
bǎn jiàn
  • plate
板件[bǎn jiàn]
  1. 在最大设计索力作用下,索塔锚固区各板件的Mises等效应力均小于材料的屈服强度,结构是安全、可靠的,能够满足设计的强度要求。

    The Mises equivalent stress of each plate in the cable-pylon anchorage zone was less than the material yield strength . The structure was safe and reliable , could meet the strength requirements of design .

  2. 车辆驾驶室类板件组合结构的振动功率流分析

    Vibrational Power Flow in a Combined Plate Structure as Vehicle Cab

  3. 描述了GO法在核工业系统(包括核电厂高压注水系统及备用发电系统)可靠性分析中的应用,重点阐述了核电厂仪控板件可靠性预计中GO法的应用方法和结果。

    The application of GO method in reliability analysis of nuclear industry system was described including high pressure watering system and standby power generation system in nuclear power plant .

  4. 首先对六种不同板型的压型铝板进行ANSYS有限元分析,根据有限元分析结果得出板件在纯弯作用下的弯曲承载力。

    ANSYS finite element analysis on six different sheets subjected to pure bending is developed , we get the bending strengths .

  5. 最后,论文通过对汽车B柱和汽车侧围外板件的成形模拟结果和实验结果的对比,验证了系统的准确性和有效性。

    At last , the accuracy and effectiveness of the system was demonstrated by the comparsion of the simulation results and experimental results of the auto B pillar and auto body side outer panels .

  6. 采用有限元分析软件ANSYS,基于弹塑性有限元理论建立有限元模型,对汽车板件冲压连接过程进行了模拟。

    Based on the elastic-plastic FE theory , the Punching Bonding process of the automobile sheets is simulated by using ANSYS analysis software in this paper .

  7. TOX板件冲压连接工艺是一种新的板件连接技术。

    TOX sheet metal works-pressing joining is a new technology .

  8. 在3C壳件方面,板件液压成形可以生产外形复杂的曲面,减少成形道次等。

    It can produce the complex shapes of3C cases , and reduce the forming processes .

  9. 然而,在表面贴装器件时或使用过程中,常会因电路设计、板件选材、组装工艺、服役环境等因素造成PCB失效。

    However , factors like circuit design , material selection , assembly process and service environment can cause failures during surface mounting technology ( SMT ) or service .

  10. 通过33根RC梁的试验,对不同粘钢位置、不同板件宽厚比和粘钢量加固的RC梁进行了全过程的理论与试验研究。

    By conducting tests on 33 beams , RC beams strengthened at different positions with various quantities of bonded steel plates of various width-to-thickness ratios and areas are theoretically and experimentally studied .

  11. 应用SEA对车内噪声输入功率进行了排序,识别出了车内噪声主要输入板件。从声辐射与透射的角度识别出车内高频的主要噪声源。

    Sorting the input power of interior noise with SEA , the main input panels of the interior noise was identified , and the main the main high-frequency noise sources inside the car ware identified from the perspective of sound radiation and transmission .

  12. zn-Mn合金钢还有良好的湿粘附性能和抗陷口性能,因而也可用做汽车车身上暴露在外的板件。

    Since Zn-Mn alloy also has good wet-adhesion and cratering-resistance , it can be performed as exposed panels for motor body .

  13. 以有限元分析软件ANSYS为平台,基于弹塑性有限元理论建立压接模具和板件的有限元模型,对金属板件压接过程中的应力场和应变场进行计算。

    A finite element model of metal sheet and die for press joining was established based on elasto-plastic finite element theory and analysis software ANSYS . The fields of stress and strain during process of press joining of metal sheet were calculated .

  14. 这类家具采用木质材料作为32mm系统竹木复合板式家具板件的结构材料和封边材料,采用竹条作为家具板件的填充围合材料。

    This kind of furniture takes wood for the board structural material and the edge sealing material .

  15. 根据气缸盖罩的结构和使用要求,进行板件成型工艺分析与结构设计,同时利用CAD技术进行模具模芯的设计,并利用CAM技术进行模具形腔的加工。

    Based on the structure and usage of the cylinder head cover , the technical analysis and the struc - tural design of plate-shaping are conducted in this article . Meanwhile , the mould core is designed and the mould shape is machined by utilizing CAD technology .

  16. 以桑塔那2000型轿车为实例建立无吸声材料和有吸声材料的结构-声学模型,使用ANSYS有限元分析软件计算车身板件在给定频率下振动引起的车内声压,进而求得板件的声学贡献。

    The structure-acoustic coupled models of Santana 2000 are built both with and without absorption material , and ANSYS finite element analysis software is used to calculate interior acoustic pressure due to panels vibration under specific frequency , then the acoustic contribution of panel is evaluated .

  17. 用扫描电镜对TA5钛合金焊接板件不同部位的疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验后的试样断口进行了分析。

    Fractures of the TA5 alloy welded plates samples conducted fatigue crack propagation rate test were analyzed by scanning electron microscope .

  18. Zn-Mn合金电镀钢已被开发用作汽车车身板件。此钢可在传统的电镀线上。

    Zn-Mn alloy electroplating steel has been developed to act as body panels , which can be made through electrolysis of zinc sulphate and sodium citrate on the conventional electroplating line .

  19. 官员检查球拍的粘贴面。平面板件贴面热压机

    The official examines adhesive on Bats . flat surface hot laminator

  20. 具有不同功能梯度分布函数的板件的三维分析

    Three-dimensional Analysis to Functionally Graded Plates with Different Graded Distribution Functions

  21. 拆卸发电机时可能会损坏车身板件。

    Body parts can be damaged when you remove the generator .

  22. 主要板件均采用多层,表面贴装技术。

    Main boards are all use multilayer , surface mounting technique .

  23. 复合板件的等效非经典理论解

    The Solution of Composite Plates by Equivalent Non - Classical Theory

  24. 波纹钢屋盖结构板件相关屈曲的试验研究与分析

    Experimental Study on Interactive Local Buckling of Corrugated Steel Arch Roof

  25. 空隙分布对功能梯度板件宏观响应的影响

    Influence of the void distribution on macro-responses of functionally graded plates

  26. 损伤可导致车身板件损失。

    Injuries which can lead to the loss of body parts .

  27. 镁合金板件温热成形技术的几个新进展

    Several New Progresses in Warm Forming Processes of Magnesium Alloy Sheet Parts

  28. 金属板件压接数值模拟及模具设计

    Numerical simulation and design of die for press joining of metal sheet

  29. 板件压铆连接数值模拟及实验分析

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Analysis on Press Joining of Sheets

  30. 汽车板件冲压连接技术的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Punching Bonding Technology for Automobile Sheets