
  • 网络mega-structure;mega structure;megastructure;huge structure
  1. 巨型结构悬挂体系风振控制研究

    Studies on control of wind-induced vibration of mega-structure suspension systems

  2. 巨型结构体系的研究现状和存在问题

    Research Status and Existing Problems of Mega-structure System

  3. QR法在巨型结构动力分析中的应用

    The application of QR method for dynamic analysis of mega structures

  4. 巨型结构属复杂高层建筑结构,由于目前工程较少,经验还不多,现行的《高规》暂未列入。

    The mega structure system belongs to the high-rise building system .

  5. 超高层结构的新体系&巨型结构

    Super Structure & A New System of Super High rise Structure

  6. 巨型结构是一种新型结构体系,是超高层发展的需要。

    Giant structure is a new structural system , is necessary for high-rise buildings development .

  7. 从概念设计的角度提出了巨型结构的设计原则,并结合当前结构设计的发展提出了巨型结构的发展趋势。

    Principles established for design of mega structures following design concepts and development trend of mega structures .

  8. 工程实践表明,巨型结构组合体系是技术经济效益最好的结构体系之一。

    Some projects have indicated that the mega-structure composite system is one of the most economic structural system .

  9. 巨型结构体系及发展趋势

    Development of mega structures

  10. 经过论证,得出简体结构、巨型结构等在高层智能建筑中有较好的实用性等结论。

    After demonstration , such conclusions is obtained that such as tube structure , tremendous structure are suitable in intelligent building .

  11. 本文针对巨型结构体系,建立了巨型结构模拟施工过程的力学模型及计算方法。

    In this paper , a mechanics model and a computing model which simulating construction process are presented for mega-frame structure .

  12. 风荷载是高层建筑的主要设计荷载,本文针对巨型结构的顺风响应问题进行了较广泛的讨论。

    Wind load is a major kind of design load for high-rise buildings , this paper researches on the along-wind problems of mega - structure .

  13. 为此,本文针对此类结构体系,探索了巨型结构体系的简化原则和简化方法。

    The principles of the predigestion are explored for this kind of structure system and the simplified methods aiming at the calculating structure is brought forward .

  14. 全面介绍了巨型结构的概念以及巨型结构体系的分类。

    In this paper , the concept of mega structures and classification are introduced , so as to classic buildings of every category in the world .

  15. 首先,根据目前高层建筑发展趋势,结合工程实例介绍了巨型结构的概念、特点、分类及应用情况。

    According to the trend of the development of high-rise buildings , the concepts , characteristics , classification and applications of mega-structures are presented in the paper .

  16. 近些年,巨型结构组合体系在高层结构设计中得到广泛的应用,对巨型结构体系的研究成为了工程界广泛关注的课题。高层建筑巨型结构体系顺风效应分析

    Mega-structure , which is being extensively used , is an important structures system of high-rise buildings . The Analysis of High-rise Buildings Along-wind Effects on Mega-Structure System

  17. 巨型结构体系复杂,为了节约计算成本,本文根据现有的钢-混凝土结构理论建立巨型框架有限元简化模型。

    In order to save computing costs , this paper uses existing steel-concrete structure theory to simplify the finite element model of mega-frame , because the Mega-structure system is complex .

  18. 介绍了近年来国外高层建筑钢结构中巨型结构体系的部分典型工程实例,并归纳出该体系的部分设计概念,可供工程设计参考。

    This paper presents part type practice engineering about overseas mega steel structure system , and concludes some design notion of the system . They can supply reference for engineering design .

  19. 矢跨比为1/6时的稳定性最好,对底面起坡不敏感,是作为封闭巨型结构大网格的子结构的最优矢跨比。

    The best rise to span ratio for stability property was 1 / 6 , at this ratio , the structure is insensitive to the slope angle of the structure bottom plate .

  20. 最后讨论了空间钢结构进入21世纪的发展动向,探讨杂交结构、开闭结构与巨型结构的应用前景。

    Finally the trends of development of steel spatial structures in the 21st century are discussed by investigating the prospect of the application of hybrid structures , retractable structures and macro structures .

  21. 巨型结构悬挂减震体系是一种具有良好减振性能的新型结构体系,对该体系的研究正逐渐成为我国抗震领域研究的热点。

    The huge structure with suspended substructure is a new structure system which has the good vibration reduction performance , this research is gradually becoming the hot spot of resist earthquakes domain research to our country .

  22. 正因为如此,目前世界各国正在酝酿的高度在500米以上的超高层建筑的结构方案大部分采用了巨型结构组合体系。

    Therefore , the structure system of the skyscraper which is planed to built than 500 meters in the world all use the mega structure system . The mega structure system belongs to the high-rise building system .

  23. 本文首先简单介绍了巨型结构概念和巨型钢结构发展研究现状;水平加强层的研究发展现状,以供本文借鉴。

    At the beginning , the concept and development status of steel mega-frame structures , as well as the status of the research on the horizontal strengthened storey is introduced roughly , which can be used for reference .

  24. 阐述了吊挂楼盖、悬索张拉及撑杆下料尺寸的确定三方面施工工艺,这为进一步推广这种巨型结构体系提供了理论及实践的依据。

    The paper explains three construction craft of suspending the floor , stretching cables and the sureness of the baiting measurement of strut legs , which offering theoretical foundation and practical experience for further popularizing application of the huge structure .

  25. 巨型结构是一种新型的超高层建筑结构体系,结构体系的主、次结构受力明确,布置灵活,可满足特殊的建筑形式和建筑功能的要求。

    Mega structure is a new structural system of super high-rise building . Due to distinct load-transform path and flexible arrangement of main structure and subordinate structure , mega steel fame can be used to satisfy special building forms and functions .

  26. 根据目前高层建筑发展趋势,介绍了巨型结构的概念、特点、分类及应用情况,提出了今后需要解决的若干问题,并对其做了展望。

    According to the trend of the development of high rise buildings , the concepts , characteristics , classification and applications of mega structures are presented in the paper . Some subjects for the future are suggested and the prospect is discussed .

  27. 本文从巨型结构的概念、特点入手,在分析不同节点形式特点的基础上提出了巨型钢结构节点的设计原则,并结合实际工程阐述了巨型钢结构在我国的研究情况。

    This paper commences from the concept , characteristics of mega structure , put forward the design principle of the mega steel structure joint on the foundation of the analysis to different joint characteristics . Then the mega steel structure research in our country is elaborated .

  28. 根据目前国内外超高层建筑的发展趋势,着重介绍了一种新结构体系&巨型结构的概念、发展、特点及工程实例,并提出了需重点研究的若干关键问题。

    This paper introduces the development of super high rise buildings and emphasizes in introducing a new structure system & super structure ′ s conception 、 development 、 characteristics and project examples . Some key problems that we must emphatically study are also presented in this paper .

  29. 在绪论一章,综述了巨型结构悬挂体系及结构被动控制的发展、研究现状及工程应用情况,介绍本文选题的出发点以及论文的主要研究内容。

    In chapter 1 , the development actuality and application in engineering of huge structure with suspended substructure and passive control technology are introduced , and the present research overview and development trend are sketched , finally , the background and main research contents of this thesis are introduced .

  30. R·C·巨型框架结构抗震能力设计措施的探讨

    Research on design measures for seismic resistance of RC mega-frame structures