
  • 网络distributed management;distributed network management;decentralised management
  1. Internet网络的主动分布式管理体系结构的实现

    The Realization of the Active and Distributed Management Architecture for Internet Network

  2. 校园网Web服务器的分布式管理

    Distributed Management of Web Service on Campus LAN

  3. 基于数据库的分布式管理的Web网站设计

    The Web Site Designing of Distributing Management Based on Database

  4. WEB权限分布式管理在地调电量采集系统的应用

    The Application of Web Authority Distributed Management to Electric Measurement in Local Power Dispatch

  5. 用CORBA和AdventAPI包实现基于Web的网络分布式管理

    Implementation of Distributed Network Management Based on Web Using CORBA and Advent API Packages

  6. 面向数据流QoS的MANET分布式管理控制机制

    Distributed admission control mechanism in MANET of data flow oriented QoS

  7. 我们还提供了对SpringBeans和应用所使用的事务服务的分布式管理。

    We also provide distributed management for the transaction services being used by Spring Beans / applications .

  8. 随着CAD/CAM等工程应用的逐步深入,对具有分布式管理功能的工程数据库管理系统的需求日益迫切。

    With the deeper development of CAD / CAM application , engineering DBMS with distributed function are urgently needed .

  9. 从而实现了RBAC的分散化和分布式管理。

    Consequently , realized the disperse and distributed organization of RBAC .

  10. 本文针对要求数据安全性较高且机构分散特点明显的水电企业,提出了基于J2EE技术的水电企业分布式管理信息系统(DistributedManagementInformationSystem,DMIS)。

    This article presents Distributed Management Information System ( DMIS ) based on J2EE technology for hydropower enterprises which have decentralized branches and asks for high data safety .

  11. 分布式管理任务工作组(DistributedManagementTaskForce,DMTF)公共信息模型(CommonInformationModel,CIM)是描述企业环境和Internet环境中的计算实体和业务实体的概念信息模型。

    The Distributed Management Task Force ( DMTF ) Common Information Model ( CIM ) is a conceptual information model for describing computing and business entities in enterprise and Internet environments .

  12. 用CORBA技术构建TMN中的被管对象的接口,可以加快实现异构环境下电信网的分布式管理。

    It can accelerate developing distributed management systems in isomerous networks to build the interfaces of TMN managed objects with CORBA technology .

  13. 在现今竞争激烈、逐渐与国际接轨的大环境下,企业为提高竞争力而实行ERP,且有分布式管理的需求。

    In order to accommodate the surrounding full of competition and to meet the international demands gradually , ERP and distributed management is in demand in enterprises . That will strengthen the enterprise competition power .

  14. 将集群组成网格,集群之间采用peer-to-peer的分布式管理;集群又可以划分为结点组,采用集中管理方式。

    The grid is composed by many clusters , and the cluster is divided to many node groups with centralized management . Cluster and cluster are peer-to-peer with decentralized management .

  15. 以这些功能为基础本文介绍了两个移动资源分布式管理的应用,分别是:IP资源管理和VLR用户数据自动备份。

    And two applications are introduced in this paper . They are IP resource management , and VLR Mobile user data auto backup . They both build on Memory Resident Database .

  16. 为了实现平台分布式管理以及实现与其他厂家网管产品的平滑接入,本文将CORBA作为内部的总线和北向接口。

    While in order to achieve the goal of distributed management platform as well as accessing other manufacturers ' network management products smoothly , this dissertation takes CORBA as an internal bus and the northbound interface .

  17. 文章将从开放分布式管理、计算目标管理、会话管理。域管理和资源模型管理几个方面描述TINA的基本概貌。

    The paper will describe an overview of the basic TINA concept from open distributed management , computational object management , session management , domain management and resource model management .

  18. MIDAS是Delphi为开发多层应用系统提供的透明中介引擎,在对MIDAS技术进行分析和研究后,将其应用到了机动车安全性能测控分布式管理系统中。

    MIDAS is a transparent engine to develop the multi-tier application system in Delphi . It is applied to realize the distributed management system of automobile security testing and controlling .

  19. 分级分布式管理和控制系统中信息管理的设计

    Design of Information Management for Hierarchy Distributed Management and Control System

  20. 分布式管理系统的异型计算机通信支持

    The communication support for heterogeneous computers in distributed management systems

  21. 继电保护及故障信息传输系统是一个分布式管理系统。

    Relay protection and fault information transfer system is a distributed management system .

  22. 分布式管理信息系统的数据管理与分布

    Data management and allocation in distributed management imformation system

  23. 构建数字图书馆,就是构建一个分布式管理信息系统。

    To construct a digital library is to construct a distributed management information system .

  24. 着重介绍了多智能体系统开发平台支撑模块中地址服务器和分布式管理者的设计与实现。

    This thesis mainly introduces the design and implementation about address server and distributed manager .

  25. 当前,网络管理的集成化、智能化、实时性和分布式管理已成为网络管理的发展方向。

    Nowadays , the trend of network management is integrated , intelligent , real-time and distributed .

  26. 分布式管理系统分布参数系统的能控性

    The Controllability for Distributed Systems

  27. 该系统目前只有单机版,为了进一步适用网络技术的发展,需要对该图形数据进行分布式管理及应用。

    For tracing the Internet technology 's development , we need administrate its figure data by distributing way .

  28. 两个行业组织分布式管理任务组和IT服务管理论坛也加入了这个理事会。

    Two industry organisations , Distributed Management Task Force and the IT Service Management Forum , are also involved .

  29. 单独地配置每台服务器是不切实际的,并且这些大型环境可能为同步分布式管理带来问题。

    Configuring each server individually is impractical , and these large scale environments might be problematic for synchronous distributed management .

  30. 本文介绍的分布式管理方式中,智能和控制分布在网络实体中。

    This paper introduces a distributed management paradigm , in which some or all intelligence and control is distributed among the metwork entities .