。

    In the fourth chapter , from the point of regional positioning and orientation of provincial service content of network television , which ⅰ through the program setting in order to promote the innovation and development of provincial network television based on the needs of audience .

  20. 许多拥有丰富的人力和物力资源的高校也因此建立了诸如网络电视台、视频点播系统等基于校园网的视频播放平台,旨在为学生们提供更直观和丰富的教育教学资源。

    Many colleges and universities have abundant human and material resources , they established a number of systems campus network video broadcast platform , such as network television , video on demand system , and they hope to provide a more intuitive and rich teaching resources for students .

  21. 本文为我国网络电视台在激烈的市场竞争中,找准目标市场,进行精准的市场定位,提高市场占有率提供了理论指导和实践运行的思路,是具有现实意义的研究课题。

    This paper summarized and gave theoretical guidance together with the methods and ideas to run the practice to make the network televisions clear the market target , find accurate market positioning , meet the needs of the target audience and increase market share in the intense market competition .

  22. 校园网络教育电视台系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of educational TV station system of campus network

  23. 随着股市的发展,股评信息充斥了各种专业性和非专业性报刊、网络、电视台。

    With the development of security market , stock analysts'recommendations permeate the financial media in TV , on the Internet , and in newspapers .

  24. 面临飞速发展的网络,电视台网站就是电视在这个时代对外宣传和传播信息的新渠道,电视台网站为电视媒体带来了发展的新机遇。

    Facing with the rapidly developing internet , Television station websites made a new way to publicize and disseminate information for television in our times , and provide new opportunities for television media to development .

  25. 中国媒体在报道消费品问题上也越来越大胆:国有电视网络中国中央电视台(cctv)最受欢迎的新闻节目,是调查消费品丑闻的《每周质量报告》。

    Chinese media are increasingly aggressive in covering consumer product issues : the most popular news programme on CCTV , the state-run television network , is quality report , a weekly investigation of consumer scandals .

  26. 计算机网络在县级电视台的应用

    The Application of Computer Net in Country Station

  27. 数字网络时代的电视台

    TV Station at Digital Network Age

  28. 介绍应用网络技术对电视台的动力系统进行智能监控的设想,提高安全播出率。

    Introduce the idea about intellectual control TV station dynamic system using network technology and improve the safe broadcast ratio .

  29. 新华社已在着手建立一个英语视频新闻网络,中央电视台则已开始多语种广播,包括俄语、法语和阿拉伯语。

    Xinhua has started building an English-language video news network , and CCTV has started broadcasting in languages including Russian , French and Arabic .

  30. 第二部分主要研究了网络时代国内教育电视台定位及发展模式研究的必要性。

    Second part , put particular emphasis on the necessary of making orientation and developing mode of the educational TV stations .