
  • 网络molecular beam spectra
  1. 超声分子束光谱与质谱的研究

    Study on Optical and Mass Spectroscopy in Supersonic Molecular Beam

  2. 最后简要介绍超声分子束荧光光谱、重元素同位素低温光谱、多光子电离光谱和超声分子束CARS光谱。

    Finally , the fluorescence spectroscopy , multi-photon ionization spectroscopy for supersonic molecular beam are briefly introduced .

  3. 然后阐述超声分子束激光光谱技术的稳定分子光谱学、范德瓦耳斯分子光谱学、自由基光谱学和光碎片光谱学;

    And spectroscopy of stable molecules , spectroscopy of Van der Waals molecules , free radical spectroscopy and photofragment spectroscopy using the techniques of laser spectroscopy of supersonic molecular beams are explained .