
  • 网络Network City;Cyber City
  1. 研究方法的创新;文章运用多学科的理论方法,拓展了网络城市空间研究的领域。

    Second , in the research methods , it uses the multidisciplinary theories and methods , expanding the research of network city space .

  2. 文章在对网络城市的空间研究之外,从场所的角度进行了富于意义的思考,指出了场所商品化与流动性的特征。

    Third , in addition to the space research of network city , it conducts rich meaning from the point of place , and points that commercialization and fluidity is the feature of the place .

  3. 基于BP神经网络城市环境噪声预测及实证研究

    The Forecast and Demonstration Research of Urban Environment Noise Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 从预测过程和结果分析,基于BP神经网络城市供水管网预测方法操作简单,运行速度快,误差修正方便,精度高。

    Simulation result show the prediction method based on BP neural networks have simplicity of operation , speed rapidness , convenience of modifying errors , high precision .

  5. 基于Elman神经网络城市供水管网漏损预测模型研究

    Study on Forecasting Models for Urban Water Supply Network Based on Elman Neural Network

  6. 科学合理交通网络城市道路畅通之本

    Scientific and Proper Traffic Network : Foundation of Smooth Urban Roads

  7. 首先对网络城市的理论进行综述;

    To begin with , the paper summarizes the theories and principles of network-city .

  8. 浮现中的网络城市的网络&互联网对全球城市体系的影响

    The impact of Internet on global ur-ban system

  9. 基于网络城市理念的城市群空间结构体系研究&以长株潭城市群为例

    Urban Agglomerations Spatial Structure System Based on the Concept of Network City-A Case Study of Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomerations

  10. 苏锡常城市群是长江三角洲地区重要的城市群,存在建设网络城市的诉求和可能性。

    As an important urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta , Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou urban agglomeration has the requirement and possibility to construct a network-city .

  11. 文章首先对国内外有关网络城市的研究理论和方法进行梳理,然后从网络城市空间的复杂性与流动性两个方面建立对当代城市空间的基本认识。

    First it cards the domestic and foreign theories and methods of network cities . Then it builds the epistemology of network city space in fluidity and complexity .

  12. 网络城市系统节点的设计与构想&以河北省环京津地区为例以旅游拨动河北经济:京津冀一体化理念下的发展对策分析

    Conception and the Node Design of Network-city System ; Promoting Economic Development of Hebei Province by Means of Tourism Industry : Developing Strategies for Economic Integration in Jing-Jin-Ji Area

  13. 本文基于网络城市的视角,考察了城市空间与场所的特征与趋势,提出了城市网络构建的理论,结合实例进行分析,具有一定的理论与现实意义。

    Basing on the perspective of network cities , it studies the characteristics and trends , proposes the theory of city network construction and going with example analysis in the paper .

  14. 基于网络城市模型,以城市首位度,城市群序位规模分布为参数,分析长株潭城市群空间结构体系特征。

    Based on the model of network cities and by law of primate city and rank-size rule , we have analyzed the feature of the spatial structure system in Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomerations .

  15. 本文通过选取空间句法理论中跟城市形态相关度比较高的四个参数&全局整合度、局部整合度、可理解度、空间智能度,来构建网络城市结构的评价体系。

    The paper promotes a evaluation system of network city construction by choosing four parameters including global integration , locate integration , intelligibility , synergy which are highly related to urban form in space syntax theory .

  16. 长江三角洲城镇空间布局应该顺应这些潮流,发展全球城市,建设巨型城市区,组建网络城市,规划走廊城市。

    Thus , the spatial distribution of cities in the Yangtze River Delta should follow the globalization trend : improving the development of global cities , constructing megacity regions , establishing network cities , and planning corridor cities .

  17. 提出了进一步优化全省城市空间结构的发展对策,应构筑大中小城市协调发展的城市布局,从点、轴、群的城市体系向网络城市体系格局转化。

    The author puts forward further optimizing countermeasures in Hebei province city spatial structure . The big , medium , small city should be constructed moderately and city system structure should be converted from nodes , axes , clusters toward city net system pattern .

  18. 然后阐述了建设苏锡常网络城市的战略意义,从城市功能整合、支撑体系建设、功能空间组织和协调规则构建4个方面对苏锡常网络城市布局进行了探讨;

    Then , the strategic significance of the construction of Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou urban agglomeration is expounded , and the layout of the urban agglomeration is discussed from 4 aspects including urban function integration , construction of supporting system , organization of functional space , and coordination principles .

  19. 基于公共基础通信网络的城市GIS设计

    The design of city GIS which based on public basic communicate network

  20. 应用BP神经网络预测城市需水量的探析

    Application of BP neural network to forecasting urban water demand

  21. 基于BP神经网络的城市区域火灾风险评估

    Urban regional fire risk assessment with the method of BP neural network

  22. BP网络的城市时用水量预测组合模型

    Combined forecast model of urban hourly water consumption based on BP neural network

  23. 集成BP网络在城市地下水水质评价中的应用

    The Application of Integrated BP Network to the Evaluation of Municipal Groundwater Quality

  24. 基于BP神经网络构建城市时需水量预测模型

    An BP ANN Forecast Model for Hourly Water Demand of Urban Water-distribution System

  25. 基于BP神经网络的城市水灾灾情预测模型

    City flood forecast model based on BP network

  26. adhoc网络中城市街道移动模型的概率模型检测

    Probabilistic Model Checking of City Street Mobility Model in Ad Hoc Network

  27. BP人工神经网络用于城市土壤中重金属(Cd、Pb)形态分析的研究

    Application of Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network in Speciation of Plumbum and Cadmium in City Soil

  28. 3G网络在城市轨道交通中的信号覆盖

    Signal Coverage of Third Generation Network in Urban Rail Transit

  29. 基于RBF神经网络的城市互通立交短时交通量预测

    Short-term traffic volume forecast for urban interchange based on RBF

  30. 基于RBF神经网络的城市需水量预测研究

    Study on the water demand forecasting of urban based on the RBF neural network