
  • 网络slab track
  1. 板式轨道CA砂浆专用沥青乳液的试验研究

    Experimental study on emulsified asphalt for CA mortar used in slab track

  2. 铁路板式轨道结构平面有限元分析

    Analysis of Plane FEM on Structures of Slab Track in Railway

  3. 应用模型进行了板式轨道的参数研究,主要是针对板式轨道的扣件刚度和CA砂浆厚度来进行;

    A study of parameter work is processed using the vehicle and track model . The key parameter is the rigidity of the fastening system and the height of the CA layer .

  4. 橡胶浮置板式轨道结构竖向振动分析模型

    Analysis model of vertical vibration for rubber floating slab track

  5. 水泥沥青砂浆劣化对板式轨道动力学性能的影响

    Effect of cement asphalt mortar disease on dynamic performance of slab track

  6. 移动荷载作用下板式轨道的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of slab track subjected to moving load

  7. 高速列车与桥上板式轨道动力学仿真分析

    Dynamics Simulation of Interactions between High-speed Train and Slab Track Laid on Bridge

  8. 轨道交通橡胶浮置板式轨道结构动力设计参数研究

    Dynamic design parameters of rubber floating slab track structure for urban mass transit

  9. 高速列车作用下板式轨道引起的地面振动

    Ground Vibration Generated by High-Speed Trains along Slab Tracks

  10. 横风作用下高速列车&板式轨道系统空间振动分析

    Analysis of spatial vibration of high-speed train and slab track system under cross-wind

  11. 高速铁路板式轨道结构参数对轮轨噪声的影响

    Structure parameter influence of slab track for high speed railway on wheel-rail noise

  12. 板式轨道是现代高速铁路轨道的结构形式之一。

    The slab track is one of the high speed railway track structures .

  13. 浮置板式轨道结构隔振效果仿真研究

    The Simulation Research on the Vibration Insulation Performance of the Floating Slab Track Structure

  14. 高速铁路板式轨道动力特性研究

    Dynamic Properties of High Speed Railway Slab Tracks

  15. 简支梁桥上纵连板式轨道无缝道岔温度力研究

    Study on temperature stress of welded turnout of continuous-slab-track on simple supported girder bridge

  16. 板式轨道交通引起的地面振动模型

    Model of ground vibration generated by slab track

  17. 板式轨道结构是无碴轨道一种重要的结构形式。

    Slab track structure is one of the most important structures of non ballast track .

  18. 遂渝线路基上板式轨道动力性能计算及评估分析

    Calculation and Assessment Analysis of the Dynamic Performance for Slab Track on Sui - Yu Railway

  19. 浮置板式轨道结构的发展

    Development of Floated Slab Track Structure

  20. 利用横向有限条与板段单元模拟板式轨道。

    The lateral finite strip and slab segment element was used to simulate the slab track .

  21. 轨道刚度变化对高速列车-板式轨道系统振动响应的影响分析

    Analysis of effect of track stiffness change on vibration response of high-speed train and slab track system

  22. 荷载频率越高,板式轨道的竖直位移越小。

    Basedes , the higer the load frequency , the smaller the vertical displacement of slab track is .

  23. 通过算例分析列车运行速度对板式轨道周围地面振动的影响。

    Numerical examples are provided to examine the influence of train velocity on propagation of vibration in the ground .

  24. 刚性路基上设计板式轨道时可根据工程需要来确定轨道板与底座伸缩缝是否对齐。

    When designing the slab ballastless track on rigid subgrade , determining whether the expansion joins be even or not .

  25. 用有限元法分析了板式轨道在移动荷载作用下的动力响应。

    A finite element method was applied to analyze the dynamic response of slab track subjected to a moving load .

  26. 在此基础上,分析了板式轨道的刚度变化对此系统竖向振动响应的影响规律。

    The effect of the stiffness change of the slab track on the vertical dynamic characteristics of the system is analyzed .

  27. 根据哈密顿原理建立了板式轨道轮轨系统垂向耦合模型的振动方程,并编制了求解程序。

    Based on the Hamilton theory , the differential equation of the vertical vibration of vehicle and slab track is established .

  28. 运用轮轨关系,建立高速列车板式轨道桥梁系统空间耦合动力学模型。

    Based on wheel / rail interactions , a coupling dynamics model of high-speed train , slab track and bridge is established .

  29. 针对焊接凹接头不平顺,研究高速列车通过板式轨道时的动力学性能。

    According to the unevenness of concave welding joint , it studies dynamic performance of high speed trains running on the slab track .

  30. 本文以秦沈客运专线板式轨道为研究对象,建立了板式轨道&高速列车耦合动力学模型。

    This thesis focuses on the slab track on Qin-Shen passenger railway . A slab track and high-speed vehicle vertical coupling dynamic model is established .