
  • 网络Grantham;Alexander Grantham
  1. 国家学术奖励委员会葛量洪奖学基金委员会

    Council for National Academic Award Grantham Scholarships Fund Committee

  2. 葛量洪教育学院三十周年纪念奖

    Grantham College of Education 30th Anniversary Prizes

  3. 葛量洪奖学基金委员会

    Grantham Scholarships Fund Committee

  4. 葛量洪生活津贴〔为研究生而设的奖学金〕继续做好助学贷款和设立国家奖学金工作。

    We should continue doing a good job in providing student loans and establishing a national scholarship system .

  5. 葛量洪教育学院校友会服务奖

    " Homantin Government Secondary School Alumni Association Scholarship , The " G.C.E. Past Students ' Association Scholarship for Service

  6. 本条例旨在就设立一个名为“葛量洪奖学基金”的信托基金,以及就其妥善管理及就与上述事宜相关的目的订定条文。

    To make provision for the establishment of a trust fund to be known as the " grantham scholarships fund ", and for the due administration thereof , and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid .