
  • 网络Billy Graham;ruth graham
  1. 另一个被这位基督教教育家深深影响过的人是葛培理。

    Another man powerfully affected by this Christian educator is Billy graham , who said of MS.

  2. 向福音布道家比利。葛培理致敬,一座造价2700万美元的博物馆记录了他如何从一名农家男孩成长为自哈瑞.杜鲁门以来每一届美国总统的朋友。

    A salute to evangelist a27-million-dollar museum tracing his journey from a farm boy to befriending every US president since Harry Truman .

  3. 葛培理和我一起在白宫做了祈祷,他还在我遭受审讯时给我写来许多富有启发、教导谆谆和充满鼓励的信。

    Billy prayed with me in the Oval Office , and wrote inspiring letters of instruction and encouragement in my times of trial .