
  • 网络overturning moment;overturn moment;capsizing moment;tipping moment
  1. 运用通用的流体动力学软件FLUENT计算了不同车体断面在20m/s横风作用下受到的侧向力和倾覆力矩。

    The commonly used fluid dynamics software FLUENT is used to calculate the lateral force and overturning moment upon different carbody sections under 20 m / s lateral wind .

  2. 地震倾覆力矩对多层砌体结构墙体的影响

    Influence of Overturning Moment on Wall in Multistorey Masonry Structure Under Earthquake

  3. 圆柱滚子和推力滚针组合轴承YRT系列具有旋转精度高、可承受较大的径向载荷和双向轴向载荷以及大的倾覆力矩等特点。

    YRT series cylindrical roller and thrust needle roller combined bearings , with high rotation accuracy , can support heavier radial loads , double direction axial load and inclined torque , etc.

  4. 地震作用下多层砌块房屋墙体倾覆力矩的计算方法

    A method for calculating overturning moment of multi-storey block structures under earthquake

  5. 高层建筑重心高,地震倾覆力矩较大;

    The high center of gravity of high-rise buildings leads to the big tilting moment .

  6. 列车的横风倾覆力矩特性

    The lateral WINDS-OVERTURNING moment characteristics of trains

  7. 结果表明,摇摆运动可有效减小防波堤的的滑移力和倾覆力矩。

    The results show that the sliding force and overturning moment can be reduced by swinging motion .

  8. 该类轴系支承可同时承受轴向载荷、径向载荷、倾覆力矩及其组成的多种形式的复合载荷。

    This kind of bearing can simultaneously support axial loads , radial loads , overturning moment and compound loads .

  9. 本文研究在水平地震激励下水下圆柱体所受到的液动压力,水平动水作用力和倾覆力矩。

    The hydrodynamic pressures , lateral forces and overturning moments exerted on a underwater vertical circular cylinder during earthquakes are investigated .

  10. 现役的水下发射装置,经常采用单液压缸驱动,这样会产生滑套上的倾覆力矩。

    The existing under-water projection devices usually adopt single synchronous hydraulic cylinder , which will generate sidelong moment on sliding slipcover .

  11. 但这种轴承成本高,抵抗径向载荷和倾覆力矩性能差,且易损坏,维修量大。

    But the costs of bearings are very large . The ability of resisting radial load and topple moment of force is very poor .

  12. 计算分析了结构在地震作用下,加速度、位移、倾覆力矩以及底部剪力随时间变化的结果。

    The seismic responses of the models , including acceleration , displacement , overturn moment and bottom shearing force , were analyzed and discussed .

  13. 超高层建筑的基础不但要承受很大的垂直荷载,还要承受强大的水平荷载作用下产生的倾覆力矩及剪力。

    Extra - high building foundation should not only bear great vertical load , but also bear a strong horizontal loads of capsizing moment and shear .

  14. 通过控制钢筋混凝土墙底部承担的地震弯矩占地震总倾覆力矩的比例和结构特征刚度系数,能较好地保证组合结构中钢筋混凝土墙数量的合理性。

    To adjust the structural characteristic stiffness coefficient and the seismic overturning moment magnitude , the quantitative rationality of reinforced concrete walls can be ensured efficiently .

  15. 试验研究表明:密肋复合墙片在正截面抗弯时截面应力分布不符合平截面假定,整体倾覆力矩主要由两端隐形框架柱内力形成的力偶承担。

    The analysis showed the strain of section is not plain under moment so that the moment is carried by force couple in the outer frame .

  16. 更重要的是侧向里所产生的倾覆力矩和剪力变形要大的多,必要谨慎设计来保证。

    But , more significantly , the overturning moment and the shear deflections produced by lateral forces are much larger and must be carefully provided for .

  17. 通过计算高速客车的倾覆力矩,研究列车在横风作用下的倾覆稳定性。

    After calculation of the overturning moment of the high-speed train , the overturning stability of the train under the effect of cross-wind is studied . 4 .

