
  • 网络leaded gasoline;leaded petrol
  1. 日本的炼油厂于1987年12月停止生产含铅汽油。

    Japanese refiners stopped producing leaded petrol in December 1987 .

  2. 含铅汽油每升所需交税将提高4便士。

    The tax increase will add4p to a litre of leaded petrol .

  3. 很多车使用含铅汽油。

    Many cars run on petrol which contains lead .

  4. 这辆汽车使用含铅汽油吗?

    Does the car take leaded petrol ?

  5. 1996年美国完成了含铅汽油的逐步淘汰,世界各地也正在实施类似的禁令。

    The U.S.phaseout of lead in gasoline was completed in1996 ; similar bans are being implemented worldwide .

  6. 征收含铅汽油税是实行汽油无铅化的一项重要政策。

    Levying a tax on leaded gasoline is an important policy to implement the use of unleaded gasoline .

  7. 大气中的铅来自工业污染或含铅汽油,可以通过在农作物植株上的沉积污染食品。

    Atmospheric lead from industrial pollution or leaded gasoline can contaminate food through deposition on agricultural crop plants .

  8. 铅耶主要来源包括含铅汽油、化妆品、油漆、药仔等。

    Main sources of lead include leaded gasoline , cosmetics , leaded paint , and over the counter drugs .

  9. 土壤,以及工厂、发电厂、含铅汽油使用所产生的空气污染物中也发现了铅的存在。

    And it can be found in soil and air pollution from factories , power stations and the use of leaded fuel .

  10. 铅中毒的来源有很多方面,如空气、饮水、食物、含铅汽油污染等。

    The lead poisoning is derived from a variety of sources , including polluted air , water , food , leaded gasoline and so on .

  11. 人们通过采矿、铅的冶炼、含铅汽油的燃烧、工业三废排放等方式,导致土壤铅含量急剧上升。

    The anthropogenic Pb mining , refine , burning of Pb gasoline , industrial " three wastes " lead to sharp increase in soil Pb content .

  12. 排在首位的是:全球淘汰含铅汽油,这种汽油可以导致儿童中枢神经系统疾病。

    First among equals : the global phase out of leaded gasoline , which has helped bring down blood levels of this potent neurotoxic in children .

  13. 单位和个人应当按照国务院规定的期限,停止生产、进口、销售含铅汽油。

    Units and individuals shall , according to the time limit prescribed by the State Council , stop the production , import and marketing of leaded gasoline .

  14. 国务院有关主管部门应当制定规划,逐步减少含铅汽油的产量,直至停止含铅汽油的生产和使用。

    Relevant competent departments under the State Council shall make plans for gradually reducing the production of leaded gasoline so as finally to stop the production and use of leaded gasoline .

  15. 行为变化的原则是,取代类似的行为比取缔一个根深蒂固的习惯更容易(例如用含铅汽油迅速转向无铅燃料)。

    A tenet of behaviour change is that it is much easier to substitute a similar behaviour than to extinguish an entrenched habit ( an example was the rapid switch from leaded to unleaded fuel ) .

  16. 本文提出了含铅汽油税收政策的基本框架,设计了含铅汽油税的三个方案,并预测了征收含铅汽油税对消费者和汽油市场价格的影响。

    This paper proposes a taxation framework for leaded gasoline , makes three tax plans on the basis of price differences of unleaded and leaded gasoline , and forecasts the impact of this tax on car users and gasoline prices .

  17. 本文分析了汽油机产生爆震的原因和影响抗爆性的主要因素,论述了含铅汽油对车辆及人体的危害,并介绍了国内及国际上控制汽车排放污染的具体目标与措施。

    This paper analyzes cause of knocking and main affected factor of anti-knocking of gasoline engine , It describes the harmfulness of leaded gasoline to the vehicle and human body . The paper also introduces concrete target and measure of pollution control of car exhaust at home and abroad .

  18. 请加满不含铅的汽油,并检查一下机油。

    A : Fill it up with unleaded and check the oil , please .

  19. 由于铅和铅化物具有毒性,因此含铅的颜料和汽油添加物现已被禁用。

    Because it and its compounds are poisons ( see lead poisoning ), lead-based paints and gasoline additives have been phased out in many countries .