
  • 网络Packet network;Internet;CDPD;OPN;PSPDN;HINAPCA
  1. 路由查找是IP网络传输中或者基于IP构建的通信分组网中的重要组成部分。

    Routing lookup is an important technology for IP transmission network and IP-based packet switching network .

  2. 因此,IP分组网不可能直接成为NGN承载网。

    IP network cannot be directly applied as NGN bearer network .

  3. IP分组网中基于DiffServ的QoS技术策略及部署

    Design and Deployment of QoS Based on DiffServ in Group Addressing IP Network

  4. 把IP分组网作为NGN的承载网,已经被人们所共识。

    It is well-known to people that the NGN bearer network is IP network .

  5. CDMA无线分组网中新MAC协议的研究

    The study of a new medium access control protocol in CDMA wireless packet networks

  6. 铁路分组网PAD参数分析

    Parameter Analysis for PAD Using in Railway Packet Network

  7. IP分组网的端到端的QoS问题已经成为网络走向NGN道路的拦路虎。

    The end-to-end QoS guarantee of IP network has been handicap of in the way of NGN development .

  8. 在软交换网络体系中,IP中继媒体网关主要用来完成电路交换网侧与IP分组网侧媒体流的转换,该网关同信令网关一起完成电路交换网与IP网络的互通。

    Trunking Media Gateway transmits media stream between IP and circuit switching networks , implements interworking of IP and circuit switching networks with signaling gateway in softswitch network .

  9. 分组网与ISDN互连的研究

    Research on the Interworking of PSDN and ISDN

  10. 基于RPR分组网的TDM电路仿真技术的研究与网络模拟

    Research and Network Simulation of the TDM Circuit Emulation Technology Based on RPR Packet Switching Network

  11. 某无线分组网中DTE与电台通信的设计与实现

    DTE and Radio Communication 's Design and Implementation in a Packet Radio Network

  12. 下一代IP&IPv6下一代网络(NGN)是PSTN、移动通信网和分组网(ATM/IP)的融合,是以软交换、IPv6为核心技术的通信网络。

    NGN ( Next Generation Network ), whose core technologies are soft switching and IPv6 , is the integration of PSTN , mobile communication network and ATM / TP .

  13. 未来的集成服务分组网需要支持具有不同服务质量需求和控制机制的多样性应用,包括从目前Internet提供的尽力传送服务,到严格的延迟和速率保障服务以及复杂的增值服务。

    Future integrated services packet networks are expected to support diverse applications with very different quality of service requirements and control mechanisms , ranging from the traditional best effort service of the current Internet , to complex value-added services and hard guarantees for rate and delay .

  14. 为分组网而优化VoP处理器

    Optimized VOP Processors for Packet Networks

  15. 中国cdma1x分组网技术及业务现状

    Introduction of Technologies and Services of cdma 1x Packet Network in China

  16. 本次IP承载网主要承载内容包括软交换端局的接入和软交换长途汇接局的话音和信令,移动分组网和移动分组业务的IP(包括3G),公众VPN业务和企业内部业务。

    The IP bearer network includes the main load side soft-switching exchange bureau access and long-distance tandem Bureau soft voice and signaling , mobile sub-network and mobile packet service IP ( including 3G ), the public VPN service and internal operations .

  17. 传统电信网需要研究将包括短波通信系统在内的现有各种通信系统融合到统一的核心分组网中的方法,以实现向下一代网络(NGN)的演进。

    Traditional telecommunication network has to research techniques in order to implement the access of various communication systems , including HF radio system , to the unified package switch-based backbone , and thus realize the evolution into the NGN .

  18. NGN承载网能够为公众提供电信级多媒体业务,例如语音、视频、IPTV。但是,IP分组网固有的尽力而为的特性无法满足电信级QoS的要求。

    The NGN bearer network is able to provide the public with telecom level multimedia services , for example voice 、 video services and IPTV . But IP network provides Best-Effort service , which is hard to meet the requirement of telecom level QoS .

  19. 无线分组网中,由于需要利用电台收发数据,于是在DTE的数据链路层中加入电台协议,保证DTE与电台的通信正常进行是需要解决的基本问题。

    In wireless packet networks , because we need radio to receive or send data , so a basic problem is how to attach radio protocol to DTE 's data link layer and assure communication running well .

  20. 然后利用关键路径方法对G18期分组网工程工期进度安排进行了分析和控制,使得整个项目进度推进变得更加系统化,同时增加了项目的可控性。

    Then analysis the time schedule of the project with Critical Path Method so that the whole progress of the project advancing to become more systematic and Increase the controllability of the project .

  21. 分组网语音通信技术的实现及应用

    The Realization and Application of Techniques of Communication Via Packet Network

  22. 光分组网中冲突解决方案的研究新进展

    New Progress in the Research of Contention-Resolution Schemes of Optical Packet-Switched Networks

  23. 光分组网中的全光信号处理技术研究

    Studies on All Optical Signal Processing in the Optical Packet Switched Networks

  24. 扩频码协议在集中式扩频无线分组网中的应用

    Application of Spreading Code Protocols for Centralized Spread spectrum Packet Radio Networks

  25. 分组网的同步与定时

    The Synchronization and Timing of Packet Based Network

  26. 分组网通信中安全椭圆曲线密码的选取研究

    Packet Network security selection Elliptic Curve Cryptography Research

  27. 连接服务平台已经成为传统电话网同企业内部分组网融合的信息平台。

    Connect center has become the information platform to converge tradition PSTN with packet network .

  28. 战术地域分组网

    Packet Networks in Tactical Area

  29. 高速分组网瞬态性能评价是高速信息网研究中的重要问题之一。

    Transient performance evaluation of high-speed packet-switched networks is one important issue in the field of high-speed information networks .

  30. 利用分组网进行语音、传真等通信,不仅可以有效地利用网络带宽,还可以节省大量通信费用。

    Carrying voice and facsimile over packet networks provides the most bandwidth_efficient method , and it offers tremendous cost savings compared with the PSTN .