  18. 基于本文的弹塑性分析结果,讨论了在静力、动力荷载作用下基底剪力和倾覆力矩在底层框架以及核心筒之间分配的特点。

    The base shear and the overturning moment distribution between the bottom frame and core tube have been discussed based on the static and dynamic analysis results .

  19. 本文给出了由风洞试验确定的倾覆力矩系数,并对风速取值提出了一些建议。

    This paper gives the overturning moment coefficients that had been determined by the wind tunnel experiments , and brings up the suggestions about selecting wind speed value .

  20. 该设计方案中采用了能同时承受径向力、轴向力和倾覆力矩的特大型钢丝滚道轴承。

    In the structure design a giant steel wire rolls track bearing is used , which can stand radial load , axis load and tip torque at the same time .

  21. 计算过程中,在不同风向角工况下,车桥耦合体系的气动力系数,包括升力系数、阻力系数和倾覆力矩系数,都发生了明显的增大。

    It is shown that aerodynamic force coefficients of vehicle-bridge coupled system , consisting of lift coefficient , drag coefficient and moment coefficient , significantly change in different wind directions .

  22. 与线性相互作用体系相比,柱的剪力和倾覆力矩减小;桩顶的剪力和弯矩也有所减小。

    The shearing force and overturning moment of column is reduced , and the shear force and moment at the top of pile is decreased compared with linear interaction system .

  23. 随着发动机排量的不断增大,燃气爆炸、倾覆力矩等激振力成为影响发动机振动的主要因素,研究发动机与车架的弹性连接就具有很重要的现实意义。

    The topple moment and the surge of gas become the main factors of vibration , so studying the elasticity connecting between the engine and frame become very important in practice .

  24. 在没有设计抗拉装置的情况下,其抗倾覆力矩全部由自重来承担,讨论其抗倾覆可靠度在某些情况下更有实际意义。

    In a condition of lacking the design of tensile device and all the anti-overturning moment is held by dead weight , to discuss the anti-overturning reliability is of even more practical significance .

  25. 对两栋不同结构体系的高层混凝土建筑进行了推覆分析,详细讨论了二阶效应对结构顶点侧移和基底倾覆力矩的影响。

    Through the push over analysis of two tall concrete buildings with different structure types the influence of second order effect on top drift and base overturning moment had been discussed in detail .

  26. 其次,依据动量理论、叶素理论、动量&叶素理论以及风机载荷的计算方法,得出了主轴轴承、变浆轴承和偏航轴承的轴向力、径向力以及倾覆力矩的载荷情况。

    Secondly , based on momentum theory , blade element theory , momentum-blade element theory , axial force , radial force and overturning moment of spindle bearings , pitch bearings and yaw bearings were calculated .

  27. 用本文模型和方法对一沉箱防波堤在破碎波作用下的运动过程进行了计算,并分析了沿基床顶面的滑移对沉箱位移、摇摆角、滑移力和倾覆力矩的影响。

    The vibration-sliding motion process of a caisson breakwater is simulated by the model , and the effects of the caisson slide on the displacement . rotation , sliding force , and overturning moment are investigated .

  28. 结构未发生层剪切破坏,最终破坏模式是在倾覆力矩作用下底部核心筒受拉墙肢及受拉侧外框柱拉断。

    The final failure mode of the model is tension failure of perimeter columns and bottom of core wall on the tension side caused by overturning moment , and the story shear failure mode was not found .

  29. 根据新型线型涡旋盘的几何特点,作者提出了新型涡旋盘的结构设计,并对新型结构涡旋盘进行了受力分析,给出了减小涡旋盘倾覆力矩的方法和原理。

    According to the new moving scroll compressor geometric characteristics , the author presented a new type structure design , and offered a new structure force analysis , gave the reduced the overturn moment methods and principles .

  30. 头车的横向力和倾覆力矩的分布频率范围较大,与车体自身频率耦合的范围较宽,横风气动安全性较差。

    For head car , the range of distribution frequency of lateral force and overturning moment is large , it has a wide range of frequency coupling with the train itself , and the aerodynamic safety is poor in crosswind .