
  • 网络Reinforcement;reinforcing layer;Enhancement Layer;reinforcement ply
  1. 所述的加强层的材料为尼龙、无纺布或牛皮纸。

    The reinforcing layer is made of nylon , non-woven fabrics or kraft papers .

  2. 在约束层和热固化加强层之间有丁基胶的粘弹性材料层。

    The adhesive elastic material layer arranged between the restricting layer and the thermo-cured reinforcing layer is made of butyl rubber .

  3. 基于ANSYS的带加强层结构的空间有限元分析

    Space Finite Element Model Analysis of Structures With Outrigger Story Using ANSYS

  4. 不同加强层设置方案的框架-核心筒高层建筑结构Pushover分析研究。

    The research of static pushover analysis of frame-core tube high-rise buildings with different settings of strengthened stories has completed .

  5. 南京绿地紫峰大厦是一幢屋顶高度达381m的超高层结构,采用嵌岩灌注桩和最大厚度达3.4m的基础底板,选择了带有加强层的框架-核心筒混合结构体系。

    The Nanjing Greenland Zifeng Mansion is a super high structure , of which roof height is 381 meter . It adopted built-in rock pile foundation and the maximal thickness of soleplate is 3.4 meter . The structural system of the mansion is frame-corewall with outriggers and belt members .

  6. 设置加强层结构的静力弹塑性分析研究

    Study on static push-over analysis of the structures with strengthened stories

  7. 大连国贸大厦中设置加强层问题的研究

    The Problems Study on Dalian International Trade Center Using Strengthened Stories

  8. 框架&核心筒结构中设置加强层问题的探讨

    Study on some problems of the frame-tube structure with strengthened stories

  9. 超高层建筑设置水平加强层作用分析编辑部的故事

    Analysis of the Function of Horizontal Strengthened Story in Supertall Building

  10. 带加强层框架&筒体结构体系力学性能的研究

    Research for the Mechanics Behavior of Frame-core Structure with Strengthened Story

  11. 带加强层框&筒结构中水平伸臂最佳刚度研究

    Research of the Optimum Stiffness of Outriggers in Frame-tube Structures

  12. 运动员护身一种运动员用的护身弹性织物,有用保护性的坚硬塑料或金属制成的加强层

    An athletic supporter having a protective reinforcement of rigid plastic or metal

  13. 钢丝加强层帘线角度对全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈性能的影响

    Effect of enhancing steel cord angle on properties of TBR tire bead

  14. 用优化方法确定水平加强层的最佳布局

    Optimization Design for the Optimal Position of Horizontal Strengthened Stories

  15. 伸臂刚度对加强层设置位置的影响分析

    A Study on The Effect of Outrigger Rigidity on Strengthened Story Location

  16. 带有结构加强层的超高层主体结构设计研究

    Structural Design of High - Rise Buildings with Reinforced Layer

  17. 带加强层框架-芯筒结构设计的若干建议

    Some Design Requirements of Frame-core Wall Structures with Strengthened Stories

  18. 刚性加强层设置对超高层建筑结构受力性能影响

    Impact of Rigid Strengthening Layer Settings on Ultra-high-rise Building Structure Mechanical Behavior

  19. 框架筒体结构刚性加强层设计探讨

    Probe into Design of Rigid Strengthened Storeys in Frame-tube Structure

  20. 带加强层的框架-核心筒结构抗震设计中的几个问题

    Some Problems in Aseismic Design of Frame-Core Wall Structures with Strengthened Storeys

  21. 加强层和楼层梁对框-筒结构侧移的影响

    Effect of strengthened stories and floor beams on the sideway of frame-tube structure

  22. 水平加强层对筒中筒结构空间受力性能的影响

    Influence of outrigger on spatial performance of tube-in-tube structures

  23. 确定加强层设置方案的理论很多,其中最有代表性的是B.S。

    Among these theories , the most representative one is professor B. Stanford .

  24. 带两道加强层变截面框架-核心筒的振动特性

    Vibration Characteristics of Changed-section Frame-core Wall with Two Outriggers

  25. 带刚性加强层的高层框架&核心筒结构体系的设计研究

    Research on High-Rise Frame-Core Tube Structure with Stiffness-strengthed Story

  26. 水平加强层减小高层建筑结构侧移的机理分析

    Mechanism Analysis on Reduction of Displacement in Highrise Structures by Horizontal Strengthened Story

  27. 高层与超高层框架&芯筒结构中刚性加强层的布置对侧移控制作用的研究

    Study on Lateral Displacement Controlling of Frame - tube Structures with Stiff Stories

  28. 高层建筑空腹桁架加强层结构分析与设计研究

    Structure Analysis and Design Research of Vierendeel Truss Strengthened Story in High-rise Building

  29. 带加强层的高层钢框架&支撑结构的地震响应分析

    The Analysis on Seismic Response of High-Rise Steel Frame-Brace Structure with Strengthened Story

  30. 设置多道加强层的框-筒结构侧移分析方法

    Sidesway Analysis Method of High-rise Frame-tube Structure with Strengthened Stories Under Lateral Load