
  • 网络line maintenance;track maintenance;maintenance of track;track maintenance,maintenance of track
  1. 铁路线路维修的一些问题及解决方法的研究

    Track Maintenance Problems and Countermeasures Elementary Study on Track Maintenance for Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway

  2. 国外高速铁路迅猛发展,线路维修养护技术水平也不断提高,主要表现在采用先进的检测系统、高度机械化作业方式、科学诊断和自动化管理方面。

    Track maintenance technology is raising while high speed railway was developed in abroad .

  3. 认真贯彻规章完善线路维修标准体系

    Seriously Implementing the Regulations and Improving the Standard Maintenance System of Railway Lines

  4. 运用计算机辅助决策线路维修是提高工务工作效率、科学配置资源的有效手段。

    Computer-aided system for railroad maintenance is an effective measure to increase efficiency .

  5. 电气化线路维修天窗主要由接触网检修时间决定。

    While maintenance window for electrified lines depends on maintenance & repair time of catenary .

  6. 首先,本文在对线路维修工作进行充分调查的基础上,对线路维修工作中的相关数据进行了分类、统计。

    Firstly , based upon thoroughly researching and analyzing maintenance , we classify statistical data .

  7. 在不损坏任何部件或系统情况下,完成线路维修。

    Minor repairs to circuit wiring are completed without causing damage to any component or system .

  8. 为了适应高速行车的需要,解决线路维修的困难,高平顺性、少维修的无砟轨道得到了广泛的应用。

    For the sake of high-speed train running and overcoming the difficulty of line maintenance , the ballastless track with better smoothness and little maintenance , is applied widely .

  9. 从客运专线线路维修的特点出发,分析了客运专线工务管理信息系统较目前既有线应用的工务管理信息系统应进一步增强的功能。

    According to the characteristics of the track maintenance of Passenger Transportation Special Line , the further enhanced functions of the system are pointed out than the existing railways ' .

  10. 利用轨道检查车检查轨道病害,指导线路维修作业,评价轨道动态质量,是实现轨道科学管理的重要方法。

    It is an important method for scientific management of tracks to inspect track defects , direct track maintenance operation , and measure dynamic quality of tracks by maintenance car .

  11. 使用大型养路机械设备对线路维修和养护效率高,满足精确、快修的要求。

    After using the large maintenance machinery equipment for track maintenance and repair , the high efficiency will be given , simultaneously the requirements of precision and fast repair will be meet .

  12. 系统体积小、重量轻、精度高、实时处理、易操作,对工务段线路维修、维护和行车安全等起到积极作用。

    Small bulk , light weight , high precision , real time processing , easily operating , so it have positive effect on the railway maintain , security of railway and so on .

  13. 钢轨急救保护器这样一件工务产品在铁道部制定的《铁路线路维修规则》、《铁路线路大修规则》中,被明确规定作为线路上的急救、维修设备,要每公里配备一套。

    In railway line maintenance criteria and rail track capital repair criteria , rail emergency protector is defined as an emergent restoring and maintenance device , and each kilometer must be equipped with one set .

  14. 与国外铁路线路维修中长时间天窗封锁,机械化程度高的特点相比,我国铁路由于行车密度高,天窗封锁时间短、工作量大,这就要求对于施工天窗开行方式有合理的选择。

    By contrast with long time blockaded and high mechanization of abroad track sky window , the time of sky window is short and the workload is large as traffic flow high in China railway .

  15. 论文从分析我国线路维修作业方式的变化出发,对天窗开设形式、天窗开设时段、运输组织特点下的天窗开设方案等方面进行了分析研究。

    The paper discusses the changes of railway line maintenance mode in China , analyses the skylight arrangement mode , skylight occupation time , and the skylight arrangement scheme under the character of existing transportation organization .

  16. 目前,线路维修中主要依靠受过铁路检修训练的巡道工人以人工巡检和目测的方法来判定铁轨路枕损坏情况、钢轨磨损以及扣件螺母的缺失等线路状况。

    Currently , the line maintenance rely mainly on highly trained patrol Road railway maintenance workers to labor inspection and visual methods to determine the rail road damage pillow , rail wear and the lack of nuts and other fasteners line conditions .

  17. 铁路安全保障系统是一个复杂系统,应具有线路维修、区域安全运行、日常和临时限速命令的控制、车站地面设备与机车上司机的信息传达、列车运行调车监督等功能。

    Safety guarantee system of speed-up train is a complicated system involving the functions like line maintenance , regional safe operation , routine and makeshift control on speed limit , message transmission between ground infrastructure at station and loco man , and supervision of the train operation and dispatching etc.

  18. 钢轨打磨是线路养护维修中的重要手段。

    Rail grinding has become an important mean of track maintenance .

  19. 从技术角度来说电报线路难以维修。

    On the technical side , telegraph lines are hard to maintain .

  20. 小半径曲线及长大坡道区间无缝线路养护维修技术研究

    Research of Maintenance Technology for Small Radius Curve and Big Rampway Interval Cwr

  21. 线路养护维修存在的问题及其解决办法

    Problems and Resolutions for Track Maintenance and Repair

  22. 铁道线路的维修作业中,主要有轨枕螺栓的涂油、更换轨垫和轨枕等。

    During railway maintenance , it is mainly including sleeper bolts oiled , rail washers and sleepers exchanged .

  23. 建议大秦铁路线路养护维修工作试行养修分离新体制。

    The author suggests a new system to do track maintenance and repair work separately on Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway Line .

  24. 轨检车是检测轨道病害、评估轨道质量状态、指导线路养护维修作业和保障列车运行安全的重要检测设备。

    Track inspection car is used to evaluate the track quality state , test the problem of the rail , guide the maintenance of the line , and ensure the safety of train operation .

  25. 为工务段日常的小半径曲线无缝线路养护维修提供了参照和依据,减少了工作量,提高了劳动效率,降低了维修成本。

    It also can offer consulting and basis for maintaining of seamless line of small radius curve line , reduce the work load , raise labour efficiency , and reduce the maintenance cost finally .

  26. 行车密度的提高、行车间距的缩短,用于线路养护维修的作业时间却在不断减少,这使得线路养护维修工作与铁路运输要求之间的矛盾越来越突出。

    Because of increasing density of traffic and shortened driving distance , the operating time of the line maintenance has been declining , which makes the contradiction more and more prominent between the line maintenance with railway transport requirements .

  27. 因此,论文基于轨检车检测结果的提速线路养护维修研究具有重要意义,对提速线路轨道不平顺的养护维修工作具有指导作用。

    Therefore , this thesis " Study on maintenance of track of speeding-up line based on geometry measuring data of track inspection car " has very important value . At the same time , it has also guidance performance to track maintenance .

  28. C、综合保护,线路简单,维修方便、格低廉。

    C. It is of comprehensive protection , easy circuit arrangements , convenient maintenance and low price .

  29. 地下电缆线路还具有维修困难的缺点。

    Underground lines have the further disadvantage of poor accessibility .

  30. 电报线路线路的维修和保护是电报局正常运营的重要保证。

    It was very important to protect the telegraph lines , which was the guarantee of the telegraph administrations ' normal operation .